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WIP: Stuff you are working on 2!

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You might want to keep at it, at the pace I'm progressing you'll prolly be done long before me.

Doh....guess I will stop working on mine since yours is further along.

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You might want to keep at it, at the pace I'm progressing you'll prolly be done long before me.

Eh I might, I have the outer shell done. I just hate making something that is already being made.

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Just like me ;) That's why I initially shelved the Fennek when I learned the BWmod guys are to re-release their Fennek for OA.

Eh I might, I have the outer shell done. I just hate making something that is already being made.

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(Excuse the shader please, but it's the only that offers at least a bit of Anti Alising in Mudbox)

Note: It's not textured yet^^

Still alot to do...

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Next time just create a large image and shrink it in photoshop. This shader you have going on is too distracting.

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This is already shrinked down. Mudbox doesn't has a renderer and i don't want to try to port the 1,5GB file into Max.

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Just a screen grab is fine. This shader with the texture and the toon lines / unsharpen mask is horrible. The point of putting WIP shots up when you're just building a model isn't to glorify it with false shaders and junk. It just obscures the good work you're doing so noone can tell what's going on to give any kind of feedback. In short, the shaders are doing the bulk of the visual work there and there's no reason to hide behind that crap.

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Still need to finish up some details (lamps - front back, side guns, some hinges etc), and add the wheels on the low poly model. Further details will be modeled depending on poly count - curently at 11k polys (tris and quads)

Then comes the high poly model :), and all the fun


click to enlarge

Edited by PuFu

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Chechen Rebels yo.

Very cool! Now we need some russian troops from the mid-nineties too. ;)

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@colonel, stagler the best Chechen Rebels ive seen so far

@pufu, if thats what I think it is great job

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looks great pufu. Can't wait to see that textured. I like how you modeled on the SLAT armor (?)

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That is really nice looking model. I'll definately look forward to see it ingame.

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@pufu - I have been dreaming about the BMP-T in ARMA2, woohoo it's gonna be awesome

Good for a mission where u can enter a town and protect tanks from enemy infantry with anti-tank weapons

@colonel stagler - The chechen rebels are looking great, can't wait

Edited by vasmkd

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pufu great work on BMPT :)

btw / am the #4000 :P/

Edited by RobertHammer

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I really like the island prowler.wolf. Looks great for maybe some anti drug/black market operations. The size is nice too. Great work!

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