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Porting ArmA1 addons to ArmA2

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I'm having some issues porting the Be-32 from ArmA to ArmA 2. The windshield from the inside is a milky white that you cannot see through. I know nothing about how to fix this. (I know how to do config editing but currently that's about it.) Has anybody done a port for this that fixes this issue, or would be willing to fix it?

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I'm having some issues porting the Be-32 from ArmA to ArmA 2. The windshield from the inside is a milky white that you cannot see through. I know nothing about how to fix this. (I know how to do config editing but currently that's about it.) Has anybody done a port for this that fixes this issue, or would be willing to fix it?

Now I may be entirely incorrect in my assumption here. But if it has to deal with textures i wonder if there is a difference between the two engines and material naming?

I know very little about ARMA II and ARMA conversion as i just started doing it two days ago. But i know with other games when going from engine to engine material settings and alpha channels all being setup for the old engine and not updated to the new may cause issues.

Of course like i said i'm likely entirely incorrect here but it was just a thought.

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Maybe load the file (a PAC ? ) into TexView2, then re-save / overwrite it again.

If that doesn't work, and you can edit the P3D file, save it as PAA and edit the P3D so the file.PAC get renamed to file.PAA

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I'm having some issues porting the Be-32 from ArmA to ArmA 2. The windshield from the inside is a milky white that you cannot see through. I know nothing about how to fix this. (I know how to do config editing but currently that's about it.) Has anybody done a port for this that fixes this issue, or would be willing to fix it?

i remember Arma1 having problems with greyscale textures as made fom OFP (begining of Arma1 addonmaking, using then OFP tools, cause Arma tools were not released), i remember some weapons were half-transparent cause texture was gray-scale

in Arma2 sometimes i have problems with alpha channel , depending on VGA probably (on BIS weapons i had in past on EOT or some houses-windows)

but all is now okay

so it may be alpha-channel error and VGA driver

or simply you talk about missing in Arma2 file of glass used in addon

basically i see that glass texture should be put into the same folder during binarisation, otherwise alpha-channel problem can appear

and than addon should contain the same textures (should not lack any if they are in one folder of addon)

in Arma2 some textures just changed name, for example some weapons made using Arma1 texture of M4SPR now will be white, cause texture changed name from abc_co.paa to a_bc_co.paa for example

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I have found it easier to just replace the messed up paa-file in binarized pbo with the non binarized original paa-file. Maybe adding *_ca.paa to BinPBO's ignore list would do the trick too.

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What about a porting of RHS Hind pack ??

Those models are still awesome; i tried to use them and they already work, but need crew and there are glitches when taking off with sand letting see the pilots. Also errors for weapons effects, but nevertheless great!

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What about a porting of RHS Hind pack ??

Seconded!Anyone up to the task?

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Lobo mod team are porting these other, it's a case of hang on in there.

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Lobo mod team are porting these other, it's a case of hang on in there.

Alright thanks for the quick response. Hopefully it doesnt take eons :p.

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Im trying to port some of the FFAA stuff into ArmaII. If ported the pizarro IFV into ArmaII, works fine, but it keeps flipping over when you make a sharp turn or brake to hard. This doesnt happen to the vehicle in Arma I

Anyone know how to fix this?

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Im trying to port some of the FFAA stuff into ArmaII. If ported the pizarro IFV into ArmaII, works fine, but it keeps flipping over when you make a sharp turn or brake to hard. This doesnt happen to the vehicle in Arma I

Anyone know how to fix this?

sounds like a 'gravity' problem, it would be fixed by opening the 'GEO' LOD in the model and shifting the centre of gravity etc.

This adjustment would be beyond the standard arma1 to arma2 port as most arma1 models were binarized.

Sounds like you might have to wait for FFAA to port this addon.

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Was afraid of that, maybe some will make a something like odol for Arma I addons :P.

Wel have to wait then.

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how about porting and adding a few more variants (with pks or pechenegs or something else) to the gaz:tigr addon that was released for arma? I realy miss that vehicle....

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Just wondering if the PMC team were going to convert CAT Afghanistan over? I really loved that map in OFP and ArmA.


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Anyone aware of changes that have to be made to plants and trees to port over. Reason I ask is that a plant pack that had been put together for the Australia Island in Armed Assault is reportedly killing FPS in ArmAII.

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how about porting and adding a few more variants (with pks or pechenegs or something else) to the gaz:tigr addon that was released for arma? I realy miss that vehicle....

I also miss the Tigr,maybe a kind soul could get this vehicle in A2?

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Any way around binarization? I want to convert the dear old RACS.

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