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'essential' addons for multiplayer

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As a new player to ArmA, as it was for OFP, it's difficult to figure out what addons you should have, and where they are kept updated.

What would you consider 'essential' addons to get, for multiplayer?

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If I may make a comment for an Editor update, get 6th Sense. It allows you all the objects from Editorupdatev1.02 but other people do not need it as an addon. Also here's my recommended list.

ACE v1.06

ACE Island Pack 1.12

ArmA Beta Patch 1.15

and of course, as SS9 said,

Afghan Village & Avgani 1.5 by OPX

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ACE v1.06

ACE Island Pack 1.12

ArmA Beta Patch 1.15

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The ACE Island Pack is ok at best, lots of marginal Islands. Needs to be pruned. Still a good Pack to try. Isle De Jonas, and Pomegret are very good Islands. And of course Queens Gambit.

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Isnt Kegetys Lowplant addon obsolete? Thought I read it somewhere in old ikonboard forum but I can be wrong.

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The majority of servers run vanilla ArmA and they are likely to kick mod users automatically and sometimes manually if the mod creates error messages for everyone else. As a rule of thumb, use ACE and other mods only when you are going to join a server that uses that mod.

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I often hear that the lowplants mod is obsolete but i dont think thats the case, people started saying it after the new grass was added. Whilst the new grass did certainly help performance it did not make lowplants obsolete. Lowplants affects all vegetation and reduces clutter density so can still offer a good boost with a little cost to IQ. The performance gains are most evident in the north sahrani forest areas and worlds like schmalfalden.

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