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Compiling island includes BIS /ca files

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Do you have any clue why does the compiler tool copy all BIS /ca/buildings & /ca/plants to my island .pbo ? I'm using default structures, so that is strange. I loose a lot of time waiting for all BIS p3d to process.

And one more: I know AI is stupid in ArmA (3 T-72 driving in tight column drove over a cliff with a bridge nearby) but I've done my bridge with invisible path across the "regular" bridge object. Is empty_6 object included in the roads.pbo supplied with the game?

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You dont need invisible road lods accross a bridge, I use terminators a each end of the roadway where it meets a bridge and it works fine

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List your p:\ setup.

cd /D p:\

dir /B /S > list.txt

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Kju: its working now after another reinstall of tools, but its strange... I've noticed that when I close BinPBO all data gets erased and binmake stops working too! Here's a shot:


Then I have to reinstall BinPBO & BinMake in order for it to work, of course I have to punch in all the data again *sigh*

I'm using XP Home w/ admin rights. Standard folders (C:\Program Files... + P: drive)

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Hm weird. That said you can call binpbo from command line just fine.

Check the readme and write a simple batch with all the params.

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