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Ai to take flag

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I want ai soldier to take flag from flagpole.

I have russian flag named vlajka and in init field:

this setflagtexture "rus_vlajka.pac";this setflagside east

I can take it manualy and I can order members of sqad to take it. But I want AI soldier to take it.

I tried soldier action ["takeflag"]

soldier action ["takeflag",vlajka]

soldier action ["takeflag",vlajka,getpos vlajka]

soldier action ["takeflag",getpos vlajka]

Soldier was positioned near flagpole.

It didn't works.

Is there someone who knows ?

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BIS use this in the initfield of an empty flag (called flag1) for the Hummvee SP mission.

this setFlagTexture "rus_vlajka.pac"

the try:

flag1 setFlagOwner aP

to set the flag owner to the unit called aP. Use it in an trigger activation field when the unit gets close to the flag or something.

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Yes, I know about setflagowner. But I would like to know, how to use command soldier action ["takeflag"]. I would like to hear commander saying : "4 take flag at ...", and soldier to run to flag pole, croutch and take flag. I know that I can use script with step by step commands, but why if there must be command for it ?

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