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ProxDynamics PD-100 PRS "Black Hornet"


I imagine a backpack that has a action menu item "start drone", after that it opens a small camera screen and you have a few minutes of flight time (the 30 min fugire is probvably just advertisement, make it more like 10-15 or so, should be closer to actual reality and enough for the game). The actual drone model should be similarly small as in reality and be easily destructible, but hard to hit due to its size, and of course unarmed, just have a small camera, which can not be turned, you have to turn the whole drone for a different viewing angle (but it can probably be tilted up/down). I assume it has passive infrared capability, but that's about it, no fancy zooming to read a newspaper from outer space. If you want to see something better, you have to fly closer. Sound could be copied from the Pchela-T, or a similarly unnerving hum.

Close enough?


Also something similar in the SAM

ALso due to the bulk/weight of IR cameras and requiring their own lens, sensor, ect, most SUAV's (Small UAV's) have exchangeable cameras, we're not quite at the stage of Thermal and Day Cameras in the same package yet :)

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can anyone give me link to BIS SUV (from PMC) i want to work on it to make good police car...widouth going from begining...is there any way??? or i will nead to start from begining??? tnx a lot for reply-es

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can anyone give me link to BIS SUV (from PMC) i want to work on it to make good police car...widouth going from begining...is there any way??? or i will nead to start from begining??? tnx a lot for reply-es

You can't, and if I need to explain why..well then you need to rethink how addon making goes about here.

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can anyone give me link to BIS SUV (from PMC) i want to work on it to make good police car...widouth going from begining...is there any way??? or i will nead to start from begining??? tnx a lot for reply-es

You can make a retexture for it, but you won't be able to modify the model since it's binarized.

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You can't, and if I need to explain why..well then you need to rethink how addon making goes about here.

i am sorry...but i youst want to learn how to make addons and..i have a rugh start..i am trying to learn a lot of stuf at small amount of time...so please dont get me wrong.. i will make my own ;) tnx for replies

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Is anyone else really craving a Napoleonic era mod for Arma 2? Not necessarily getting the AI to move in old formations or fire in volleys etc, however getting something that can be organised PvP doing Line Battle as seen in games such as the M&B Napoleonic era expansion? Because I am lol.

Here are some of the features I would just love to see in such a mod:

- Brightly colored period uniforms and New Factions (blufor: British Soldier (Red, Musket), British 95th Rifles (Dark Green, Baker Rifle), opfor: French Soldier (Light Grey/Blue, Musket) indifor: Spanish Resistance (militia like clothing so jackets etc, Musket)

- Bayonets (negotiate with the I44 team perhaps?)

- Cannon (Would be like a big gun rather than use the Arty Computer or work like Arty, you would have to have line of sight and manually aim it etc)

- Realistic weaponry (Muskets with say 20 seconds between each shot with a cool animation reloading in between - is it possibly to edit the physics to make the weapons less accurate? They would have had VERY bad accuracy)

- Swords and melee weaponry (Could just add a 'sword' object and give it the same scripts as the DayZ hatchet for example?)

- Custom Maps (Spanish hills and plains, Waterloo perhaps also?)

- Cavalry if possible within the Engine?

Would do it myself however have no knowledge/experience in these kinds of things! However if someone else that does likes the sound of this I can provide research etc if required.

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Looking for a USP Tactical in 9mm (If the model is '.45ACP' she'll do, we can work with that)

Optional or 'nice to haves' an X200 or X300 and a Suppressed version.

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Looking for a USP Tactical in 9mm (If the model is '.45ACP' she'll do, we can work with that)

Optional or 'nice to haves' an X200 or X300 and a Suppressed version.

Tried asking RH? i thought Ardvark had a USP? i recall seeing a P226 and a USP somewhere on his units.

Edited by Scarecrow398

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Tried asking RH? i thought Ardvark had a USP? i recall seeing a P226 and a USP somewhere on his units.

Yep rumour has it he is the busiest man alive. :D

Also nope Ardy just has the SIG for there SEALs, not a USP.

Edited by Sabre

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Yep rumour has it he is the busiest man alive. :D

Also nope Ardy just has the SIG for there SEALs, not a USP.

Damn :(

thought he would have the USP and P8 from his pistol pack he donated to ACE, guess its a waiting game as usual :P

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Sounds good mate, thanks for that, a USP model has become somewhat vital to one part of our plans :D

We'll put the back up model on hold then.

Edited by Sabre

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Anyone know of any hang glider mods for arma? The one I found by searching this forum all have broken download links (eg. mohax). Thanks.

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Anyone know of any hang glider mods for arma? The one I found by searching this forum all have broken download links (eg. mohax). Thanks.

I44 2.7 should have a Waco, though, i don't know of any others.

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Is anybody working on radars? I have been using the P-37 Bar Lock addon (superb) and some crude triggers to make somewhat of a functional station, but I'm not satisfied and I don't have nearly enough time to figure out all the modeling and scripting to make what I am looking for.

I would like to see a USAF TPS-75(PIC), USMC TPS-59 (PIC) and the Russian 96L6E (PIC). I would love to see these at least modeled as a static vehicle with rotating antenna, but more functionality would be great.

The reason, is that I actually work with the US radars for my job. I design/sustain USAF C2 systems, and would love more of that in the game. I used to use the PRACS AWACS script in ARMA, but I have no idea if it even ports over to A2/OA.

Is anybody working on anything like this? The Bar Lock station is a step in the right direction, and would love to see other C2 elements come out. These would make for great campaign targets, and could add some better gameplay for those of us who like taking to the skies. I would love to help with any consulting for model accuracy/performance.

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I know i am not supose put this reply in this thread...i look on EDITOR thred...but i am not shure where to do it.. lol.. si i will ask someone..if there is any video tutorial..."how to put my country flag in ARMA II LOGO


http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/de/c/c9/Arma_2_baf_logo_by_arma3-d49h0j0.png (2250 kB)

[ IMG]http://www.sggaminginfo.com/wp-content/gallery/arma2-acr/arma2_acr_logo.png[/img] >100kb



i hope someone know how to do this... :D tnx

Edited by [FRL]Myke

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Take this

http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/253/0/4/arma_2_logo_by_arma3-d49gyfu.png >100kb

Mask it out/quick select it in Photoshop, create a clipping mask with it, Drag in the flag on a new layer and save :P

What country flag do you want done, i might be able to get it done.

Edited by [FRL]Myke

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I know i am not supose put this reply in this thread...i look on EDITOR thred...but i am not shure where to do it.. lol.. si i will ask someone..if there is any video tutorial..."how to put my country flag in ARMA II LOGO


http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/de/c/c9/Arma_2_baf_logo_by_arma3-d49h0j0.png (2250 kB)




i hope someone know how to do this... :D tnx

If you're talking about the logo that appears in the left corner in the main screen then do like this.

Make a "mod.cpp" in your mods addon folder in the arma2 directory. Should look like X:\Program files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\@modfolder\mod.cpp

In the file add this:

   name = "modname";
  // picture = "mod.paa"; optional to use different mod picture, mod.paa is default
  actionName = "Website";
  action = "http://modwebsite.com"; //only websites are currently possible here

Make a paa texture out of your logo and name it mod.paa and place it next to the mod.cpp It downscales to the default size automatically so don't worry about the size.

Should show up ingame.

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Take this


Mask it out/quick select it in Photoshop, create a clipping mask with it, Drag in the flag on a new layer and save :P

What country flag do you want done, i might be able to get it done.

[ IMG]http://img.wallpaperstock.net:81/croatia-flag-wallpapers_32940_1920x1200.jpg[/img] >100kb

Here is my country flag...i am not making mod... i youst want to make LOGO over photoshop..but cant find any tutorial..and i am not opsesed by photoshop to know evrything.. i hope i will get it Scarecrow ;) tnx aidas2 and you for replying ;)

Edited by [FRL]Myke

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Are there any people experienced with Addons that can convert this Science Fiction Insect Pack from Arma 1 to Arma 2?

The developer said that it worked fine in Arma 2 with "a few changes to the code" but disappeared randomly.


Thank you.

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Here is my country flag...i am not making mod... i youst want to make LOGO over photoshop..but cant find any tutorial..and i am not opsesed by photoshop to know evrything.. i hope i will get it Scarecrow ;) tnx aidas2 and you for replying ;)

I'll have a look at it today, but PS is throwing errors a fair bit these days :/

Edit: Photoshop is screwing me around so much these days i have to run it in Safe mode to edit anything for more than a hour after a restart, i really have to nail the issue down :/

So here's what i've done: http://i.minus.com/iDZY07xCOS33B.png (from memory, files have to be at a set size for arma, i cant recall exact size so its 1024x626, It's somewere around 600kb in size.)

Edited by Scarecrow398

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I'll have a look at it today, but PS is throwing errors a fair bit these days :/

Edit: Photoshop is screwing me around so much these days i have to run it in Safe mode to edit anything for more than a hour after a restart, i really have to nail the issue down :/

So here's what i've done: http://i.minus.com/iDZY07xCOS33B.png (from memory, files have to be at a set size for arma, i cant recall exact size so its 1024x626, It's somewere around 600kb in size.)

Scerecrow you are the man!!!! I cant belive it... tnx man... you are the best...

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