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trini scourge

Secondary Ops Manager Module Discussion

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I was wondering if it was possible to use the SecOp Manager along the Warfare module so the player can have arti strikes?

The problem is that I have attached a Radio Juliet trigger 0-0-0 to bring the artillery support online which normaly gets in 0-8(Communication)-1(Request support)-1(Artillery Barrage).

But obviously since warfare is running it must generate a conflict because I don't even get the normal [hint: ping Support available].

Communication-Request support never appears, instead I have the menus of the Warfare Module: Communication-Disband selected[], Send units[], Send money.

What alternatives do I have? Is it possible to call using a radio trigger the Artillery Barrage of SOM (in this way: 0-0-0(Artillery Barrage), Radio: "Click on the map, soldier.", Click on map, Radio: "Rounds fired", "Splash", BOOM, BOOM, BOOM, AAARGHH!, My leg, oh god, my leg!, etc...).

Or is there any other way?

Are you using the Artillery Module with this? I have Combined Arms and using the ACM, SOM, and Artillery Modules all work fine and in multiplayer.

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If you use the "old" Sec-Op Support, like Arti, Tranksport and Airstrike, i can confirm that it works in SP, but the Radio Sounds are mostly missing, only the Text appears. Looks like BIS forgot that. I would rather use the old SOM Support Stuff for individual use, like, only 1 Transport, or only mortar support then cut the new SImple Support Module. Maybe we see that patched in on of the betas, i hope..

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does anyone know how I change the helicopter that provides transport in the module

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I notice the SecOps manager in OA spawning Russian troops beside TK army supplies and vehicles in the 2ndary mission areas.

Is there anyway to make the TK army or TK insurgent forces replace these russian troops?

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this really is an annoying problem if BI doesn't get it fixed. I am making a campaign with the module, but im going to have to axe the module on the first few missions now, because it is simply not following along with the story line to have russians in the country.

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Are you using the Artillery Module with this? I have Combined Arms and using the ACM, SOM, and Artillery Modules all work fine and in multiplayer.

Sorry for the lag, life called...

Yes, I can use SOM virtual artillery with Ambient Civilians and the normal artillery module, but the problem comes when I am incorporating the warfare module, because I believe Warfare and the SecOps Module are conflicting with the use of radio codes. I think that's because Warfare reserves radio codes alfa - juliet for it's own functions.

The question is: What can I do to implement at the same time Warfare and SecOps if I want to have several functions incorporated inside the radio codes?

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is there a way to set a "Custom GunShip Chopper"? meaning like how you can use a pre-placed helo for the SOM Transport, but instead have a pre-placed AH-64D for the SOM "GunShip_Run"(for the SOM-Request Support option)?

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Here's a good question... :p

Is it possible to determine how many missions have been completed through SOM? So I can set, for example, the mission to end when 10 SOM missions are completed? Or set this limit through multiplayer parameters, even.


EDIT: Something like increasing a variable/count whenever a mission is successfully completed would work. How would I do that?

Edited by HateDread

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Also, is there a way to use the taskCompleted command? Such as if the SOM enabled somebody to point to it's most recent mission, and check if it was completed, etc.

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I'm using the SecOps Module with Operatiobn Arrowhead standalone. Problem is they aren't any opfor at the side missions. Any Ideas how to fix this?

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I have two 'extra' Team Leaders hiding away, so if I die (as TL), I can get back to base (as Troop 2, or whomever) and have one join, switch to the newly joined TL, and supposedly have everything I originally started with. Buuut, I cannot get it work.

I have a SOM with CAS and Transport (I just added artillery), and a custom transport.

My main question is... can I set up an array in the SOM for units?

I have tried:

[["tactical_airstrike", "transport"], player] call BIS_SOM_addSupportRequestFunc;
[["tactical_airstrike", "transport"], TL2] call BIS_SOM_addSupportRequestFunc;
[["tactical_airstrike", "transport"], TL3] call BIS_SOM_addSupportRequestFunc;
SOM setVariable ["TSS_vehicle_custom", Helo_Transport_1];

[["tactical_airstrike", "artillery_barrage", "transport"], [player, TL2, TL3]] call BIS_SOM_addSupportRequestFunc;
SOM setVariable ["TSS_vehicle_custom", Helo_Transport_1];

and a few other variations. No worky. :confused:

Yes, every unit is linked. Yes, when the newly joined TL becomes leader, he is actually the leader. Sooo, what's up? BTW, I have used extra triggers, to, but still no joy. Also, I am not using the Simple Support Module.

I really need help with this. It would be embarrasing to say how long I have worked on this one goofy little mission.

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I'm using the SecOps Module with Operatiobn Arrowhead standalone. Problem is they aren't any opfor at the side missions. Any Ideas how to fix this?

You could try adding ACM with a sync to the secops module

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I can't help but repeat my question; maybe it needs Developer attention...

But is there a way we can increase the way in which SOM can be used for a mission? By that, I mean;

- A count of how many missions have been completed. So we can set a win condition, for, say, 10 SecOp missions, which leads to a victory. Some sort of count that we can use within a condition would be great.

- A 'taskcompleted' style variable that works with SOM. Checking if it's most recent mission was completed, so we can add '1' to a count, every time it occurs (this is basically another way of doing the first suggestion). What I mean is, some sort of identifier attached to the SOM missions, so we can actually check if a task is completed/how many have been.

For example; if 5 missions completed, a vehicle/weapon etc is unlocked and available for play, or a set of enemies spawn, etc, and if 15 are completed, it's a mission victory.

This would greatly enhance the usage of SOM.

Is there no way?

- HateDread.

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You could try adding ACM with a sync to the secops module

I figured it out. You gotta run Arrowhead vanilla. If an add-ons are used which were made for ArmA 2 they cause the secops module to attempt to use ArmA 2 Units(Russians and Marines).

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I have a question guys, is it possible to get SOM working along with warfare module?

I can get both to run, but the communication (8-2-1) wont show up.

Only yhe warfare options are listed (they start at 3)

Also i take it no one knows how to replce the default units with specific ones?

I mean, we can do it with Ambient Combat Manager so why not SOM too?

Any one got any ideas?

Edited by stegman

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Can someone please help me, I got Arma CO patch 1.52 and I'm using someone's template for requesting SecOps, in the init field of SOM module it goes

this setVariable ["settings", [["ambush", "attack_location", "destroy", "escort", "patrol", "rescue", "search", "trap"], "true", ["Foxtrot", ["Foxtrot"], "H.Q.", ["HQ"]], "600", "true", "600", "0.3", [700, 3000]]];

and a radio trigger with call BIS_SOM_addSupportRequestFunc for each of the SecOp type... Request itself works fine but no matter what value I put in for delay of starting a random SecOp (I figured it's first "600" for initial call and another "600" for all others) it still keeps popping up every minute or so... What do I do to turn off those random calls and leave just a SecOp on my request? Is this possible without messing with the scripts? Also can I somehow add the support functions (like airstrike or UAV) through the init field of SOM or SSM modules? Anyway thanks in advance!

Edited by Marshall300

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Hi, Marshall,

Try this... make a new mission, with just a troop and a SOM. In the SOM, name it SOM. Sync the troop to the SOM. In the init, put...

this setVariable ["settings", [["ambush", "attack_location", "destroy", "escort", "patrol", "rescue", "search", "trap"], "true", ["Alpha", ["Alpha"], "H.Q.", ["HQ"]], "600", "true", "600", "0.4", [700, 3000]]];

See what happens. ... BTW, if you do not know, the SOM troops for missions will be Arma 2 models, not OA. (You have prob noticed that, already.)

Also, if you want a little more action, you can sync an ACM (Ambient Combat Manager) module to your leader, too. Now, you can customize that. However, some of the BIS OA cfg files are messed up, but you should not notice errors, unless you are actually looking for them. So, do not worry about that.

Anyway, try the first suggestion, and report back.

NOTE: With your time settings, make sure you wait long enough for the SecOp to start working (in case it does 'time' correctly).

And, here ya go.

I have an SecOp mission if you want it, just let me know what missions you want from the 'choices' available.

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Hey everyone!

ok to start off its late and im very tired, but i got some good news! i have been up for hours fixing my Som stuff, and i think this will fix\answer alot of people questions and so on!

if anyone remebers a few pages back i posted my init.sqf and asked for help! well with the help of a few people on here, and long hours of trial and error on my part i managed to get a better working SOM!

since its late i dont feel like saying what questions this will answer, but for starters @Marshall300, this may help you too bud, i set it up so it uses custom callsigns, now if anyone remebers from my post i needed help getting this too work, and odly it seems i did it right but it has to be in a certain order to work!

this will also help anyone who needs help on using a custom transport(in my demo i use a pre-placed UH-60M)! this should also show how to have\use pre-placed artillery throw triggers(my demo use's both "Howitzers", "Mortors" and "MLRS"!

now theres probly a few things i forgot, so i recomend everyone to try this out, even if you dont need it, or are cool with what you already have i still recomend this, and thats saying alot as i dont recomend alot of my own stuff lol!

Downloadable DEMO Mission: http://rapidshare.com/files/415588411/SOM-Demo.Takistan.rar (Sadly Rapidshare only alows 10 Downloads's, so if anyone can upload to another site for me, that would be great..thx!)

However i still have a few questions of my own:


1. As i posted before, how can i set up a custom "Pre-placed" Gunship? meaning can i have an AH-64D placed on the map that will be used for the "Gunship" requests, instead of the SOM spawning one automaticly(like with the custom transport)?

2.Is there away to also have "Pre-placed" A-10's for the "CAS Request"?

3.How can i have it so the requests are "Re-usable"? Meaning as in my demo once you use some of the requests, you can't use them again(well not with out using a trigger, because im trying to have this simple and all in the init.sqf)!

4.IIRC there was a "Request Reinforcements" back in arma2 right? not talking about if you have a mamber of your team killed, but aint there one where a C-130 flys in and Paradrops soldiers to secure an area? or am i mistaking that for another Module(like the Simple Support Module) or script?

5.And is there a way to have the Artillery started from the init.sqf instead of triggers? i had it working, but it can only be used for one artillery, or Howitzer, Mortor and MLRS all apart of one Artillery Module! which makes all 3 fire at once, which aint bad but i like using the radio to call in seprate artillery pieces!

i probly have more but im so tired that i forgot them all lol, but ill probly edit this post if i have more questions!

Notes: Its best to try out my Demo to get a better feel for what im asking in my questions, incase you dont know exacly what i mean! also Everyone please feel free to edit my init if you like, i couldnt stop you anyways but just cause a few nice people ask me, i dont want anyone too feel as if he\she needs to ask my permission! and last but not least, for those who dont want to Download my Demo, but could still use the info, i posted my "Init.sqf" under here!

My Init.sqf:

waitUntil {!isnil {player getVariable "mainScope"}};

SOM_mainScope = player getVariable "mainScope";

BIS_OA_SOM setVariable ["settings", [["ambush", "attack_location", "trap", "rescue", "patrol", "escort", "defend_location", "destroy", "search"], true, ["Whiskey 2-0", ["Whiskey", "Two", "Zero"], "H.Q.", ["HQ"]], 60, true, 160, 1, [1000, 3000]]];

BIS_OA_SOM setVariable ["TSS_vehicle_custom", AFB_Transport];

BIS_OA_SOM setVariable ["TSS_allowed", ["pickup", "unload"]];

BIS_OA_SOM setVariable ["TSS_plannedLZ", [0,0,0]];

BIS_OA_SOM setVariable ["supPool", [uS_Soldier_SL_EP1], TRUE];

BIS_OA_SOM setVariable ["supPhase", 0, TRUE];

BIS_OA_SOM setVariable ["onMission", objNull, TRUE];

BIS_OA_SOM setVariable ["stuck", FALSE, TRUE];

[["transport", "supply_drop", "tactical_airstrike", "gunship_run"],player] call BIS_SOM_addSupportRequestFunc;

I hope i have helped in some way, if anyone has any questions or can help with my questions please post, thanks!


Edited by soldier2390

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Hi, Marshall,

Try this... make a new mission, with just a troop and a SOM. In the SOM, name it SOM. Sync the troop to the SOM. In the init, put...

this setVariable ["settings", [["ambush", "attack_location", "destroy", "escort", "patrol", "rescue", "search", "trap"], "true", ["Alpha", ["Alpha"], "H.Q.", ["HQ"]], "600", "true", "600", "0.4", [700, 3000]]];

See what happens. ... BTW, if you do not know, the SOM troops for missions will be Arma 2 models, not OA. (You have prob noticed that, already.)

Also, if you want a little more action, you can sync an ACM (Ambient Combat Manager) module to your leader, too. Now, you can customize that. However, some of the BIS OA cfg files are messed up, but you should not notice errors, unless you are actually looking for them. So, do not worry about that.

Anyway, try the first suggestion, and report back.

NOTE: With your time settings, make sure you wait long enough for the SecOp to start working (in case it does 'time' correctly).

And, here ya go.

I have an SecOp mission if you want it, just let me know what missions you want from the 'choices' available.

Thanks CyOp, but that doesn't seem to help, missions are still being spawned about every minute, BTW forgot to tell the distance parameter [700, 3000] works correctly, sometimes I get them spawned on the other side of the map, but the time and the probability (0.3 or 0.4 in your line) just don't work at all, thought maybe this is one of the errors of 1.52? Anyway can you please post your mission so I could test the timing and see what I'm doing wrong... Thanks!


Ok, think I've found the solution, gotta remove mission types from the init so it would look something like this

this setVariable ["settings", [[], "true", ["Foxtrot", ["Foxtrot"], "H.Q.", ["HQ"]], nil, "true", nil, "0.1", [700, 3000]]];

This way you can get rid of those constant annoying calls from HQ and be able to set the distance of a SecOp location if you use call BIS_SOM_addSupportRequestFunc in a trigger and have the extended support functions... Sorry if that was too obvious LOL

Edited by Marshall300

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Marshall300, sorry I did not get back to you sooner.

I built you a SOM mission, but had the same prob you had with timing. I actually came back to tell you to use a trigger. But, I see you figured that out.

OK... a new question... A looong time ago I had it where I disabled SOM auto reinforce. I cannot figure out how to do it again. I thought it was setting the second true/false, to false. But, the SOM still tries to reinforce me. Anyone, please. TIA (And, yes, I searched.)

Annnd, I never could get an array to work (in the SOM init box) to allow multiple Leaders to use support requests?

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A count of how many missions have been completed. So we can set a win condition, for, say, 10 SecOp missions, which leads to a victory.

You can do this by checking the SOM's history, stored in its main variable scope:

private ["_mainScope", "_history"];
_mainScope = player getVariable "mainScope";
_history = _mainScope getVariable "history"; //[# completed, # failed]

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I see the transport wrecks. :eek:

That low altitude flying was cool until we crashed.

Can you use multiple modules, say for example you want to limit certain actions to certain persons?

Would also like to see that on the SSM module as well.

Would also be nice if the module could limit it's usage as it seems now all they do is make a giant spamfest.

Also it does not seem to work very well either , for example to call arty I have to go through the menu several times and it does not ask me to click anything to set the location, after I use the option then it asks me what kind I want after severel seconds the radio also cuts in and out, then it sets the drop right on top of me after selecting the type and it's like you have to call it and it tells you what's available, then you have to call it in the communication and request support, then choose the type of support, then wait until it allows me to select the type and then I can click on the map I guess? ... Request support seem like an unneeded menu option. Also it never tells me to click on the map, which can cuased terrible results, for example when clicking outside of the map you call arty on yourself.

I call a transport and it lands and everyone gets out and I have no ideal what's going on from there, I jump in and in time everyone loads back up and away we go, where I have no ideal and since it crashed into the side of the hill I'll never find out.

The side missions do not seem to work either it asks me to secure aircraft that are not there and ambush people that never show up, rescue POWs from enemies not there and it puts camps on my runways! The only time I've seen enemy troops is when it sends you to an enemy camp so far.

What am I doing wrong?

How is it suppose to work?

Also if I sync the module to every player is that going to make them all have these missions poping up?

Edited by callihn

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I have a question guys, is it possible to get SOM working along with warfare module?

I can get both to run, but the communication (8-2-1) wont show up.

Only yhe warfare options are listed (they start at 3)

Also i take it no one knows how to replce the default units with specific ones?

I mean, we can do it with Ambient Combat Manager so why not SOM too?

Any one got any ideas?

Hi guys, i take it no one has tried or thought of trying this out?

Shame. I think it would be real nice to have side ops durring a warfare match.:(

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Any idea how to delete possible SecOp support after completing side tasks? I mean I want only doing some side missions without any reward.

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