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ArmA II release date discussion thread

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I think we know now how cover of German version look likes



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Wow having the american flag on the background of the german version cover was kinda stupid.

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Wow having the american flag on the background of the german version cover was kinda stupid.

And what if I may ask is stupid when there is an american flag in the background when the game is centered about the US Marines?

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sorry man i just saw wat u posted up above thanx that helps i was about to say cuz the main characters in the game were US marines sooooooo it would be dumb of BIS for not releasing it in US hehe

Please use proper English on the forums.

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Hm, release is in less than 4 weeks? I thought it was late June. Great. (I got this from w0lle in another thread).

Oh and how do I buy it in the United States? Internet or I can find it in stores?

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Well I meant release in 4 weeks here in germany. :)

End of June is for UK and rest of Europe. No word yet for the U.S. publisher nor release.

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Well I meant release in 4 weeks here in germany. :)

End of June is for UK and rest of Europe. No word yet for the U.S. publisher nor release.

Sorry if this has already been asked, but I need to know so I can plan my vacation.

Will the german release have an english option?

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This is the one time north america gets left out


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Yeah hopefully it wont be long before BIS announce a release date for North America. I really wish they release it on Steam for us in Canada this time around!

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...but I guess it will have all (common) languages included this time because even back at the GC'08 last year the game already was in english.

Weren't the preview versions of ArmA 1 also in English? I remember a simple modification in language.pbo could switch all versions to English, except the campaign.

At least that's what I gathered by reading the forums. Only bought the English version of the game myself.

Edited by Maddmatt

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No way, the czech version !must! be the first released, am i right? :D

If not, seems I will brush up on my knowledge of German language :D

What is the exact date of German release?

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Why would it be released a whole month ahead of the rest of the world in the fírst place?

I can understand a few days difference depending on market but 4 weeks?

Is this even confirmed?

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Why would it be released a whole month ahead of the rest of the world in the fírst place?

I can understand a few days difference depending on market but 4 weeks?

Is this even confirmed?

No, I just said that to sound important here you know. :rolleyes:

I don't know either but there surely is stuff between resalers and publishers that the normal user has no idea about. Don't forget that this all is about business, lot's of $$$ and not just pleasing the gamers.

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Alright, need to start up my European supply chain again! lol.

I'm-a not going to wait for my Arm-a!

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Using the US flag kinda makes me think its a propaganda game like Americas Army, but it just looks awesome! I hope we get yankee flags here in finland too :yay::yay:

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well, looks like OFP2 has been pushed up to autumn 2009, BIS can relax now a little bit. I am sure this is good news for BIS!

Edited by leckig

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Mmh summing the situation up, morphicon still says may 2009. But this non existent update could be cause in there update politics...look, these old screenshots :D

But BIS has already more things finished/working on as the preview alpha had included.. could run short... :bored:

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I think I might know why the German publisher decides to publish one month earlier. It's just about the money...

I don't know if you guys are aware about this, but currently the British Pound compared to Euro is much weaker than in the past, and games are simply cheaper on the Isles than in Germany by default. In the last months Amazon.co.uk stopped shipping games to Germany for a while.

The (most probable) reason was, lots of people bought from the British Amazon, rather than from the German one.

For example: XBox version of GTA4 is 25 British Pounds (currently ~ 28 Euro), PS3 Version is even just 21 Pounds (~24 Euro), while in Germany both are 70 (!!!) Euro.

PC games in general are 35 Pounds (~40 Euro) in UK, but at least 50 Euro in Germany.

Now, releasing a game one month earlier in Germany would make not just the hard-cored German fans buy them locally (can't wait, omg, wtf), but maybe even some hard/cored gamers from foreign countries (same as above).

I just wonder if those tactics will prevail :D

So much for my conspiracy theory :)

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I think I might know why the German publisher decides to publish one month earlier. It's just about the money...

I don't know if you guys are aware about this, but currently the British Pound compared to Euro is much weaker than in the past, and games are simply cheaper on the Isles than in Germany by default. In the last months Amazon.co.uk stopped shipping games to Germany for a while.

The (most probable) reason was, lots of people bought from the British Amazon, rather than from the German one.

For example: XBox version of GTA4 is 25 British Pounds (currently ~ 28 Euro), PS3 Version is even just 21 Pounds (~24 Euro), while in Germany both are 70 (!!!) Euro.

PC games in general are 35 Pounds (~40 Euro) in UK, but at least 50 Euro in Germany.

Now, releasing a game one month earlier in Germany would make not just the hard-cored German fans buy them locally (can't wait, omg, wtf), but maybe even some hard/cored gamers from foreign countries (same as above).

I just wonder if those tactics will prevail :D

So much for my conspiracy theory :)

I think your right, and the tactic$ would prevail for sure if it supported english in full.

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I don't know if you guys are aware about this, but currently the British Pound compared to Euro is much weaker than in the past, and games are simply cheaper on the Isles than in Germany by default. In the last months Amazon.co.uk stopped shipping games to Germany for a while.

I just bought 3 pairs of contact lenses and 5 bottles of cleaning solution from Germany ;)

Placebo supports the German economy!

That said, I did also order 12 pairs of contacts from the US as well ;)

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Well, I don't exactly know the price differences of contact lenses between UK and Germany, but on the games Germany isn't worth supporting :D (mind the censorship and bad localization and all...)

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''The CDF is important for Chernarus, it can't be cut out.

And if you think about this and the fact that the game is almost done (release in less than 4 weeks) you would come to the conclusion that this can only be a problem with the website.

The CDF will be back, no worries. ''

Wolle said this in another topic about the Chernarus defence forces,

Release in less then 4 weeks wich means this month!:yay::eek:

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