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What does ARMA 2 have that Operation Flashpoint 2 doesn't?

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Regarding journalists. Game reviewers for me are like wikipedia, a good reference to how to start to learn about something. Not to mention the fact that most are really a little bit too sycophantic with the big developers. Also, who is going to keep reading the magazine/website reviews if most of the reviews could be summed up with the word "meh", which imo is what most games are, (but that might be just my age...no scratch that, most genres have been done to death and then some, so no its not my age it is the games)! So they will sensationalise the game, hype it up, splash it all over the cover or front page to attract readers.

One possible exception to this would be Zero Puncutation.

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I dont remember autorotaion from OFP

It wasn't in there until a later patch and probably after Resistance sometime. It was very hard to autorotate too or at least for me.

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I'd trust a gamer over a journalist any day.

Each to their own, I'm the exact opposite to you. Considering the uninformed nonsense I hear from most gamers, I'd take the word of a decent journo over theirs any day of the week. Though I am slightly biased - many of my pals are gaming press, as am I :)

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Could it be the fact they run at more than 15fps? All the detail in the world isn't worth jack if it's running like a slideshow. Or hadn't you noticed the several thousand posts on these forums about ARMA2's performance?

If my piece of crap PC can run it at more than 15 FPS then I find it hard to believe that the game is to blame for that performance. Compatibility trouble with certain drivers/hardware probably. But most of the gameplay footage I see on Youtube wouldn't be possible if nobody could get it to run smoothly.

Honestly, it's just stupid to assume that just because some people can't get it to run smoothly to completely ignore the people who get great performance (and post video footage) and say the game can't run smoothly.

Having said that, I'm not going to weigh in on ARMA2 vs OFP2 until I've got the shiny new OFP2 box in my hands. But I must say that nearly every preview I've read of the game - many of them from trusted journos rather than frustrated forum addicts - suggest it's a hell of a lot more hardcore than most of the folks around here are suggesting.

I'd rather rely on gameplay footage and actually playing it than trusting journalists who are used to playing mainsteam games.

How often do you see journalists posting gameplay footage of 'simulation' type games when they preview or review it? Because they can't play them! :p

Most game journalists are useless at reviewing anything but arcade/mainstream games IMO.

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If my piece of crap PC can run it at more than 15 FPS then I find it hard to believe that the game is to blame for that performance.

Are you seriously telling me you can't see the thousands of posts on these forums complaining about performance? Or the fact that it's the #1 issue here?

Still, if you've missed it so far, there's no way a sentence from me is going to make the blinding obvious apparent to you. And I'm sure that for the miniscule amount of people here who use tri-GTX280 cards, it's great - I'm pretty sure you're part of a rather tiny minority.

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Are you seriously telling me you can't see the thousands of posts on these forums complaining about performance? Or the fact that it's the #1 issue here?

Still, if you've missed it so far, there's no way a sentence from me is going to make the blinding obvious apparent to you. And I'm sure that for the miniscule amount of people here who use tri-GTX280 cards, it's great - I'm pretty sure you're part of a rather tiny minority.

Don't listen to some people on this forum. A lot of people think that just because their rig runs alright on the game, it means that the game is fine and its your PC thats the problem. Its not true.

I've got a good PC, i can run the game at max settings between 20-30 FPS and beyond. But i know for a fact that the game is still badly optimised and there are plenty of people with awesome rigs who cannot run the game how it should be. And patch 1.03 messed up ArmA 2 for me, leading to CTD's and graphic bugs, and my setup hasnt changed.

Just ignore the people who claim there are no problems :) they're either ignorant or fanboys.

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9800 GT, runs perfect for me.

All that's said is that, yes, many people have performance issue, and yes, many people don't have performance issues.

Yes there's thousands of posts, mainly by the same 20-30 people, but any number of people suffering issues is a problem.

One thing you've gotta keep in mind that a forum is a biased statistical study. Like a poll in the troubleshooting forum asking if people are having problems (why goto the troubleshooting forum unless you're having problems), or asking people if they like Arma 2 when they've been senior members since Flashpoint, or basing the performance of everyone based on a minority of people having performance issues.

Believe me, I don't mean that it's only a few with performance problems, I know there's a lot, but do you think that every person that plays Arma 2 posts on these forums?

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One last post just to make something clear - I actually love ARMA2 when I'm playing a well-built co-op mission with a few buddies. When the framerate is smooth, the AI isn't doing its psychic sniping/blind pathfinding and the game hasn't crashed, this is one of the finest co-op games I've ever played. It's just that, for us, those moments are in the minority, which makes it all the more frustrating when it's not running well.

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Are you seriously telling me you can't see the thousands of posts on these forums complaining about performance?

No I'm not :j:

Never said there were no problems. Don't put words in my mouth.

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Most reviews are extremely biased though, just look at ArmA2's, one gave it 6 out of 10 and another gave it 9/10, if that's not bias then ...

And scores are really really bad.

In the perfect review the reviewer would just write about the game, about what the game does or is instead of what the reviewer thinks of it, nobody cares about what the reviewer thinks, only what the game is, that is, after all, why they are reading it.

I never look at the conclusion or the score ... well ... yeah I do but I don't take much notice of it.

I'm interested to see what the reaction about the realism of OFP:DR is, and about the entire game. I wonder if it isn't realistic whether people will note that or not, or if they will continue to argue it's "hardcoreness" (facepalm to the use of the word hardcore).

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No I'm not :j:

Never said there were no problems. Don't put words in my mouth.

No, but you did blame the problems on the user's hardware.

"I find it hard to believe that the game is to blame for that performance. Compatibility trouble with certain drivers/hardware probably."

You make this claim regardless of the fact that there are countless folks on these forums who have tried clean OS installs, with the latest hardware and drivers (myself included). Their other games run fine. Yet you suggest ARMA2 isn't to blame? :confused:

Heck, even the devs have admitted it's an issue (take a look at what they're focusing on for the next patch), but you can't?

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No, but you did blame the problems on the user's hardware.

As you clearly quoted, I said "Compatibility trouble with certain drivers/hardware probably."

As in, the game might have trouble with certain drivers/hardware for some reason. Could be the games fault, or the driver, or the hardware, or even the user. Not all problems are necessarily caused by the same thing.

As can be seen in Youtube videos and many comments, there are people who get great performance. Not everyone has those problems.

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"hardcoreness" (facepalm to the use of the word hardcore).

Sorry, I used it in this context to reflect the depth of the simulation. Ie if OFP2 is "hardcore", it'll take the realistic, studied approach that the ARMA series is renowned for. "Hardcore shooter" is a phrase that many gamers associate with that meaning.

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Each to their own, I'm the exact opposite to you. Considering the uninformed nonsense I hear from most gamers, I'd take the word of a decent journo over theirs any day of the week. Though I am slightly biased - many of my pals are gaming press, as am I :)

Yep, and when OFP2 turns out to be exactly what many of the people who've played it say it is, I'll be happy to remind you of why I don't trust journalists when it comes to unbiased opinions on unreleased games. I trust the opinions I've heard, they aren't from random gamers, they are from people I know. When I combine this knowledge with Codemaster's track record, I'm fairly certain that DR will be average at best.

I guess you aren't talking to the right gamers :D

You DR fanboys are in the wrong forum, allow me to point you in the right direction :




---------- Post added at 05:26 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:17 AM ----------

No, but you did blame the problems on the user's hardware.

You make this claim regardless of the fact that there are countless folks on these forums who have tried clean OS installs, with the latest hardware and drivers (myself included). Their other games run fine. Yet you suggest ARMA2 isn't to blame? :confused:

Heck, even the devs have admitted it's an issue (take a look at what they're focusing on for the next patch), but you can't?

Of course some users have issues and in some cases it's the game and in other cases it IS their hardware/OS/drivers etc.

This uninformed belief that because most of your games work and one doesn't that it's automatically down to the game is plain wrong.

This is the bottom line, if A2 didn't work for ANYONE, then we could blame the game exclusively but the fact is (and I know it gets you people annoyed), it does work for a great many of us.

Stop trying to tell us that because it doesn't work for you that it "must be the game" in all cases. The facts don't support your theory.


Edited by BangTail

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The facts don't support your theory.


Have you read the developer's comments on Patch 1.04, and how performance is a key focus? If that's not a fact supporting my theory, then I don't know what is. :p

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It's kinda like you guys are speaking a different language. I'm sure Gunslinger is in agreement that it's not always the game, and Eth and Co are in agreement that it's sometimes the game (or a compatibilty issue between the game and some drivers/hardware)

So where's the arguement?

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Have you read the developer's comments on Patch 1.04, and how performance is a key focus? If that's not a fact supporting my theory, then I don't know what is. :p

Yep and the game would have to be broken on every system to support your theory. It isn't.

@ Bulldogs - The difference is that I have NEVER maintained that A2 is perfect. It works fine on my systems but I freely concede that others have problems that may or may NOT be the fault of A2. These guys ALWAYS blame the game for every problem they have. It HAS to be the game and if you tell them that it works for you, you're a liar.


Edited by BangTail

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