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MP over Hamachi (alternative)

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Yesterday i played MP with a Friend using Hamachi. At first we didn't see us in the LAN list but if you type in the IP from the host he'll light up in the LAN screen.

The good thing was that inital data transfer to the client was much faster compared to a normal join process over "internet".

Had not much time yesterday to run a full test on it but maybe it can help also in other ways. What i want to test next is if join in progress is possible with this.

I put it as an alternative because i doubt that it's an universal solution

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Click "remote" or something like that at the bottom of the screen. Near filter etc.

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Hamachi worked with Arma, so it should work fine with Arma II.

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A friend and I have been playing co-op with Hamachi and it works perfectly. Highly recommended.

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We also tried that yesterday but we get some bad lags sadly..

Could it be its because he got only dsl light?We can play Coh Matches very good without lag..

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What's the deal with Hamachi nowadays, is it still freeware? I couldn't seem to use it when I tried a couple weeks ago.

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Still freeware from what I know. I use it regularly, but haven't downloaded it in awhile so I can't say if anything has changed recently. No lag issue at all here, pings in the 20's when I play with my friend and use Skype for voice comms (much better than in game for a couple of guys).

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Hey guys!

My friend made a ArmA II Hamachi server, and it worked fine. When i type in his Hamachi IP I can join. Now I wanted to host a game with my mission. But my hosted game isn't there, when he types in my Hamachi IP in "remote" :mad:

That's really annoying, becouse I want to play my missions too...

Please help me! :p

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Why dont you just join Direct IP? Put it in your params of your shortcut.

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Thanks for the reply!

I deactivated the firewall and then it worked... ;)

You have got to deactivate your firewall?

No good idea...

So you disable your security and establish a virtual private network (vpn) with unknown people.

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