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So who's making the ultimate hunting mod?

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Well, with the new info that grass will now remain flat when trampled on + animals + massive and realistic environment + guns = ultimate hunting simulator?

So would this mean you can now track animals and stuff using the ground???

muhahah :yay::yay:

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i think its going to be fun firing a massive tank shell 1 mile and hitting a cow dead lol or what about dive bombing a heli into a cow lol .... just a wicked thought :yay:

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I don't know about mods but I'm going to make a hunting mission on steroids. I mean, a hunting mission that is on steroids, not when I'm on steroids.

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No, there will be no need for a mod. In the twitter Q&A BIS already announced that a mission maker can make animals playable in the mission with no mods. Simply placing a unit I guess.

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I forsee really weird, fun and awesome missions in the future with the ability of using animals hah! You can even be a player's german shepard that he uses to send forward for scouting haha. Imagine PvP - will the opposing team know its a tracking dog played by a human or just a dog sniffing about a place to pee? :)

Everyone are hunters and one poor sod the boar. Everyone as dogs and one poor sod as the rabbit. Recon sheep. Recon cows... Death matches can be made very fun i predict, and serious missions with the use of animals as well. Clear is that BIS have their humour intact and are giving us even more freedom with ARMA2. :D


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Boar hunting with pig dogs! :), you'l be able to have dogs under you command right? "2, atack that pig"

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man‚ might turn from army style game to a huge 50 player barnyard scrap ARMA2 style ! either way count me in !

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Hi all

I want to see the Boar Gore the hunters and much on their bones.

That will be good fun.

Kind Regards walker

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One of the first things I'll do with the beasts is take a bunny and implement the deadly leaping feature from DM Zombies into it. The fearsome Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog.

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i wonder if you could land the jet vertically and have a cow and pig jump on the jets wing and slowly take off vertically get right into clouds and let the pig and cow jump.:yay:

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Well, with the new info that grass will now remain flat when trampled on + animals + massive and realistic environment + guns = ultimate hunting simulator?

So would this mean you can now track animals and stuff using the ground???

muhahah :yay::yay:


you are saying that we can see now the steps of guys who moved already through the grass and not only soldiers but we can see tank traps too?!?

that would be very cool and would increase the level of reality flash! :)

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We need animal droppings as well (preferably different for each species). It's a shitty job but someone has to do it if BIS doesn't.

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I see a dinosaur mod comming... (Remember where u heard it first)

Horses as players with mujahedins players riding on them would be nice.

Maybe also one or two tapirs. :)

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We need animal droppings as well (preferably different for each species). It's a shitty job but someone has to do it if BIS doesn't.

Hell yeah. The droppings also should be usable for determination of the species that dropped it.

Just like in this vid :D


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A friend (not even an ArmA fan... Do those really exist?) came up with a fantastic MP hunter gamestyle when I told him about these features.. simple and entertaining.

1- Animals need to store up food for winter in their dens (warrens?). Food is around the area, so are bait piles that look like food.

2- The hunters can place bait, track prefered lanes (if the grass is indeed flattened by animals trampling).

3- Both only have a certain amount of time before hibernation to collect or hunt. The animals obviously have the harder side of the game, so should also have the most script tricks up their furry sleeve.. I'm kinda liking Celerys killer rabbit "With Gleaming white shiney FANGS!!!"

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Bull riding?

Leg humping from Shepards?

Cock Fights?

And for the kids, sheep herding?

Edited by SWAT_BigBear

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Animals will make Arma 2 famous.

I already thought animals were famous... or infamous from a certain farm video?

Anyway... enough blushing! :o

What about an escort the VIP cows mission.

You and your team mates have to escort the cows from the fields to the dairy, ready to be milked... Your mission is simple protect the milk at all cost!


For the love of semi skimmed milk!

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What I take from this, is that you should KILL ALL THE ANIMALS! could be a recon cow!

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Kung Fu Cow

It's now a dream come true in Arma 2

Edited by EricM

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We're missing sea animals....

I'd like to go fishing, have a beer :803:, take a fish, have a beer :803:, have a beer :803:, forgetting why i'm here near the shore, have a beer :803:, have a sleep... :436:

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