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Keep your gear when you respawn

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Sorry if there is a thread for this already but in Domination by Xeno as everyone knows when you die you respawn with the same gear i've searched for a good hour now and cant find it.

can anyone help me out? Oh and please dont say anything obvious like use search or contact the author.

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Norrins revive scripts are totally customizable. You can set it up to respawn with what you died with or respawn with a full load out.

Also if you PM norrin he is always more then willing to help you out if you want to use any of the custom handlers. see OFPEC's thread

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I don't know who originated it but in Evolution, it's like this: -

at join, arrays contain default loadouts

pallammo = ["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", "M136", "pipebomb"];

pweapons = ["M16A4", "M136", "binocular", "NVGoggles"];

at (re)spawn, loadouts are applied to your kit after removealleverything

_player = player;

removeAllWeapons _player;

{player addmagazine _x} forEach pallammo;

{player addweapon _x} forEach pweapons;

player selectweapon (primaryWeapon player);

if you re-arm at the hangar ammocrates, a trigger activates to re-write your loadout arrays

class Item79






expCond="animationState player == ""ainvpknlmstpslaywrfldnon""";

expDesactiv="closeDialog 0;if((player distance (getMarkerPos ""ammob1"")) < 20) then {[]execVM ""scripts\m4a1sd.sqf""}";

class Effects




_guns = weapons player;

_qds = ({_x == "M4A1SD"} count _guns);

if (_qds == 1) then // give the player silenced ammo



if (_x == "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag") then


player removeMagazine _x;

player addMagazine "30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD";


} forEach magazines player;

reload player;


pallammo = magazines player;

pweapons = weapons player;


I added a thing which detects if you're a medic and reduces your ammo allowance, as well as the SD ammo check above.

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Create a trigger.

Condition: local player

On Act.: handle = [] execVM "weaponrespawn.sqf"


_weapons = [];
_magazines = [];

while {true} do {
   waitUntil {!alive player};
   _weapons = weapons player;
   _magazines = magazines player;
   waitUntil {alive player};
   _p = player;
   removeAllWeapons _p;
   {_p addMagazine _x} forEach _magazines;
   {_p addWeapon _x} forEach _weapons;
   _primw = primaryWeapon _p;
   if (_primw != "") then {
       _p selectWeapon _primw;
       _muzzles = getArray(configFile >> "cfgWeapons" >> _primw >> "muzzles");
       _p selectWeapon (_muzzles select 0);


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