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Autoflares Script Help.

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Hello all im trying to make a script which makes flares fire into the sky in a random pattern.. anyways this is the sqs i used in flashpoint but i just cant get it to work in arma. Could anyone please help me thanks! Autoflares=true will be set in a param for it to be selected.


?!(local Server): exit


? Autoflares : goto "start"


_Xpos = getpos middle select 0
_Ypos = getpos middle select 1
_Xspread = 250
_Yspread = 500
_flares = ["F_40mm_White","F_40mm_Red","F_40mm_Geen","F_40mm_Yello"]

_localtargetcounter = 0


_X = _Xpos
_Y = _Ypos

_X = _X + (random _Xspread - _Xspread /2)
_Y = _Y + (random _Yspread - _Yspread /2)

_flare = _flares select random 3

_flare1 = _flare createvehicle [_X,_Y,120]

~10 + random 10
goto "loop"

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In sqf:

if(isServer) then {
sleep 4;
_xpos = (getpos middle) select 0;
_ypos = (getpos middle) select 1;
_xspread = 250;
_yspread = 500;
_flares = ["F_40mm_White","F_40mm_Red","F_40mm_Green","F_40mm_Yellow"];
while { autoflares } do {
	_x = _xpos + ((random _xspread) - _xspread / 2);
	_y = _ypos + ((random _yspread) - _yspread / 2);
	_flare1 = (_flares select (random 3)) createvehicle [_x,_y,120];
	sleep (10 + random 10);


It doesn't require a game logic with the name 'server' anymore, but it still requires an object with the name 'middle'. I've set the variable 'autoflares' as condition of the loop, so you're able to shut it off in the mission by setting it to 'false'.

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Thanks so much worked like a treat.

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