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orginal KLMK was one-piece

and other - work keep on and keep on smile_o.gif

main mesh imported from OFP, but with many changes (as one map, not a lot of textures) and new details (alfa picture)


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Oh I remapped it, updated the model and started to texture it but ran out of time. If only I knew I could've sent it to you and save you some time.

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Nice Vilas, but OFP model is sucks, maybe if you Pimp it... wink_o.gif

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Nice Vilas, but OFP model is sucks, maybe if you Pimp it... wink_o.gif

If updated properly, it's completely fine. Truth be told I didn't fully update the one on my end tounge2.gif .

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Looks great, you'd be suprised what a spec&bump map can do to a low poly model.

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it has some new elements:

new wheels

new zuni launcher

new rockets pods

flare launcher


normalmap is not made yet, it is just alfa texture

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I hope SU 25 will be in Polish Camo for Polish airforce.

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model is great. dont listen to kids wink_o.gif

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model is great. dont listen to kids  wink_o.gif

I second that ..even if he is (maybe) older...dunno tounge2.gif

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I never would have guessed that it was based on the original model unless I read it, some damn good work!

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OFP su25 model is good model ,but in ofp are ugly textures on it .

If u do better and sharper textures on it then u got like new model smile_o.gif

Vilas keep it up great work wink_o.gif

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Not taking into consideration OFP's models under the pretext they are low Polys would be a big mistake since very low-polys models will look much better once converted and adapted to the new engine's standards (Normal Maps, Specular Maps... ) etc.

This is has pros but almost no cons.



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Ok, kiddies, time to shake things up...




One piece




One piece

About 2 pieced KLMK - it's called KRM. Pics are really spooky - you'd better hide it before someone saw this gasmask freak in modern KZS adaptation.

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I hope SU 25 will be in Polish Camo for Polish airforce.

And why should it? Stop being ridiculous, we never had those.

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Very nice screenshots of BTR NSX!, I need to come up with a better animation for the roof proxies though. I'm not sure of a good one to use.

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2 Mecha-Stalin

You also need to fix tubes of water jets. "Bridge" between them is a bit too high than it should be, according to my blueprints. Check it below. All in all it's quite nice model (mesh of it), textures and anims are awful, but this would be improved, I guess. wink_o.gif


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Aww, whats wrong with textures? Perhaps you'd like the rusty version better? :P Also what do you mean by anims exactly?

It's still an early work though, I will continue to send you guys new PBOs as I work on it. smile_o.gif I have newer version with some changes like realistic mass and improved center of gravity.

Feel free to tear it apart however you guys see fit though, you'll probably make it look better than what I could do using GSCs work. All I ask is for any major changes for the better to be allowed to be applied to my stand-alone version and the variants I'm planning for it.

Edit:Do you think you guys could configure openable hatches or ones that open/close depending on engine like BRDM-2? I'm not sure how to do it myself.

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No, I mean we need freshly painted GREEN BTR. Yellow one seems to be from Afghanistan. smile_o.gif

Anims are sitting cargo anims - now grunts are sitting like girlies (legs togepher - ready to defend their viriginity rofl.gif ).

Also interior seems to be very weak place...Hm...look at BRDM and look at GSC BTR... See diffirencies yourself.  tounge2.gif

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I don't know why but the second photo reminded me old and still exciting screenshot. The same dust, climate and atmosphere...for my anyway. GJ and keep it up guys!


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There is a little dilemma about an important historical question regarding the Polish Troops.

As some of you maybe already know, Polish troops, despite being main members of the Warsaw Pact, they were according to numerous reliable sources in a large part against the Soviet Influence.

Hence it was supposed that Polish Troops would have stood against Soviet Troops in the case of a direct conflict opposing the western/eastern blocs.

Therefore should we go for 'Hypothesis' or for 'Official Positions'?

Please help us to make a decision in these regards.

A new poll was established for this purpose, thank you for your votes in the previous polls, though.

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Maybe you should combine the two... The main part are still for the communist group with rebel units fighting against it

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The vast majority of the polish troops should stay with the Soviet army but, it could have defections among his troops... surprise, here the partisan!

Just an idea, as usual... wink_o.gif

Good night!


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I think it would be nice to have the polish troops at the side of the west or even between them like the "RACS"...

No it would be pretty cool to have polish troops mixed with western - a nice mixture in terms of weapons/gear etc...

Regards, Christian

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There is a little dilemma about an important historical question regarding the Polish Troops.

As some of you maybe already know, Polish troops, despite being main members of the Warsaw Pact, they were according to numerous reliable sources in a large part against the Soviet Influence.

Hence it was supposed that Polish Troops would have stood against Soviet Troops in the case of a direct conflict opposing the western/eastern blocs.

Therefore should we go for 'Hypothesis' or for 'Official Positions'?

Please help us to make a decision in these regards.

A new poll was established for this purpose, thank you for your votes in the previous polls, though.

(Clickable Image)





The fact that there were some disagreements between the Soviet and Polish military leadership does not automatically imply that they WP would have thought against the Soviets if the cold war went hot. Neither the Soviets, nor the NATO were expecting that. It might be hard to believe in this day and age, but the Polish army was geared up to face NATO in 1985. That's not to say that there would have been no defections though...



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