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I'm not a bug mission editor but once you place a player unit, you should get access to an 'empty' side that has a list of all vehicles without crews.

Thanks again! This helps slightly with what I wanted to do, as I'm tampering with ArmA I stuff. It makes replacing some of the models rather hard as I miss the Sahrani variants for those things (like the ammo crates or units already using waypoints with manned vehicles), but otherwise it works just fine. :P

EDIT: I have a somewhat unrelated question to what I've asked about already. But, if anyone knows this, how many islands/mods come with campaigns to them? I believe Invasion 1944 and Cold War Rearmed 2 come with missions and campaigns attached to them - as in downloading the base mod comes with stuff to play with. I believe Lingor Island is planning to add missions with the next update. I don't want to get overloaded with mods here, so I just want to tinker with stuff close to mods without needing even more stuff. :P

Edited by Foffy

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Could someone recommend some SWAT/Police units for me? I don't mind what country they're from.

Edited by proingy747

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But, if anyone knows this, how many islands/mods come with campaigns to them?

It's not really islands coming with campaigns but campaigns made for islands. CWR2 is a mod that includes a lot of things like campaigns and islands, same with FDF mod. For finding campaigns in the wild, check out the user mission forum.

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Could anyone list some SWAT/Police units for me? I don't mind if they're foreign units. (Ex. Polzei, Spat)
First what’s all the weird letters in your sign, looks like crap. And second this topic is for requesting addons to be made not for 'I’m too lazy to look'. The best place too look is armaholic.com it has a special section for units, unit packs, modifications that might have some police units of all nationalities. Also its hard to call anything foreign if we have no idea where you're from!

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Would anybody be interested in making a STABO/SPIE rigging system for arma 2 ?

The Ace mod and a few others have already given us Great fast roping for inserting in difficult terrain however if you cant land the helicopter due to foliage or other obstacles you can currently not extract personel without finding an adequate HLS/LZ. SPIE stands for Special patrol insertion/extraction it was first used in vietnam if i am correct and was usually used to extract LRRP patrols and other sf units it is still in use and if i am not mistaken it is still taught at ranger school and other outfits.

here is an older training video by the us military explaining the principal and should anser most questions

if that does not adequately explain the concept




It would be really great if we had this in arma especially on the unsung mod islands or in other rough terrain where the nearest lz may be more than a kilometer away or if you are surrounded and attacking in a different direction just wont cut it furthermore bombing an LZ into the jungle every time ruins the element of surprise and is bad for the environment ;)

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I do think that helicopters also kinda ruin the element of surprise :D

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I suppose this falls under "mod request" since I've been looking without finding, but is there a mod out there that changes the Aimpoints on Marine rifles to ACOGs like they all are in real life? Nowadays you won't find an Aimpoint on a rifle in the Marine Corps, and I'd like to alter that as default for the sake of realism in my Arma games.

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I do think that helicopters also kinda ruin the element of surprise :D

you are right as the helicopters do ruin it and it may have been the wrong word to use here however speed is of the essence especially when the enemy is in hot pursuit and if you have to blast an lz because the enemy locked down the primary and backup it takes time you may not have and attracts attention its like saying here i am come get me. Also the enemy does not know where the helicopter is going if it is not confined to conventional landing zones a swift pickup via STABO which is much faster and minimises risk as helicopter movements become less predictable keeping the enemy guessing on the location of the pick up point as it can be almost anywhere. Furthermore a potentially dangerous landing can be avoided the helicopter is at high risk when landing and stationary on the ground as the helo can not move and the door gunners have to be more careful to avoid hitting people boarding the helo also an LZ can be mined or guarded and a landed helicopter is a sitting target.

moral of the story is keep em guessing dont sit still to long and dont be predictable. :p

i hope this makes sense english is my 3rd language

Edited by short_German

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can anyone tell me...is there any GPNVGs finished modding???? i am waiting for thosee for about 4 month...lol and still nothing :(

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I suppose this falls under "mod request" since I've been looking without finding, but is there a mod out there that changes the Aimpoints on Marine rifles to ACOGs like they all are in real life? Nowadays you won't find an Aimpoint on a rifle in the Marine Corps, and I'd like to alter that as default for the sake of realism in my Arma games.

The only thing I can think of is ACE mod which does a lot of stuff, that included. what I can't remember was whether it was ACE that did it or robaldo's custom ace configs with the RH M16/M4 pack since I use both. This adds much more detailed M16/M4 models with the latest PEQ boxes and vertical foregrips as well. It sounds like you are after realism so the ace/robaldo/RH weapons combination I use might be exactly what you are after.

Robaldo's configs: http://forums.bistudio.com/archive/index.php/t-120120.html

RH M16/M4's: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=108141

ACE2: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=12155

ACE2 extras:http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=12158

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REPOSTED here - thanks to the charming mod for pointing out my oversight in that typically friendly, non-arrogant or patronising manner that makes these forums a gold-standard for customer service :)

Civilian Dickers + ICOM

Hello all,

I know all eyes are turning to A3, but I wanted to ask if the following mod idea would be feasible in either A2 or A3, thinking especially about Insurgency-type missions.

1. Civilian 'Dickers' - civs with mobile phones who follow NATO/IFOR patrols from 1-3km distance and use cell phones to report their movements to OPFOR commanders. These are usually young men and boys, who are otherwise unarmed.

2. ICOM (intercepted communications) - this means BLUFOR patrols contain a soldier with equipment to intercept the dickers' phone calls and triangulate. Under current ROE in Afghan, if this soldier confirms the patrol is being 'dicked' (British army slang), the civs may be engaged, even if visibly unarmed.

3. Once 'dicked', a patrol could come under attack from vehicle borne OPFOR, i.e in Insurgency mission, cars/trucks full of Takiban fighters would spawn a short distance away and drive into the AOP/ plant IEDs along the expected patrol route.

I have zero modding skill so just wanted to put this idea out there and see what modders/scripters think. I think this would take Insurgency-style missions to a whole new level, especially if the 'Dickers' could be played by humans. Of course, if a BLUFOR soldier kills an innocent civ, there would need to be severe game penalties to avoid a 'shoot-on-sight' bloodbath (i.e mission fail).

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Im wondering if anyone has ever done the Cessna A-37 Dragonfly, the one used by the South Vietnamese Airforce and the US during the Vietnam war? I would love to get my hands on one ;)


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It would be awesome to see a 20mm Sniper rifle and a 30mm AT Recoiless Rifle

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Hey there. I'm looking for a simple addon that basically makes it so that a Helicopter doesn't explode instantly after a tap. Basically just realistic helicopter crashing. If that exists, let me know. Thanks.

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Special Emergency Response Team (SERT) is the Police Tactical Group of the Queensland Police, Australia. SERT is part of the Specialist Response Branch within the Operations Support Command which incorporates the Explosive Operations Response Team (Bomb Squad) and the Negotiator Coordination Unit.[1] This command was formed in August 2008 removing these units from the Special Servicialst Branch. The Specialist Response Branch was born within Operations Support Command.


More to the subject. I'm getting interested in swat units, I think they just look awesome. As an Australian I would be generally interested in having SERT units. (Explained above) I have a few Australian units and such, I am making a mission where you defend Australia from a Russian invasion(Likely to change) So I was working on this mission one night and went, HEY! This needs some of our own tactical groups.

Reasons why!

1) They're Australian...

2) They look awesome.

3) They could most likely fit into other mods.

Etc, Etc.





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Looking for a Guided Missile cruiser. More specifically the Ticonderoga-class cruiser, it doesn't have to have all of the armaments it has, all i really would like is the Naval cannon with Artillery computer and a proper cruise missile launcher (BGM-109 Tomahawks would be best), probably also using the Artillery computer. And if it's not too much to ask, could it be steerable? ^-^

Main reason for this request is because i have yet to see a proper missile cruiser (Map/GPS guided launch) and i have only seen naval cannons working on artillery computers on the ANZAC mod.

I'd be willing to help with the model and if i can work with someone who knows scripting maybe help them in that (since i dont know jack-squat about it, when it comes to addons)


http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/be/US_Navy_030903-N-5024R-003_USS_Port_Royal_%28DDG_73%29_departed_on_deployment.jpg (2111 kB)

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6a/USS_Lake_Champlain_%28CG-57%29.JPG (333 kB)

Edited by Giorox

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Hey guys,

I'm looking for an animation replacement for the "Sit down" key and "Salute"...

Here's what I was thinking: Taking the first part of the ArmA 3 salute animation and replacing the salute one for ArmA 2, so you can 'Stand at attention' when doing Realism Drill and such (For promotion ceremonies).

Then replacing the "Sit down" Animation (Which I personally find useless) and changing that to a stationary version of ArmA 2's "At Ease" animation... The way I've been doing this so far is with addactions, but that's not always easy (As it's client-side display)... Any ideas or suggestons?


2Lt M. Sasuke

2nd Commando's Regiment

---------- Post added at 13:39 ---------- Previous post was at 13:25 ----------

Found myself looking for a battlefield cross yesterday, and was kind of surprised that I couldn't find one. Not sure how difficult it would be to make, though I know I can't do it.


I noticed (And I'm not sure if it's just in Tigeria or if it's with SLX) that when using the two aforementioned mods, If a person died, you had to option to make a grave (With repeated "Place weapon on group" animations) and it spawns a small dirt pile with a gun placed upright in it with the dog tags around the grip... Might want to look further into that, though?

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I noticed (And I'm not sure if it's just in Tigeria or if it's with SLX) that when using the two aforementioned mods, If a person died, you had to option to make a grave (With repeated "Place weapon on group" animations) and it spawns a small dirt pile with a gun placed upright in it with the dog tags around the grip... Might want to look further into that, though?

No option for that in COSLX.

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No option for that in COSLX.

Righto, that confirms that... Well then it's definately tigeria. I played it during a Junior Non-Commisioned Officer Training Course with the 75th Infantry Division... It was created as a replica of an actual JNCO course in New Zealand, and sandly, I don't have a copy of it. I'll ask the mission maker and get back to you all ASAP.

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G'day guys. I'm not sure if this is the right addon request (though the addon is already out). Apparently the Invasion 1944 is a big download, and my internet can not download something big like that, so I was wondering if someone could give me a link to the C-47 thats in 1944 mod.


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G'day guys. I'm not sure if this is the right addon request (though the addon is already out). Apparently the Invasion 1944 is a big download, and my internet can not download something big like that, so I was wondering if someone could give me a link to the C-47 thats in 1944 mod.


Not gonna happen unless you get permission from the creators and then they will send it to you.

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That means it was part of the mission, then, as Tigeria is a terrain. If your mission maker is willing to share, PM me. If not, no worries. Thanks!

Unfortunately, he does not have the mission. The only chance of it still even existing is that (A friend hosted the server for us, as he has better internet) the host has possession of it still. Sorry.

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