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Waypoint (Support Waypoint) Question

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Hi there all

I was wondering if someone could explain to me the Support waypoint

I have noticed that when you put this in you are able to get the support when called for (Ambulance) which is great but what do i need to put in the waypoint to get the support element to return to its orginal starting point

Many thanks in advance

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Hi here a copy and paste job :-)

Support - A group with a current waypoint of this type will move to the waypoint's position, then wait until it can provide support for another group that requests relevant support using "Call Support" command menu. At this time, the waiting group will proceed to the location where support was called for, disembark from any vehicles is possesses and wait for the supported group to declare "Support Done" before continuing to wait to respond to any further calls for support from their new location. Only groups with a medic, ambulance, fuel, ammo or repair vehicles can respond to support requests. In the case of multiple support groups, the first placed available group will always respond first, irrespective of distance. While this is a powerful waypoint type it requires diligence on the part of any human leaders, as they must announce "Support Done" to allow the AI support group to continue being able to provide support. AI leaders also tend to request that every single appropriate support group attends them. AI will not take a support group's vulnerability into consideration when requesting support.

taken from http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Mission_Editor#Type_4

I hope that helps.

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I too have been dabbling with the support waypoint. My test subject is a mission with myself and a grenadier in a group. Then, I set up and ambulance synched with the proper modules.

Everything works when I press 5-1-2 to call in the ambulance, but I don't know how I'm supposed to declare "Support Done." Pressing 5, 1, 6 to select "Done" doesn't move the ambulance back to its Support Waypoint. Any suggestions?

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When a unit is finished giving support and has been released it will just stay at it's current location. There is no support for returning back to some other point.

I'm currently trying some different methods to get support to RTB and also add respawning capability and even some friendly armed escort for when they go out. It has been pretty mixed results so far. I'm still tackling problems with support drivers getting out of their vehicles and proceeding to run to the destination. Also if you have multiple units in a support group and one of them dies you are quite likely to get a CTD on the next support request.

The whole codebase seems a bit neglected as its not even used in any of the stock ArmA 2 missions that I have seen.

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