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Do you really think you could hide a battle tank in Berlin except in the Grunewald? tounge2.gif

There were not more than a batallion of allied tanks on a lonely "urban outpost" surrounded and outnumbered by the soviet army...

It sounds very dubious if an experimental camouflage could blind soviet air and ground forces.

afaik it was not an 'experimental' camo, and large number of BAOR armoured vehicles where painted in it.

No, it wasn't experimental. It was officially applied to almost

all vehicles of the Berlin brigade (especially the AFVs). It

was extremely effective at camouflaging Chieftain MBTs up

Berlin streets. The problem, of course, was that it was utterly

useless once the vehicle left a built-up area. Some soviet

vehicles even started to appear in schemes clearly inspired

by the Berlin brigade camouflage. However, unless your mod

makes British AFVs (and detailed German cityscapes) it's all

rather academic since other NATO armies never used it.

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BAOR is in progress. Berlin BDE vehicles are not likely to be included; can you imagine the framerate hit of a company-on-company battle in downtown Berlin? Ouch.

The Berlin BDE camouflage is particularly interesting because as I recall, all vehicles it was applied to had the same pattern applied to them. All Chieftains looked the same, all FV-432s looked the same. This complicated the "counting tracks" that the Soviets and East Germans tried to do.

I am a particular fan of the Berlin BDE camouflage pattern because when you apply it (by hand, as this isn't available commercially) to smocks or winter oversuits (the thin over-whites) it makes a very good pattern for hiding oneself in a built up area. The urban environment is straight lines: even when you shell it, it's just a jumble of straight lines. Match the colours to your AO and apply a similar pattern of blocks and so on, and it becomes an outstandingly useful piece of equipment. Unfortunately, I can't claim credit for coming up with this: Sergeant Major Mark Spicer (British Army) did.

The_Shadow: Cooperation between P85 and CSLA may have been some time in the past. I can't say if we're fully compatible with CSLA or not, some pretty extreme coding changes have been made. One thing is certain though; P85 will "do as it says on the tin". Please note that what the tin says is only valid when that tin happens to be the readme with the released version.

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I can't claim credit for coming up with this: Sergeant Major Mark Spicer (British Army) did.

The same basic idea appears in Home Guard manuals from the

1940s. It probably actually originated in WW1.

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I can't claim credit for coming up with this: Sergeant Major Mark Spicer (British Army) did.

The same basic idea appears in Home Guard manuals from the

1940s. It probably actually originated in WW1.

Interesting. I will look into this more now that my curiosity is piqued. Check your PMs, bitte.

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Due to many things that changed in P85

P85 is ended

Mod started in ca. Sept2007.

credits and readme soon smile_o.gif


mod addons in 4 parts and config file (Armaholic hosting):

missions will be added as soon as we will fix them

http://www.armaholic.eu/vilas/85temp/p85_configfile.7z  (small for fixes)





http://www.armaholic.eu/vilas/85temp/klasy.txt  < most of classes, some not added here (we added much  more Soviet troops , not listed here, but list will be updated)

Vilas and some people from team wink_o.gif

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Whilst we respect the work that went into this mod past and present, airing dirty laundry in the public forums is simply not acceptable, grievances between mod members/addon makers should be resolved in private.

Please don't let this spill over into the Completed thread.

Vilas can request the thread to be reopened if situation warrants it.

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