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WIP: Stuff you are working on 2!

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These are my WIP Flecktarn-D camos. Middle-stage now, advice and comments are welcome ;)


Don't look at the equipment i made a mess and still haven't replaced the .paa :D

One suggestion is to break the camo pattern up on seams / pockets. Clothes are sewn together, so you would not have your camo pattern continue across a seam. It's a minor touch, but it can add a lot (and help break up the pattern more).

Good start though.

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One suggestion is to break the camo pattern up on seams / pockets. Clothes are sewn together, so you would not have your camo pattern continue across a seam. It's a minor touch, but it can add a lot (and help break up the pattern more).

Good start though.

Mr B makes a good point, this is something i regularly forget to do/ can't be bothered with but it helps a lot....

The other thing u might consider doing is making the camo pattern unique for each unit instead of copying and pasting the same camo pattern over for each guy. This is again something i rarely do these days but it adds a lot to the immersion.

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Been working on some kind of experimental trees, just managed to get them loding nicely, crits welcome.

foliage02.th.jpg foliage01.th.jpg

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Them trees look sweet, that lad whos making the 10km afghan map might be interested in them.

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Bloody hell. Those tress look 100x better than the orgional ones. I hope the LOD switching it smoother than the orginals aswel :P

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These look awesome mikebart!... I've been following your discussion over in editing... looks like you're really on to something impressive!!!

Look forward to these!


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Thanks guys, im pretty close to a beta release, ill post a thread up this weekend with a bit more info about them, hopefully some of you island makers will be keen to do some performance testing? :).

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hopefully some of you island makers will be keen to do some performance testing?

You can count on it!

I'll have them all over a 40x40km island faster than you can say "Battle Of Britain"! heheh...

Actually, something I've been fooling with recently has been large-scale, but low detail terrains - principally for the flyboys...

I recently contributed a basic SE England/Channel terrain to The Few mod, which is being developed further now by cj525 of the Unseen mod - principally as a big flyboys map with limited detail - greater in the areas where there might be groundcrews, or installations to bomb...

To add a bit more ground detail I was able to secure some "Principal Wooded Areas" shapefiles, which allowed auto-placing of authentic forests... Great!, I thought... coupla clicks - one tree per 10m^2 to start with... oops.... 1.2 million trees! FPS just halved and they're nowhere near dense enough to look like forests!

I tried a variety of A1 and A2 trees before I handed the project over... best results with a couple of the A1 trees, but it was all much the same really - a heavyweight performance hit...

In the short term... a good style of map for testing your trees maybe... but, more importantly, in the longer term... hopefully good trees for this kind of map!!!

We await further developments with great interest!!!


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The back of the grip to the stock can use some more polygons, other than that its a fine model, we just need to get you some good textures. :)

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The back of the grip to the stock can use some more polygons, other than that its a fine model, we just need to get you some good textures. :)

And animations, and config, and LODs... :(

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You can count on it!

I'll have them all over a 40x40km island faster than you can say "Battle Of Britain"! heheh...

Actually, something I've been fooling with recently has been large-scale, but low detail terrains - principally for the flyboys...

I recently contributed a basic SE England/Channel terrain to The Few mod, which is being developed further now by cj525 of the Unseen mod - principally as a big flyboys map with limited detail - greater in the areas where there might be groundcrews, or installations to bomb...

To add a bit more ground detail I was able to secure some "Principal Wooded Areas" shapefiles, which allowed auto-placing of authentic forests... Great!, I thought... coupla clicks - one tree per 10m^2 to start with... oops.... 1.2 million trees! FPS just halved and they're nowhere near dense enough to look like forests!

I tried a variety of A1 and A2 trees before I handed the project over... best results with a couple of the A1 trees, but it was all much the same really - a heavyweight performance hit...

In the short term... a good style of map for testing your trees maybe... but, more importantly, in the longer term... hopefully good trees for this kind of map!!!

We await further developments with great interest!!!


Sounds great Bushlurker, I guess you could play with the scale a bit if they're mostly going to be viewed from the air,

thanks for the interest!

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Might have actual use for civilians protesting for atmosphere etc., I may try to create "weapons" as carryable protest signs. Then we only need some throwable bottles, stones (that the AI actually throw,AI ignores the default ones ) etc. for the more militant type of protester.... remember the good old gimbal tosser addon?


also in other context:



Edited by Icewindo

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^^ Nice! To create some protesting situations that is indeed awesome. Maybe some bums as well?

This guy comes to mind. :D


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Icewindo: there are rocks as "grenade class" in A2 but didn't test them out yet :)

and AI should automatically yet profanities :)

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Icewindo: there are rocks as "grenade class" in A2 but didn't test them out yet :)

and AI should automatically yet profanities :)

I have tested them out. They look very good, however they don't damage you as a unit, and when they land they make a grenade explosion noise :/

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and when they land they make a grenade explosion noise :/



Oh man...Funny stuff.

But that is a great idea Icewindo. They would be awesome to see implemented.

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