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Please ignore - stupid error

Edited by [RIP]Tyson

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I've read till page +-12 but didn't find my answer yet. Hope someone can help. How can you make the briefing screen with map etc show before the mission actually starts (for SP)? Right now, everything works but you get in-game immediately and need to pull out your map (M) to read the briefing etc.

Sorry if I missed this one

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Never really done SP missions, but give these a go:

1. Create briefing.html into the mission folder.

2. Keep shift pressed down when you click preview in editor.

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I'm having an issue where I have an Adversarial mission (Arma/OA Combined Arms) that has split briefings for East/West with multiple objectives. When players are in MP both sides can see each other's objectives when I want them to be to be hidden from each other.

I've tried resolving it three ways. The first having a switch/do command in the init.sqf file that references two seperate briefings:


if ((!isServer) && (player != player)) then {waitUntil {player == player};};

if (isServer) then {call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\Init_UPSMON.sqf";};

execVM "timeofday.sqf";

execVM "markers.sqf";

switch (side player) do {case EAST:{execVM "briefing_east.sqf";};case WEST:{execVM "briefing_west.sqf";};};


execVM "titles.sqf";

The next having the switch/do command in the init.sqf file and then another player check in each of the seperate briefings:



if (side player == WEST) exitwith {

player createDiaryRecord ["Diary", ["Admin/Changelog","<br/>Super Takistan Fighter Turbo v1.2<br/>20 Player Team vs Team w/Objectives <br/><br/>Changelog 1.2<br/>- briefing fix (hopefully)<br/><br/>Changelog 1.1<br/>- turned off Ambient Civilians<br/>-modified init.sqf<br/><br/>"]];

player createDiaryRecord["Diary", ["Endgame","<br/>There are five endgame scenarios:<br/><br/>1. All Russian players are eliminated<br/>2. All US players are eliminated<br/>3. All Russian objectives are completed<br/>4. All US objectives are completed<br/>5. Time limit expires. Optional. Default time limit is 40 minutes.<br/>"]];

player createDiaryRecord["Diary", ["Task Specifics","<br/>1. How Do I Shot Ham - This is a joint mission that both sides share. Strategically speaking, you should hold off on this task in the beginning as the other team may do it for you. Or Ham might crash by himself. The flight path is a circuit around the <marker name='MK_FERUZABAD'>Feruz Abad</marker>.<br/><br/>2. Investigate Downed Chopper - This is just a search and tag mission. All you need to do is get near the <marker name='MK_DOWNEDCHOPPER'>chopper</marker> to trigger the objective successful. There are four random spawn locations.<br/><br/>3. Assassinate the Minister - The <marker name='MK_MINISTER'>Vloha limo</marker> that the Minister is driving in is bugged but he is not. If you botch the attack he may exit on foot which will make him harder to track. Here's a snapshot of the Minister with his limo.<br/><img image='images\minister.paa'/><br/><br/>4. Destroy Drug Cache - Not much to this mission. Just need to <marker name='MK_DRUGBASE'>clear the area and then blow the cache</marker>. Light resistance and possibly a 1-2 light vehicles.<br/><br/>5. Retrieve Mining Reports - The documents are located in a <marker name='MK_SUITCASE'>suitcase in a warehouse</marker> at the mine. Use the Action menu to take the documents and complete the objectives. There are a lot of Taliban operatives here - a coordinated attack by both squads will increase your chance of success.<br/><br/>It should be noted that this is the only mission that can technically fail, which will prevent a win by completing all objectives. That means that if you get the Fail message for this task your only other option is to to eliminate the other team.<br/>"]];

player createDiaryRecord["Diary", ["Strategy","<br/>Teams will spawn in random locations and not always together. Squad leaders should coordinate with each other to complete objectives before the other side does. Set up rendezvous points within the territory if more manpower is needed to take an objective.<br/>"]];

player createDiaryRecord ["Diary", ["Situation","<br/>Your teams has been given an advanced recon role with several objectives to complete in hostile Taliban occupied territory.<br/><br/>Expect heavier resistance within the larger towns and roaming patrols outside of them. You've also received word of active Russian forces within the vicinity. Take them out if they get in your way.<br/>"]];

USTASK5 = player createSimpleTask["US 5"];
USTASK5 setSimpleTaskDescription["US Objective 5","US Objective 5",""];
USTASK4 = player createSimpleTask["US 4"];
USTASK4 setSimpleTaskDescription["US Objective 4","US Objective 4",""];
USTASK3 = player createSimpleTask["US 3"];
USTASK3 setSimpleTaskDescription["US Objective 3","US Objective 3",""];
USTASK2 = player createSimpleTask["US 2"];
USTASK2 setSimpleTaskDescription["US Objective 2","US Objective 2",""];
USTASK1 = player createSimpleTask["US 1"];
USTASK1 setSimpleTaskDescription["US Objective 1","US Objective 1",""];

_markersuitcase = createMarker ["MK_SUITCASE", position MINERALREPORT];
"MK_SUITCASE" setMarkerType "Strongpoint";
"MK_SUITCASE" setMarkerSize [1, 1];
"MK_SUITCASE" setMarkerColor "ColorOrange";
"MK_SUITCASE" setMarkerText "Taliban Stronghold";
"MK_SUITCASE" setMarkerPos getMarkerPos "MK_SUITCASE";

_markerdrugbase = createMarker ["MK_DRUGBASE", position DRUGCACHE];
"MK_DRUGBASE" setMarkerType "Attack";
"MK_DRUGBASE" setMarkerSize [1, 1];
"MK_DRUGBASE" setMarkerColor "ColorRed";
"MK_DRUGBASE" setMarkerText "Drug Cartel Hideout";
"MK_DRUGBASE" setMarkerPos getMarkerPos "MK_DRUGBASE";

_markerminister = createMarker ["MK_MINISTER", position VLOHALIMO];
"MK_MINISTER" setMarkerType "selector_selectedEnemy";
"MK_MINISTER" setMarkerSize [1, 1];
"MK_MINISTER" setMarkerColor "ColorRed";
"MK_MINISTER" setMarkerText "Minister's Limo";
"MK_MINISTER" setMarkerPos getMarkerPos "MK_MINISTER";

_markerchopper = createMarker ["MK_DOWNEDCHOPPER", position MI8DOWN];
"MK_DOWNEDCHOPPER" setMarkerType "mil_unknown";
"MK_DOWNEDCHOPPER" setMarkerSize [1, 1];
"MK_DOWNEDCHOPPER" setMarkerColor "ColorRed";
"MK_DOWNEDCHOPPER" setMarkerText "Downed Chopper";

RUTASK5 = player createSimpleTask["5. Retrieve Mining Reports"]; 
RUTASK5 setSimpleTaskDescription["Recent intel has pointed towards massive mineral deposits in Takistan. Command wants the recent mineral reports from the <marker name='MK_SUITCASE'>mine north of Feruz Abad</marker>. Unfortunately, the Taliban are currently using the mine as a stronghold. Coordinate an attack on the stronghold and grab the documents which are located in a suitcase in the warehouse.", "Retrieve Mining Reports", "Retrieve Mining Reports"];
RUTASK5 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "MK_SUITCASE");

RUTASK4 = player createSimpleTask["4. Destroy Drug Cache"]; 
RUTASK4 setSimpleTaskDescription["A local drug cartel has been funding Chechan terrorist activities in the north. Intel has located the location of their <marker name='MK_DRUGBASE'>current drug cache</marker>. Hit them where it hurts and blow it up - the heroin is located in the wooden crates. Light to medium resistance is expected. You can expect a weapons cache at the location.", "Destroy Drug Cache", "Destroy Drug Cache"];
RUTASK4 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "MK_DRUGBASE");

RUTASK3 = player createSimpleTask["3. Assassinate the Minister"]; 
RUTASK3 setSimpleTaskDescription["Word has come down from command that we are to take out the Minister of Mines to clear the way to put our man into his position. We've bugged his black Vloha limo which he frequently travels in which you can track on your map. See TASK SPECIFICS for a recent photo of the minister and the limo.", "Assassinate the Minister", "Assassinate the Minister"];

RUTASK2 = player createSimpleTask["2. Investigate Downed MI-8"]; 
RUTASK2 setSimpleTaskDescription["A MI-8 was shot down an hour ago at the location <marker name='MK_DOWNEDCHOPPER'>marked on your map</marker>. HQ wants you to take a look to see if there is anything of interest.", "Investigate Downed MI-8", "Investigate Downed MI-8"];
RUTASK2 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "MK_DOWNEDCHOPPER");

RUTASK1 = player createSimpleTask ["1. How Do I Shot Ham"];
RUTASK1 setSimpleTaskDescription ["A deranged Egyptian has stolen a prop plane and is flying a circuit around <marker name='MK_FERUZABAD'>Feruz Abad</marker>. He has declared himself as Pharoah and has stated that the aircraft is carrying a case of hand grenades which he will drop onto anyone who dares defy his rule. We could wait until he eventually crashes into a tree, but let's go ahead and take him down ourselves.", "How Do I Shot Ham", "How Do I Shot Ham"];

The last having just one briefing.sqf file with the switch command.


switch (side player) do {

case EAST: 
{player createDiaryRecord ["Diary", ["Admin/Changelog","<br/>Super Takistan Fighter Turbo v1.3<br/>20 Player Team vs Team w/Objectives<br/><br/>Changelog 1.3<br/>- condensed the playing area<br/>-changed starting vehicles<br/>-changed vehicle paths/options<br/>- fixed ammo problem w/MVD AT<br/><br/>- added burn script to downed MI-8<br/>- added task 5 failure script<br/><br/><br/>Changelog 1.2<br/>- briefing fix<br/><br/>Changelog 1.1<br/>- turned off Ambient Civilians<br/>"]];

player createDiaryRecord["Diary", ["Endgame","<br/>There are five endgame scenarios:<br/><br/>1. All Russian players are eliminated<br/>2. All US players are eliminated<br/>3. All Russian objectives are completed<br/>4. All US objectives are completed<br/>5. Time limit expires. Optional. Default time limit is 40 minutes.<br/>"]];

player createDiaryRecord["Diary", ["Task Specifics","<br/>1. How Do I Shot Ham - This is a joint mission that both sides share. Strategically speaking, you should hold off on this task in the beginning as the other team may do it for you. Or Ham might crash by himself. The flight path is a circuit around the <marker name='MK_FERUZABAD'>Feruz Abad</marker>.<br/><br/>2. Investigate Downed Chopper - This is just a search and tag mission. All you need to do is get near the <marker name='MK_DOWNEDCHOPPER'>chopper</marker> to trigger the objective successful. There are four random spawn locations.<br/><br/>3. Assassinate the Minister - The <marker name='MK_MINISTER'>Vloha limo</marker> that the Minister is driving in is bugged but he is not. If you botch the attack he may exit on foot which will make him harder to track. Here's a snapshot of the Minister with his limo.<br/><img image='images\minister.paa'/><br/><br/>4. Destroy Drug Cache - Not much to this mission. Just need to <marker name='MK_DRUGBASE'>clear the area and then blow the cache</marker>. Light resistance and possibly a 1-2 light vehicles.<br/><br/>5. Retrieve Mining Reports - The documents are located in a <marker name='MK_MINE'>suitcase in a warehouse</marker> at the mine. Use the Action menu to take the documents and complete the objectives. There are a lot of Taliban operatives here, machine gun nests, snipers on rooftops, and a ZU-23. Approach with caution. A coordinated attack by both squads will increase your chance of success.<br/><br/>It should be noted that this is the only mission that can technically fail, which will prevent a win by completing all objectives. That means that if you get the Fail message for this task your only other option is to to eliminate the other team.<br/>"]];

player createDiaryRecord["Diary", ["Strategy","<br/>Teams will spawn in random locations and not always together. Squad leaders should coordinate with each other to complete objectives before the other side does. Set up rendezvous points within the territory if more manpower is needed to take an objective.<br/>"]];

player createDiaryRecord ["Diary", ["Situation","<br/>Your teams has been given an advanced recon role with several objectives to complete in hostile Taliban occupied territory.<br/><br/>Expect heavier resistance within the larger towns and roaming patrols outside of them. You've also received word of active Russian forces within the vicinity. Take them out if they get in your way.<br/>"]];

USTASK5 = player createSimpleTask["US 5"];
USTASK5 setSimpleTaskDescription["US Objective 5","US Objective 5",""];
USTASK4 = player createSimpleTask["US 4"];
USTASK4 setSimpleTaskDescription["US Objective 4","US Objective 4",""];
USTASK3 = player createSimpleTask["US 3"];
USTASK3 setSimpleTaskDescription["US Objective 3","US Objective 3",""];
USTASK2 = player createSimpleTask["US 2"];
USTASK2 setSimpleTaskDescription["US Objective 2","US Objective 2",""];
USTASK1 = player createSimpleTask["US 1"];
USTASK1 setSimpleTaskDescription["US Objective 1","US Objective 1",""];

_markerdrugbase = createMarker ["MK_DRUGBASE", position DRUGCACHE];
"MK_DRUGBASE" setMarkerType "Attack";
"MK_DRUGBASE" setMarkerSize [1, 1];
"MK_DRUGBASE" setMarkerColor "ColorRed";
"MK_DRUGBASE" setMarkerText "Drug Cartel Hideout";
"MK_DRUGBASE" setMarkerPos getMarkerPos "MK_DRUGBASE";

_markerminister = createMarker ["MK_MINISTER", position VLOHALIMO];
"MK_MINISTER" setMarkerType "selector_selectedEnemy";
"MK_MINISTER" setMarkerSize [1, 1];
"MK_MINISTER" setMarkerColor "ColorRed";
"MK_MINISTER" setMarkerText "Minister's Limo";
"MK_MINISTER" setMarkerPos getMarkerPos "MK_MINISTER";

_markerchopper = createMarker ["MK_DOWNEDCHOPPER", position MI8DOWN];
"MK_DOWNEDCHOPPER" setMarkerType "mil_unknown";
"MK_DOWNEDCHOPPER" setMarkerSize [1, 1];
"MK_DOWNEDCHOPPER" setMarkerColor "ColorRed";
"MK_DOWNEDCHOPPER" setMarkerText "Downed Chopper";

RUTASK5 = player createSimpleTask["5. Retrieve Mining Reports"]; 
RUTASK5 setSimpleTaskDescription["Recent intel has pointed towards massive mineral deposits in Takistan. Command wants the recent mineral reports from the <marker name='MK_MINE'>mine north of Feruz Abad</marker>. Unfortunately, the Taliban are currently using the mine as a stronghold. Coordinate an attack on the stronghold and grab the documents which are located in a suitcase in the warehouse.", "Retrieve Mining Reports", "Retrieve Mining Reports"];
RUTASK5 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "MK_MINE");

RUTASK4 = player createSimpleTask["4. Destroy Drug Cache"]; 
RUTASK4 setSimpleTaskDescription["A local drug cartel has been funding Chechan terrorist activities in the north. Intel has located the location of their <marker name='MK_DRUGBASE'>current drug cache</marker>. Hit them where it hurts and blow it up - the heroin is located in the wooden crates. Light to medium resistance is expected. You can expect a weapons cache at the location.", "Destroy Drug Cache", "Destroy Drug Cache"];
RUTASK4 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "MK_DRUGBASE");

RUTASK3 = player createSimpleTask["3. Assassinate the Minister"]; 
RUTASK3 setSimpleTaskDescription["Word has come down from command that we are to take out the Minister of Mines to clear the way to put our man into his position. We've bugged his black Vloha limo which he frequently travels in which you can track on your map. See TASK SPECIFICS for a recent photo of the minister and the limo.", "Assassinate the Minister", "Assassinate the Minister"];

RUTASK2 = player createSimpleTask["2. Investigate Downed MI-8"]; 
RUTASK2 setSimpleTaskDescription["A MI-8 was shot down an hour ago at the location <marker name='MK_DOWNEDCHOPPER'>marked on your map</marker>. HQ wants you to take a look to see if there is anything of interest.", "Investigate Downed MI-8", "Investigate Downed MI-8"];
RUTASK2 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "MK_DOWNEDCHOPPER");

RUTASK1 = player createSimpleTask ["1. How Do I Shot Ham"];
RUTASK1 setSimpleTaskDescription ["A deranged Egyptian has stolen a prop plane and is flying a circuit around <marker name='MK_FERUZABAD'>Feruz Abad</marker>. He has declared himself as Pharoah and has stated that the aircraft is carrying a case of hand grenades which he will drop onto anyone who dares defy his rule. We could wait until he eventually crashes into a tree, but let's go ahead and take him down ourselves.", "How Do I Shot Ham", "How Do I Shot Ham"];}; 

case WEST: 
{player createDiaryRecord ["Diary", ["Admin/Changelog","<br/>Super Takistan Fighter Turbo v1.3<br/>20 Player Team vs Team w/Objectives<br/><br/>Changelog 1.3<br/>- condensed the playing area<br/>-changed starting vehicles<br/>-changed vehicle paths/options<br/>- fixed ammo problem w/MVD AT<br/><br/>- added burn script to downed MI-8<br/>- added task 5 failure script<br/><br/><br/>Changelog 1.2<br/>- briefing fix<br/><br/>Changelog 1.1<br/>- turned off Ambient Civilians<br/>"]];

player createDiaryRecord["Diary", ["Endgame","<br/>There are five endgame scenarios:<br/><br/>1. All Russian players are eliminated<br/>2. All US players are eliminated<br/>3. All Russian objectives are completed<br/>4. All US objectives are completed<br/>5. Time limit expires. Optional. Default time limit is 40 minutes.<br/>"]];

player createDiaryRecord["Diary", ["Task Specifics","<br/>1. How Do I Shot Ham - This is a joint mission that both sides share. Strategically speaking, you should hold off on this task in the beginning as the other team may do it for you. Or Ham might crash by himself. The flight path is a circuit around the <marker name='MK_FERUZABAD'>Feruz Abad</marker>. There are AA launchers in your starting vehicles.<br/><br/>2. Investigate Mass Grave - This is just a search and tag mission. All you need to do is get near the grave to trigger the objective successful. 4 random spawn locations. <br/><br/>3. Destroy Scud Missles - You need to destroy both of the SCUD missle launchers to complete the objective. Extra satchels (if needed) can be found in your starting vehicles.<br/><br/>4. Eliminate Taliban Warlord - The Taliban Warlord is encamped at the marker location on the map. Expect 10-20 men guarding him and possibly a light vehicle. Here's a recent snapshot of the warlord<br/><img image='images\warlord.paa'/><br/><br/>5. Retrieve Mining Reports - The documents are located in a <marker name='MK_MINE'>suitcase in a warehouse</marker> at the mine. Use the Action menu to take the documents and complete the objectives. There are a lot of Taliban operatives here, machine gun nests, snipers on rooftops, and a ZU-23. Approach with caution. A coordinated attack by both squads will increase your chance of success.<br/><br/>It should be noted that this is the only mission that can technically fail, which will prevent a win by completing all objectives. That means that if you get the Fail message for this task your only other option is to to eliminate the other team.<br/>"]];

player createDiaryRecord["Diary", ["Strategy","<br/>Teams will spawn in random locations and not always together. Squad leaders should coordinate with each other to complete objectives before the other side does. Set up rendezvous points within the territory if more manpower is needed to take an objective.<br/>"]];

player createDiaryRecord ["Diary", ["Situation","<br/>Your teams has been given an advanced recon role with several objectives to complete in hostile Taliban occupied territory.<br/><br/>Expect heavier resistance within the larger towns and roaming patrols outside of them. You've also received word of active Russian forces within the vicinity. Take them out if they get in your way.<br/>"]];

RUTASK5 = player createSimpleTask["RUS 5"];
RUTASK5 setSimpleTaskDescription["Russian Objective 5","Russian Objective 5",""];
RUTASK4 = player createSimpleTask["RUS 4"];
RUTASK4 setSimpleTaskDescription["Russian Objective 4","Russian Objective 4",""];
RUTASK3 = player createSimpleTask["RUS 3"];
RUTASK3 setSimpleTaskDescription["Russian Objective 3","Russian Objective 3",""];
RUTASK2 = player createSimpleTask["RUS 2"];
RUTASK2 setSimpleTaskDescription["Russian Objective 2","Russian Objective 2",""];
RUTASK1 = player createSimpleTask["RUS 1"];
RUTASK1 setSimpleTaskDescription["Russian Objective 1","Russian Objective 1",""];

_markerwarlord = createMarker ["MK_WARLORD", position WARLORDBASE];
"MK_WARLORD" setMarkerType "Attack";
"MK_WARLORD" setMarkerSize [1, 1];
"MK_WARLORD" setMarkerColor "ColorBlue";
"MK_WARLORD" setMarkerText "Warlord Hideout";
"MK_WARLORD" setMarkerPos getMarkerPos "MK_WARLORD";

_markerscuds = createMarker ["MK_SCUDS", position SCUDLEAD];
"MK_SCUDS" setMarkerType "Attack";
"MK_SCUDS" setMarkerSize [1, 1];
"MK_SCUDS" setMarkerColor "ColorBlue";
"MK_SCUDS" setMarkerText "Destroy SCUDs";
"MK_SCUDS" setMarkerPos getMarkerPos "MK_SCUDS";

_markergrave = createMarker ["MK_MASSGRAVE", position MASSGRAVE];
"MK_MASSGRAVE" setMarkerType "mil_unknown";
"MK_MASSGRAVE" setMarkerSize [1, 1];
"MK_MASSGRAVE" setMarkerColor "ColorBlue";
"MK_MASSGRAVE" setMarkerText "Investigate Mass Grave";
"MK_MASSGRAVE" setMarkerPos getMarkerPos "MK_MASSGRAVE";

USTASK5 = player createSimpleTask["5. Retrieve Mining Reports"]; 
USTASK5 setSimpleTaskDescription["Recent intel has pointed towards massive mineral deposits in Takistan. HQ wants the recent mineral reports from the <marker name='MK_MINE'>mine north of Feruz Abad</marker>. Unfortunately, the Taliban are currently using the mine as a stronghold. Coordinate an attack on the stronghold and grab the documents which are located in a suitcase in the warehouse.", "Retrieve Mining Reports", "Retreive Mining Reports"];
USTASK5 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "MK_MINE");

USTASK4 = player createSimpleTask["4. Eliminate Taliban Warlord"]; 
USTASK4 setSimpleTaskDescription["Intel has deciphered a transmission that zeros the location of a local <marker name='MK_WARLORD'>Taliban Warlord</marker> in hiding. Get there and take him out. Light to medium resistance is expected. There should be a weapons cache at the location. See TASK SPECIFICS for a snapshot of the warlord.", "Assassinate Taliban Warlord", "Assassinate Taliban Warlord"];
USTASK4 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "MK_WARLORD");

USTASK3 = player createSimpleTask["3. Destroy SCUDs"]; 
USTASK3 setSimpleTaskDescription["HQ wants <marker name='MK_SCUDS'>this pair of SCUDs</marker> taken out.", "Destroy SCUDS", "Destroy SCUDS"];
USTASK3 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "MK_SCUDS");

USTASK2 = player createSimpleTask["2. Investigate Mass Grave"]; 
USTASK2 setSimpleTaskDescription["We've received reports of civilian deaths at the hands of the Taliban. Our informant has notified us of a <marker name='MK_MASSGRAVE'>mass grave site</marker> - go investigate.", "Investigate Mass Grave", "Investigate Mass Grave"];
USTASK2 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "MK_MASSGRAVE");

USTASK1 = player createSimpleTask ["1. How Do I Shot Ham"];
USTASK1 setSimpleTaskDescription ["A deranged Egyptian has stolen a prop plane and is flying a circuit around <marker name='MK_FERUZABAD'>Feruz Abad</marker>. He has declared himself as Pharoah and has stated that the aircraft is carrying a case of hand grenades which he will drop onto anyone who dares defy his rule. We could wait until he eventually crashes into a tree, but let's go ahead and take him down ourselves.", "How Do I Shot Ham", "How Do I Shot Ham"];};


Each time the correct team objective/markers load and then like a few seconds later the other teams objectives/markers load.

I should also mention that when I'm solo and playing in the MP Editor I do not get this error and I see only my teams objectives.

I kind of want to abandon the switch command - is there any alternative that I can be using to load the briefing or is there something I can put in the init.sqf file to safeguard that the wrong objectives do not load?

What's odd about this is I had missions in Arma2 with this switch and it worked fine...

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if (isServer) then {call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\Init_UPSMON.sqf";};
execVM "timeofday.sqf";
execVM "markers.sqf";
execVM "briefing.sqf";
execVM "titles.sqf";

waituntil {!isnull player};

player createDiaryRecord ["Diary", ["Admin/Changelog","<br/>Super Takistan Fighter Turbo v1.3<br/>20 Player Team vs Team w/Objectives<br/><br/>Changelog 1.3<br/>- condensed the playing area<br/>-changed starting vehicles<br/>-changed vehicle paths/options<br/>- fixed ammo problem w/MVD AT<br/><br/>- added burn script to downed MI-8<br/>- added task 5 failure script<br/><br/><br/>Changelog 1.2<br/>- briefing fix<br/><br/>Changelog 1.1<br/>- turned off Ambient Civilians<br/>"]];
player createDiaryRecord["Diary", ["Endgame","<br/>There are five endgame scenarios:<br/><br/>1. All Russian players are eliminated<br/>2. All US players are eliminated<br/>3. All Russian objectives are completed<br/>4. All US objectives are completed<br/>5. Time limit expires. Optional. Default time limit is 40 minutes.<br/>"]];
player createDiaryRecord["Diary", ["Task Specifics","<br/>1. How Do I Shot Ham - This is a joint mission that both sides share. Strategically speaking, you should hold off on this task in the beginning as the other team may do it for you. Or Ham might crash by himself. The flight path is a circuit around the <marker name='MK_FERUZABAD'>Feruz Abad</marker>. There are AA launchers in your starting vehicles.<br/><br/>2. Investigate Mass Grave - This is just a search and tag mission. All you need to do is get near the grave to trigger the objective successful. 4 random spawn locations. <br/><br/>3. Destroy Scud Missles - You need to destroy both of the SCUD missle launchers to complete the objective. Extra satchels (if needed) can be found in your starting vehicles.<br/><br/>4. Eliminate Taliban Warlord - The Taliban Warlord is encamped at the marker location on the map. Expect 10-20 men guarding him and possibly a light vehicle. Here's a recent snapshot of the warlord<br/><img image='images\warlord.paa'/><br/><br/>5. Retrieve Mining Reports - The documents are located in a <marker name='MK_MINE'>suitcase in a warehouse</marker> at the mine. Use the Action menu to take the documents and complete the objectives. There are a lot of Taliban operatives here, machine gun nests, snipers on rooftops, and a ZU-23. Approach with caution. A coordinated attack by both squads will increase your chance of success.<br/><br/>It should be noted that this is the only mission that can technically fail, which will prevent a win by completing all objectives. That means that if you get the Fail message for this task your only other option is to to eliminate the other team.<br/>"]];
player createDiaryRecord["Diary", ["Strategy","<br/>Teams will spawn in random locations and not always together. Squad leaders should coordinate with each other to complete objectives before the other side does. Set up rendezvous points within the territory if more manpower is needed to take an objective.<br/>"]];
player createDiaryRecord ["Diary", ["Situation","<br/>Your teams has been given an advanced recon role with several objectives to complete in hostile Taliban occupied territory.<br/><br/>Expect heavier resistance within the larger towns and roaming patrols outside of them. You've also received word of active Russian forces within the vicinity. Take them out if they get in your way.<br/>"]];

switch (side player) do {
 case EAST: {
   RUTASK5 = player createSimpleTask["5. Retrieve Mining Reports"]; 
   RUTASK5 setSimpleTaskDescription["Recent intel has pointed towards massive mineral deposits in Takistan. Command wants the recent mineral reports from the <marker name='MK_MINE'>mine north of Feruz Abad</marker>. Unfortunately, the Taliban are currently using the mine as a stronghold. Coordinate an attack on the stronghold and grab the documents which are located in a suitcase in the warehouse.", "Retrieve Mining Reports", "Retrieve Mining Reports"];
   RUTASK5 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "MK_MINE");

   RUTASK4 = player createSimpleTask["4. Destroy Drug Cache"]; 
   RUTASK4 setSimpleTaskDescription["A local drug cartel has been funding Chechan terrorist activities in the north. Intel has located the location of their <marker name='MK_DRUGBASE'>current drug cache</marker>. Hit them where it hurts and blow it up - the heroin is located in the wooden crates. Light to medium resistance is expected. You can expect a weapons cache at the location.", "Destroy Drug Cache", "Destroy Drug Cache"];
   RUTASK4 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "MK_DRUGBASE");

   RUTASK3 = player createSimpleTask["3. Assassinate the Minister"]; 
   RUTASK3 setSimpleTaskDescription["Word has come down from command that we are to take out the Minister of Mines to clear the way to put our man into his position. We've bugged his black Vloha limo which he frequently travels in which you can track on your map. See TASK SPECIFICS for a recent photo of the minister and the limo.", "Assassinate the Minister", "Assassinate the Minister"];

   RUTASK2 = player createSimpleTask["2. Investigate Downed MI-8"]; 
   RUTASK2 setSimpleTaskDescription["A MI-8 was shot down an hour ago at the location <marker name='MK_DOWNEDCHOPPER'>marked on your map</marker>. HQ wants you to take a look to see if there is anything of interest.", "Investigate Downed MI-8", "Investigate Downed MI-8"];
   RUTASK2 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "MK_DOWNEDCHOPPER");

   RUTASK1 = player createSimpleTask ["1. How Do I Shot Ham"];
   RUTASK1 setSimpleTaskDescription ["A deranged Egyptian has stolen a prop plane and is flying a circuit around <marker name='MK_FERUZABAD'>Feruz Abad</marker>. He has declared himself as Pharoah and has stated that the aircraft is carrying a case of hand grenades which he will drop onto anyone who dares defy his rule. We could wait until he eventually crashes into a tree, but let's go ahead and take him down ourselves.", "How Do I Shot Ham", "How Do I Shot Ham"];}; 

   RUTASK5 = player createSimpleTask["RUS 5"];
   RUTASK5 setSimpleTaskDescription["Russian Objective 5","Russian Objective 5",""];
   RUTASK4 = player createSimpleTask["RUS 4"];
   RUTASK4 setSimpleTaskDescription["Russian Objective 4","Russian Objective 4",""];
   RUTASK3 = player createSimpleTask["RUS 3"];
   RUTASK3 setSimpleTaskDescription["Russian Objective 3","Russian Objective 3",""];
   RUTASK2 = player createSimpleTask["RUS 2"];
   RUTASK2 setSimpleTaskDescription["Russian Objective 2","Russian Objective 2",""];
   RUTASK1 = player createSimpleTask["RUS 1"];
   RUTASK1 setSimpleTaskDescription["Russian Objective 1","Russian Objective 1",""];

   _markerdrugbase = createMarkerLocal ["MK_DRUGBASE", position DRUGCACHE];
   "MK_DRUGBASE" setMarkerTypeLocal "Attack";
   "MK_DRUGBASE" setMarkerSizeLocal [1, 1];
   "MK_DRUGBASE" setMarkerColorLocal "ColorRed";
   "MK_DRUGBASE" setMarkerTextLocal "Drug Cartel Hideout";
   "MK_DRUGBASE" setMarkerPosLocal getMarkerPos "MK_DRUGBASE";

   _markerminister = createMarkerLocal ["MK_MINISTER", position VLOHALIMO];
   "MK_MINISTER" setMarkerTypeLocal "selector_selectedEnemy";
   "MK_MINISTER" setMarkerSizeLocal [1, 1];
   "MK_MINISTER" setMarkerColorLocal "ColorRed";
   "MK_MINISTER" setMarkerTextLocal "Minister's Limo";
   "MK_MINISTER" setMarkerPosLocal getMarkerPos "MK_MINISTER";

   _markerchopper = createMarkerLocal ["MK_DOWNEDCHOPPER", position MI8DOWN];
   "MK_DOWNEDCHOPPER" setMarkerTypeLocal "mil_unknown";
   "MK_DOWNEDCHOPPER" setMarkerSizeLocal [1, 1];
   "MK_DOWNEDCHOPPER" setMarkerColorLocal "ColorRed";
   "MK_DOWNEDCHOPPER" setMarkerTextLocal "Downed Chopper";
   "MK_DOWNEDCHOPPER" setMarkerPosLocal getMarkerPos "MK_DOWNEDCHOPPER";
 case WEST: {
   USTASK5 = player createSimpleTask["5. Retrieve Mining Reports"]; 
   USTASK5 setSimpleTaskDescription["Recent intel has pointed towards massive mineral deposits in Takistan. HQ wants the recent mineral reports from the <marker name='MK_MINE'>mine north of Feruz Abad</marker>. Unfortunately, the Taliban are currently using the mine as a stronghold. Coordinate an attack on the stronghold and grab the documents which are located in a suitcase in the warehouse.", "Retrieve Mining Reports", "Retreive Mining Reports"];
   USTASK5 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "MK_MINE");

   USTASK4 = player createSimpleTask["4. Eliminate Taliban Warlord"]; 
   USTASK4 setSimpleTaskDescription["Intel has deciphered a transmission that zeros the location of a local <marker name='MK_WARLORD'>Taliban Warlord</marker> in hiding. Get there and take him out. Light to medium resistance is expected. There should be a weapons cache at the location. See TASK SPECIFICS for a snapshot of the warlord.", "Assassinate Taliban Warlord", "Assassinate Taliban Warlord"];
   USTASK4 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "MK_WARLORD");

   USTASK3 = player createSimpleTask["3. Destroy SCUDs"]; 
   USTASK3 setSimpleTaskDescription["HQ wants <marker name='MK_SCUDS'>this pair of SCUDs</marker> taken out.", "Destroy SCUDS", "Destroy SCUDS"];
   USTASK3 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "MK_SCUDS");

   USTASK2 = player createSimpleTask["2. Investigate Mass Grave"]; 
   USTASK2 setSimpleTaskDescription["We've received reports of civilian deaths at the hands of the Taliban. Our informant has notified us of a <marker name='MK_MASSGRAVE'>mass grave site</marker> - go investigate.", "Investigate Mass Grave", "Investigate Mass Grave"];
   USTASK2 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "MK_MASSGRAVE");

   USTASK1 = player createSimpleTask ["1. How Do I Shot Ham"];
   USTASK1 setSimpleTaskDescription ["A deranged Egyptian has stolen a prop plane and is flying a circuit around <marker name='MK_FERUZABAD'>Feruz Abad</marker>. He has declared himself as Pharoah and has stated that the aircraft is carrying a case of hand grenades which he will drop onto anyone who dares defy his rule. We could wait until he eventually crashes into a tree, but let's go ahead and take him down ourselves.", "How Do I Shot Ham", "How Do I Shot Ham"];};

   USTASK5 = player createSimpleTask["US 5"];
   USTASK5 setSimpleTaskDescription["US Objective 5","US Objective 5",""];
   USTASK4 = player createSimpleTask["US 4"];
   USTASK4 setSimpleTaskDescription["US Objective 4","US Objective 4",""];
   USTASK3 = player createSimpleTask["US 3"];
   USTASK3 setSimpleTaskDescription["US Objective 3","US Objective 3",""];
   USTASK2 = player createSimpleTask["US 2"];
   USTASK2 setSimpleTaskDescription["US Objective 2","US Objective 2",""];
   USTASK1 = player createSimpleTask["US 1"];
   USTASK1 setSimpleTaskDescription["US Objective 1","US Objective 1",""];

   _markerwarlord = createMarkerLocal ["MK_WARLORD", position WARLORDBASE];
   "MK_WARLORD" setMarkerTypeLocal "Attack";
   "MK_WARLORD" setMarkerSizeLocal [1, 1];
   "MK_WARLORD" setMarkerColorLocal "ColorBlue";
   "MK_WARLORD" setMarkerTextLocal "Warlord Hideout";
   "MK_WARLORD" setMarkerPosLocal getMarkerPos "MK_WARLORD";

   _markerscuds = createMarkerLocal ["MK_SCUDS", position SCUDLEAD];
   "MK_SCUDS" setMarkerTypeLocal "Attack";
   "MK_SCUDS" setMarkerSizeLocal [1, 1];
   "MK_SCUDS" setMarkerColorLocal "ColorBlue";
   "MK_SCUDS" setMarkerTextLocal "Destroy SCUDs";
   "MK_SCUDS" setMarkerPosLocal getMarkerPos "MK_SCUDS";

   _markergrave = createMarkerLocal ["MK_MASSGRAVE", position MASSGRAVE];
   "MK_MASSGRAVE" setMarkerTypeLocal "mil_unknown";
   "MK_MASSGRAVE" setMarkerSizeLocal [1, 1];
   "MK_MASSGRAVE" setMarkerColorLocal "ColorBlue";
   "MK_MASSGRAVE" setMarkerTextLocal "Investigate Mass Grave";
   "MK_MASSGRAVE" setMarkerPosLocal getMarkerPos "MK_MASSGRAVE";

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thanks very much, shk. I'll give it a shot later on today.

edit: worked! thanks again

Edited by karphead

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This doesn't make any sense to me...

Am I meant to understand something like this:


* Mikey's Briefing Template v0.03



* Notes:

* - Use the tsk prefix for any tasks you add. This way you know what the varname is for by just looking at it, and

* aids you in preventing using duplicate variable names.



* Required briefing commands:

* - Create Note: player createDiaryRecord ["Diary", ["*The Note Title*", "*The Note Message*"]];

* - Create Task: tskExample = player createSimpleTask ["*The Task Title*"];

* - Set Task Description: tskExample setSimpleTaskDescription ["*Task Message*", "*Task Title*", "*Task HUD Title*"];


* Optional briefing commands:

* - Set Task Destination: tskExample setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "mkrObj1"); // use an existing marker!

* - Set the Current Task: player setCurrentTask tskExample;


* Formatting:

* - To add a newline: <br/>

* - To add a marker link: <marker name='mkrObj1'>Attack this area!!!</marker>

* - To add an image: <img image='somePic.jpg'/>

* - custom width/height: <img image='somePic.jpg' width='200' height='200'/>


* Commands to use in-game:

* - Set Task State: tskExample setTaskState "SUCCEEDED"; // states: "SUCCEEDED" "FAILED" "CANCELED" "CREATED"

* - Get Task State: taskState tskExample;

* - Get Task Description: taskDescription tskExample; // returns the *task title* as a string

* - Show Task Hint: [tskExample] call mk_fTaskHint; // make sure tskExample and the mk_fTaskHint function exist



* Authors: Jinef & mikey


// since we're working with the player object here, make sure it exists

waitUntil { !isNull player }; // all hip now ;-)

waitUntil { player == player };

switch (side player) do


case WEST: // BLUFOR briefing goes here


player createDiaryRecord["Diary", ["Info", "<br/>Author - mikey<br/>Version 0.03<br/>"]];

player createDiaryRecord["Diary", ["Enemy forces", "<br/>Enemy forces are expected to be running to the same <marker name=mkrFlagpole'>flagpole</marker> as us, so stay frosty!]];

player createDiaryRecord["Diary", ["Friendly forces", "<br/>Our fireteam will start on the western edge of the airfield."]];

player createDiaryRecord["Diary", ["Mission", "<br/>Our fireteam has to reach the <marker name=mkrFlagpole'>flagpole</marker> first.]];

player createDiaryRecord["Diary", ["Situation", "<br/>Never play truth or dare while drunk. You will only end up with silly dares involving live ammunition and long distances to run."]];

// Secondary Objective

tskWestObj2 = player createSimpleTask["Secondary: Stay Alive"];

tskWestObj2 setSimpleTaskDescription["Let's not take any risks. It's not worth going home in a box for this. Stay frosty!", "Avoid Casualties", "Avoid Casualties"];


// Primary Objective

tskWestObj1 = player createSimpleTask["Primary: Get to the flag first"];

tskWestObj1 setSimpleTaskDescription["Your fireteam starts <marker name=mkrWestStart'>here</marker>. Your task is to secure the <marker name='mkrFlagpole'>flagpole</marker> first.", "Secure The Flagpole", "Secure The Flagpole];

tskWestObj1 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "mkrFlagpole");

player setCurrentTask tskWestObj1;


case EAST: // REDFOR briefing goes here


player createDiaryRecord["Diary", ["Info", "<br/>Author - mikey<br/>Version 0.03<br/>"]];

player createDiaryRecord["Diary", ["Enemy forces", "<br/>Enemy forces are expected to be running to the same <marker name=mkrFlagpole'>flagpole</marker> as us, so charge it soviet style!]];

player createDiaryRecord["Diary", ["Friendly forces", "<br/>Our fireteam will start on the eastern edge of the airfield."]];

player createDiaryRecord["Diary", ["Mission", "<br/>Our fireteam has to reach the <marker name=mkrFlagpole'>flagpole</marker> first.]];

player createDiaryRecord["Diary", ["Situation", "<br/>Never play truth or dare while drunk. You will only end up with silly dares involving live ammunition and long distances to run."]];

// Secondary Objective

tskEastObj2 = player createSimpleTask["Secondary: Stay Alive"];

tskEastObj2 setSimpleTaskDescription["Let's not take any risks. It's not worth going home in a box for this. Stay frosty!", "Avoid Casualties", "Avoid Casualties"];


// Primary Objective

tskEastObj1 = player createSimpleTask["Primary: Get to the flag first"];

tskEastObj1 setSimpleTaskDescription["Your fireteam starts <marker name=mkrEastStart'>here</marker>. Your task is to secure the <marker name='mkrFlagpole'>flagpole</marker> first.", "Secure The Flagpole", "Secure The Flagpole];

tskEastObj1 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "mkrFlagpole");

player setCurrentTask tskEastObj1;





case CIVILIAN: // CIVILIAN briefing goes here


player createDiaryRecord["Diary", ["Info", "<br/>Author - mikey<br/>Version 0.03<br/>"]];

player createDiaryRecord["Diary", ["Situation", "<br/>We're gonna watch some silly stuff happen today."]];



None of this means anything to me. Am I really expected to understand these long paragraphs of text?

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Simplest briefing. Place this into init.sqf:

[] spawn {
waituntil {!isnull player};
task1 = player createSimpleTask ["task1"];
task1 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Tekstikentta","Taskin nimi listalla",""];
task2 = player createSimpleTask ["task2"];
task2 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Tekstikentta","Taskin nimi listalla",""];

Then just do this in a trigger when objective is done:

task1 settaskstate "succeeded"

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Ok fellas, who can help me out with DELETING or changing a briefing midway through a mission?

i can get new diary records to pop up , but they just stack on top of the titles ive already got in there.

I know that Death/JIP often can delete the notes/tasks but i want to be able to change briefings through an addaction menu system so the player can chooose different missions that come with complete brefings.

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Hey i just looked at this. Thanks for helping me out man its all quite simple

Although one question when i have TASK1 Settaskstate "Succedded" Then it just takes away all my tasks any idea?

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How can I hide a task at start and make it active (visible) later? Or is it possible to add tasks in middle of the other tasks during the mission? Having the tasks in right order would be important in bigger and complex missions.

I want to know the same thing... So if you can send me what you know about that... Thank you!

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Hey i just looked at this. Thanks for helping me out man its all quite simple

Although one question when i have TASK1 Settaskstate "Succedded" Then it just takes away all my tasks any idea?

Try "succeeded".

---------- Post added at 03:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:36 PM ----------

I want to know the same thing... So if you can send me what you know about that... Thank you!

In Arma 2, you don't hide & show tasks/objectives. Instead, you create them when needed:


execvm "briefing.sqf"


task1 = player createsimpletask...
task1 setsimpletaskdesc....
task2 = player createsimpletask...
task2 setsimpletaskdesc....


onact: nul = [] execvm "moretasks.sqf"


task3 = player createsimpletask...
task3 setsimpletaskdesc....
task4 = player createsimpletask...
task4 setsimpletaskdesc....

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I've tried just about everything, hunting through threads for possible solutions, but even after all these steps can't make the briefing appear. I made the notes and tasks show up on the player's map once, but I've never been able to make a briefing screen come up pre-mission.

I've compared my own briefings against those of others, put the code in the init.sqf, and still nothing works. What's probably most distressing is that other code put in the init.sqf works perfectly; I realize this means there's probably an issue with the briefing itself, but the one in question hasn't been altered since I got it to show up on the player's map.

I can post the init/briefing if anyone wants to offer some help.

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Are you checking them by actually playing them or just in editor preview?

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Are you checking them by actually playing them or just in editor preview?

From the "scenarios" menu. But even in Preview, the tasks/notes would at least show up on the map, if not display a full briefing, but they do neither.

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hi i have some questions where have the picture to be to get an image in the game.

does the pic have an extra size?

how to make the taks sorted like on first it sould be 1 then 2 ...

player createDiaryRecord["Diary", ["J.S.O. Base", "bla <marker name="Base"">Base </marker> bla]]; [2] << i tried so but get no birefing with this

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images need to be 128 x 128 or 256 x 256 or 512 x 512 or any power of 2.

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What I'm trying to do is show the tasks, as you know it's part of the mission, but you shouldn't be able to actually select it until a certain criteria is met.

I am wondering the same thing (at least I think I am, if I understand correctly).

Simple way is just to add tasks when they are relevant, instead of creating all of them right at the start. Depending on mission, you can give the general picture/flow of tasks in notes.

I understand your point sir, and I respect your answer. And it was you who kindly showed me how to create a marker on the fly in another thread.

It's just that I like having all the tasks listed, with marker links we can click on to see exactly where each objective is, and take a few mins to kind of talk about and review what it is we are going to do. I just don't want to have the "Set as Current Task" option available to anyone, because they all need to be completed in order.

So yes, I can remove them from initial briefing, and that would solve problem. I'm just hoping there's a simple way to remove the option to 'set as current task'.

I've searched forums and this thread, and trial 'n error'ed a few things (and it might be right in front of me), but I've had no luck yet.

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Good day all. Can someone help me(newbie) convert this briefing. sqf & init. sqf to multiplayer. I am hosting & playing on same computer(not dedicated). I read OFPEC MP tutorial & searched this forum for days, but still can not figure it out. I try'd few differnet init. sqf codes, still no good.


execvm "briefing.sqf";


player createDiaryRecord ["Diary", ["Intel We have 2 objectives", "Destroy a convoy<marker name=mkrObj1'>here!!!</marker>departing at 16:30 from Khushab village before they reach a supply depot<marker name='mkrHazarDarakht'>here!!!</marker>at

Hazar Darakht.<br/>This will stop further weapons distribution.<br/>After convoy destroyed make your way to<marker name='mkrObj2'>here!!!</marker>Khushab Village were we need to elminate all Takistani militant]];

waitUntil { !isnull player };

waitUntil { player == player };

//objective 2

tskObj_2 = player createSimpleTask ["Khushab"];

tskObj_2 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Khushab village sweep", "Khushab", "Eliminate all Takistani militant"];

tskObj_2 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "mkrObj2");

player setCurrentTask tskObj_2;

tskObj_2 setTaskState "SUCCEEDED";

tskObj_2 setTaskState "FAILED";

tskObj_2 setTaskState "CANCELED";

tskObj_2 setTaskState "CREATED";

taskState tskObj_2;

taskDescription tskObj_2;

[tskObj_2] call mk_fTaskHint;

//objective 1

tskObj_1 = player createSimpleTask ["convoy"];

tskObj_1 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Destroy convoy", "convoy", "Destroy convoy"];

tskObj_1 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "mkrObj1");

player setCurrentTask tskObj_1;

tskObj_1 setTaskState "SUCCEEDED";

tskObj_1 setTaskState "FAILED";

tskObj_1 setTaskState "CANCELED";

tskObj_1 setTaskState "CREATED";

taskState tskObj_1;

taskDescription tskObj_1;

[tskObj_1] call mk_fTaskHint;

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Simplest briefing. Place this into init.sqf:

[] spawn {
waituntil {!isnull player};
task1 = player createSimpleTask ["task1"];
task1 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Tekstikentta","Taskin nimi listalla",""];
task2 = player createSimpleTask ["task2"];
task2 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Tekstikentta","Taskin nimi listalla",""];

Then just do this in a trigger when objective is done:

task1 settaskstate "succeeded"

Okay, so i've decided to use this code. Is there anything that can be done about the order they show up in? Using this simple solution (which I absolutely love) they come out backwards when you click "tasks" in the map.

Mine shows as evac being the first one. Start the mission is the last one.

One of my guild members says he saw something about this problem, and "reversing" it, but I can't find anything about that.

I've countered the problem by adding notes and telling the order they go in, but if I want to publish this mission, it might be awful confusing.

just had a thought: Do I have to set it to create tasks instead of sorting these in order?

Edited by Lexen

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Is there anything that can be done about the order they show up in?

Instead of over thinking and trying something complex, just create them in revered order. :) First task created is always at the bottom and last/newest is at the top.

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Instead of over thinking and trying something complex, just create them in revered order. :) First task created is always at the bottom and last/newest is at the top.


I was going to post that, but didn't want to look like an idiot. I almost did that last night, just to see if it would have worked but I didn't have much time.

I'm going to remake the init file now. I KNEW I should have done it last night.

Thanks man. It's a beautiful and simple piece of code.

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Picture must be 2^n. ie











I'm sure that should be enough.

I went through all of the previoujs pages, racking my brain as to why the image wouldnt work and noone mentioned the need for 2^n dimensions clearly.

Thankyou Thankyou and Thankyou Again Rommel.

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