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ARMA 2 DE 1.01 (final) Impressions - Post ALL Impressions/Videos/Screenies Here

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I really really really really really do hope that the patch works, so please lord Jesus, please listen to your prayers :(

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ive been enjoying A2 so much that even though the Utes map is really all i can play on that looks great and plays great, that i can not go back and play A1 or even VBS2 ><

the added features in A2 such as crouched running and quicker spriting and shuffling speed along with reloading while moving and lack of the SMAW and scoped m16a4 and LAV-25 are just too easily missed : (

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One thing I really hope they fix fast are the MP problems. Mainly the join bug (recieving...), but also the interface and the performance/lag issues. I tried to jump into some MP games yesterday for some quick action, but didn't have much luck. Only once did I manage to successfully join a Warfare server where people were actually playing and not just messing around, TK'ing etc.

In the Warfare gsme, I got in a UAZ with two guys and we started driving around - and it was very laggy on the passenger seat. According to the player overview, I had a 20ms ping, the driver had 40ms, the other passenger had 50ms, none of us had any desync. Still, sitting in the passengers seat I could see the landscape jittering by as if we were driving on a rocky road, trying to pull a 10 ton truck behind us that was attached to my ears with an elastic band. :(

The other major MP problem is disappearing slots. I must have joined about 6-7 servers where I couldn't get past the unit select screen because the slots were gone.

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We expect big patch around 19.6-20.6. There will be also lot of fixes in data so it will be bigger. We are now working on ai driving/ moving problems, but there will be also lot of campaign and multiplayer fixes and some iprovements in ai generaly. Not sure if all of that fixes/improvements will fit this patch, I hope so. If not, it will be in next one for sure. Every deep change must be also tested and it need some time. Its labor pains of most complex war simulator ever made, i hope they will be short.

Wise choice! AI driving is a BIG part of this game :) :yay:

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Sometimes when I read here, I really wonder how the heck have I been able to play the damn game until now.

I get none of what you describe (I didn't even encounter a disappearing MP slot oO ), the worst I've seen is too many low-res textures loaded, blank AI, 3 times in 1 week, AI stuck in a tower stair once, bad AI vehicle driving, and my too-old-server getting laggy over CRCTI map :(

Am I that lucky?

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Am I that lucky?

apparently. or just blind (no offense). ;)

i haven't been looking for bugs, and as a matter of fact i tend to try and ignore them if i can, but within only a few hours i've already encountered a number of bugs (no sound in the Su-34 cockpit, enemies not reacting, medic constantly shooting me after having healed me, infantry movement sound disappearing during thunderstorms, sound suddenly echoing, etc, etc.)

not all of these are that obvious, and some could be ignored. but they're still there... :( and i haven't even tried the campaign, yet... :eek:

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I swear this is not blindness.

Su34 not seen yet, so..; (not fan of planes in such a tiny area)

ennemies not reacting, like I said, 3 times until now

medic, wtf? Not seen it

Ran yesterday under storm, could hear my steps into the muddy ground :p

Echoing what?

Out of your 5, I saw (rarely) one, missed probably another (cockpit), never encountered the others

+ I was mainly talking about the major ones (the game breaking kind of bugs ;) )

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ennemies not reacting, like I said, 3 times until now

one in the MOUT section of the tutorial, one during a random mission in the Armory.

medic, wtf? Not seen it

the first single mission. i get shot in the town, a medic comes to heal me. as soon as i'm healed, i get shot again. it repeats. turns out, the deadly shot always comes from the medic's rifle. :confused:

Ran yesterday under storm, could hear my steps into the muddy ground :p

that's strange. i've tried it out several times now. as soon as the thunder starts rolling, infantry movement and weapon reloading sounds disappear. :confused:

Echoing what?

during a conversation in the flying tutorial, a single sentence suddenly has an echo (as if spoken in a metal room or something like that). all the other sentences in the conversation were fine.

+ I was mainly talking about the major ones (the game breaking kind of bugs ;) )

i wouldn't know about that as i've not tried the campaign yet. ;)

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ai driving / flying sure needs improvement.


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Wow. Have you posted your specs somewhere? I'd like to take a look. The only issues I have are:

-Where some sounds die like a limit is reached and the old ones are chopped off to make way for the new.

-Some graphic anomolies after a few hours of playing (a la Arma 1)

-When someone dies while giving aid, the 'stop healing' action doesn't leave and blocks all future healing efforts.

Never had any of those you are seeing. Still whipping up stranger and stranger scenarios, and having the time of my life.

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ai driving / flying sure needs improvement.


:D Luckily it's one of the main topic of BI's next patch, from what Ohara said. Got the same, btw. Be carefull in chosing clear landing zones when asking transport

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i really wish that Su34 not feels like brick with jet engine on side

(miserable acceleration and manuevring and forget about mach 1 :)

the most weird some jets behave quite ok now and some are quite bad ...

anyone else noticed that issue ?

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It's good how the devs release patches like this... even though it probably shouldn't of happened from the start :P

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What really impresses me is that we get devs on the forums from time to time giving us little bits of info as to what they are working on as far as patches go. Thats great, and other development companies should take note.

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What really impresses me is that we get devs on the forums from time to time giving us little bits of info as to what they are working on as far as patches go. Thats great, and other development companies should take note.

Other companies do so too. Usually little ones (I know Splash Damage does the same)

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The "foot" AI seems to have improved in 1.01, i´m observing AI suppression and flanking moves more often. Having the AI drive a vehicle is however, as bad as ever.

Small AAR using the latest build:

There's a campaign mission that requires you to raid several towns. I approached the first with 2 UAZ's, continuing per pedes to a wooded hill top overlooking the OBJ.

After having an estimate of the composition and location of opfor inside and around, preperations were made to raid. There are two AI infantry squads and a HMG UAZ at your disposal, which i positioned S of the Obj to execute the main assault. Razor 3 and 4 would provide fire support with the UAZ´s positioned on the W highground, Razor 2 call out targets and provide precision fire. I would join the attack on the left flank.

I took initial position behind a small hut, just S/W of the town, and thought a good way to initiate the raid was to take out an opfor UAZ crew guarding the S/W road entrance to the town. Doing so triggered a series of events; the raid, and fire on my position. I was pinned down, until the supporting element opened with AGL.

Opfor tried to flank me, laying down suppression fire and having single units hedgehogging forward left and right, but it was a futile effort. On the left i had my supporting element, on the right was the main assault force. The AGL and HMG could reach far into the town, every attempt by AI to set up a defense against my advancing assault element was not really successful.

I think there wasn't much work left for the raid party, just rounding up a couple of survivors inside the town. Sadly there were some casualties on our side, and the AI UAZ was shot up. However, guess the AI driver skills of the HQ Bmp-2 after the cutscene caused more casualties among the civilian population, than i suffered during the entire assault. :D

Too bad the mission cannot be completed because of clipping issues, as after freeing the last town and ending of the 1st person cutscene, i get clipped into a civilian sitting on a bench, unable to move.

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We expect big patch around 19.6-20.6. There will be also lot of fixes in data so it will be bigger. We are now working on ai driving/ moving problems, but there will be also lot of campaign and multiplayer fixes and some iprovements in ai generaly. Not sure if all of that fixes/improvements will fit this patch, I hope so. If not, it will be in next one for sure. Every deep change must be also tested and it need some time. Its labor pains of most complex war simulator ever made, i hope they will be short.

So the reviews will be based on 1.01 then?

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What really impresses me is that we get devs on the forums from time to time giving us little bits of info as to what they are working on as far as patches go. Thats great, and other development companies should take note.

Yeah, i think that is very important and rare these days. BIS is number 1 in that department. Big thumbs up for all in BIS.

Sometimes i wonder how they have time for all this when the game is as big as Arma 2. Where the social life fit in (wife/kids).

Edited by Potatomasher

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Yeah, i think that is very important and rare these days. BIS is number 1 in that department. Big thumbs up for all in BIS.

Sometimes i wonder how they have time for all this when the game is as big as Arma 2. Where the social life fit in (wife/kids).

What social life..everyone knows that computer developers have no social life, just has how theres no girls on the internet :D

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For those of you (like Azamato) wondering what Arma2 looks like on extremely low settings, I've uploaded a short video to Rapidshare. The video is only 35 seconds long and there's no sound, but it's in Full HD 1080p, so you can get a good look at the quality. :)

The settings in the video are as follows:

Resolution: 1920x1080

View distance: 500m

Fillrate: 100% (anything lower is a crime against humanity)

Textures: Lowest

Video memory: Lowest

Anisotrophic filter: Off

Object details: Very low

Terrain details: Very low

Shadows: Off

Postprocessing: Very low

It's encoded with DivX 7, so you'll need a player that can handle DivX7 (for example VLC or the latest DivX player).

Link (37,4MB): http://rs728.rapidshare.com/files/242733866/Arms2_VeryLowHD.divx

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We expect big patch around 19.6-20.6. ...

sounds great, but what the hell is that number ? some kind of date or build number ? its not making any sense :whatsthat:19.6-20.6

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sounds great, but what the hell is that number ? some kind of date or build number ? its not making any sense :whatsthat:19.6-20.6

19th June and 20th June, somewhere around then. :)

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sounds great, but what the hell is that number ? some kind of date or build number ? its not making any sense :whatsthat:19.6-20.6

It means between June 19th and June 20th.

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hi madDogX, it sure doenst look that bad on low settings. i mean i wouldnt mind playing it on low if my system couldnt take it.

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sounds great, but what the hell is that number ? some kind of date or build number ? its not making any sense :whatsthat:19.6-20.6

lol fail :P

But Big update sounds great!!!

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