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Good spot ;)

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Hmm ,

I got excited over nothing when I saw proper use of the RTM system , then I read it , I come to conclusion there is some other name for the report post button that I don't know , maybe call it what it is to avoid confusion and keep the clarity for which the whole sticky is designed ?

In case of misunderstand RTM is animation file I am trying to understand as well as report post button :) .

Now I'm thinking do I post here or pm moderator or maybe rtm system to register my dismay that although RTM got a nice sticky with clear instruction , it wasn't the RTM I was hoping for :) .

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Good point Thromp. Changed now.

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Hmm ,

I got excited over nothing when I saw proper use of the RTM system , then I read it , I come to conclusion there is some other name for the report post button that I don't know , maybe call it what it is to avoid confusion and keep the clarity for which the whole sticky is designed ?

In case of misunderstand RTM is animation file I am trying to understand as well as report post button :) .

Now I'm thinking do I post here or pm moderator or maybe rtm system to register my dismay that although RTM got a nice sticky with clear instruction , it wasn't the RTM I was hoping for :) .

Good spot, thromp, and sorry to get you all excited! I would also like extended tools to create rtm animations.

Here I was referring to the Report To Moderator button. W0lle already changed it up. Thanks for pointing out the vagueness.

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Can I get a reply on my question? I understand it was rather long winded first time around, so in short, does it seem prudent/useful to create a 'modding wishlist' for A3 (purely as a wishlist for features useful for the modding community, such as new commands etc) where all requests for addon X, or Engine change Y were out of bounds? It could equally be placed in the current wishlist thread, which is, however and of no surprise, generally overflowing with mindless drivel (and a useful way to collate all aforementioned drivel, rather than 1000's of threads).

Speaking for myself here, I'd love to see something like this.

Since the last details of alpha release claims that it will be moddable to an extent, it's probably going to be useful for giving feedback regarding modding features. Truth be told, if it's true, it will probably warrant an early opening of the editing section as far as I'm concerned.

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I deliberately didn't answer as I leave the addons forums to others better suited ;)

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Speaking for myself here, I'd love to see something like this.

Since the last details of alpha release claims that it will be moddable to an extent, it's probably going to be useful for giving feedback regarding modding features. Truth be told, if it's true, it will probably warrant an early opening of the editing section as far as I'm concerned.

Seems like a fair way to do it, have a feedback sticky in the editing section once the Alpha is released and we get an idea of the possibilities. In truth, untill then any discussion/requests are perhaps rather fruitless given that there's every chance it has already been implemented. I guess we, like most modders, all have some little part of the engine, a 'missing' command or check, that we'd hope could be addressed at each new ArmA, hence jumping the gun a little.

I deliberately didn't answer as I leave the addons forums to others better suited ;)

Lazy ;)

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Put them in the (A3) CIT

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Thread subscription emails stopped! :)

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Hmm, just checked and the cage with the two hamsters used for this is empty. No idea who removed them and for what purpose...

We'll see if we can get new ones real quick. :)

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Thanks W. It is so hard finding good hamster these days. :cool::cool:

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With this announcement, surely this rule:

§8) Post in the right forum & right thread

Please ensure you make new threads in the correct forum, if you're unsure of which forum to post in feel free to ask a moderator. If a thread exists for the topic you wish to post about you must use it, for example all ACE questions belong in the ACE thread. All addon/mod questions belong in the thread for that addon/mod. In the case of DayZ discussions they should be posted on the DayZ forums, this includes problems with the Modification. The troubleshooting forum is not for problems with Addons and Mods!

(bold part) is now out of date?


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Not really, we need to figure out the best way for everyone involved to integrate the various forums, the DayZ website/forums will stay where they are and primary discussions should be on there because that's the best place suited, maybe similar to how VBS is handled here, a news thread with discussion but any in depth and/or technical discussion should be done on the DayZ forums.

Edit: Day-Z-Announced-as-standalone-title

Edited by Placebo

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I think there is a general desire to talk DayZ topics though, I know a lot of people simply wish to trash it but there are some real discussions also. It seems a shame that there is no way to sensibly discuss the most popular mod, soon to become an official release, on the game's own forums :)

To be honest, the DayZ forums are a bit of a zoo. I'd much prefer to discuss it here.

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I'm not sure it would be much different here. I don't know what the DayZ forum moderation is like, but surely the fact it's a zoo isn't entirely an issue with the moderators / forum rules / etc.

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I'm not sure it would be much different here. I don't know what the DayZ forum moderation is like, but surely the fact it's a zoo isn't entirely an issue with the moderators / forum rules / etc.

I would fully expect most of the zoo-like fraternity to go straight to the DayZ forums than here... I just don't see why we shouldn't discuss DayZ as an ArmA mod on the ArmA forums, between the ArmA community members.

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Why are threads locked simply because their title is "wrong"?

Example: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?139101-Two-questions

I can understand doing it to repeat offenders or something, but locking the thread is counter-productive, especially in the editing forum which should be an area to share knowledge, not limit it by being officious.

Maybe it should be changed to just a friendly warning?

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If people "know" that a Moderator can/will change the topic title anyway, they tend to get lazy when thinking of a topic title for a thread they are about to create: why should i bother, a Mod will do the thinking part for me.

Closing the thread is a friendly warning. Giving Infractions would be a unfriendly warning.

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Myke;2212230']If people "know" that a Moderator can/will change the topic title anyway' date=' they tend to get lazy when thinking of a topic title for a thread they are about to create: why should i bother, a Mod will do the thinking part for me.


Perhaps they are just new and don't know the form yet? We were all new at the internet once.

Sure, some people are lazy and I think we can all spot the people with tens or hundreds of posts who don't give a toss and expect everyone else to do the work for them, including a decent thread title, but new people are by definition new. Sometimes when you've been hanging around on forums for years, or dare I say decades, we might find it hard to imagine how confusing this brave new world is to the uninitiated.

I worry that this place is inviting but unwelcoming to these people.

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You're not helping people by locking the threads though. Are you supposed to be helping people or deterring them from posting again? Going around locking threads when people have a legitimate question simply because their title is not 100% accurate is detrimental to the purpose of the editing forums.

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The forum moderation is not here to provide customer support. That's the first thing you should know.

Second, we close threads when it's faster than moving them. What we choose (lock or move) is completely up to the moderator in question.

Third, the forum rules are shown to everyone upon registration and the link to them is present all the time. And in these rules there clearly is said:

§21) Use descriptive thread titles

If you start a new thread, please make sure your thread title explains what you want without forcing people to read through your post first.

Thread titles such as "How in the world do I...", "Need help!" or "Will we ever see..." are anything but descriptive. We do not allow these kind of titles and threads with such titles are subject to be closed.

If (new) people can't or won't read, that's not our fault!

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