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WW4 Modpack 1

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Roger. I'm afraid I don't like the spread on JAM HD very much. It seems to make infantry rifles basically redundant to MGs. On the other hand, BIS weapons are a little too accurate for my tastes. WGL5 got it just right, I think.

But that's just my opinion! :) I'm still planning to make a mission that will use WW4 infantry. Once again, great mod, and I hope to make huge battles with it.

The way WGL does it is to have quite high accuracy, but then the AIdispersioncoeffx and AIdispersioncoeffy at about 7ish. This makes the AI fire when their aimpoint is within a certain radius of you, rather than pointing at you. And it makes it harder for players to hit by making the FOV wider.

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Note for who would like to play with a wider or narrower field of view as infantry, look for (default BIS values used in WW4 mod)


That's what controls it if i remember well.

WGL5 buy example uses :


if you make the minFov/maxFov being the same number, it means that you can't unrealistically zoom when pressing whatever you have assigned to the zoom key (usually right mouse button)

to be able to zoom, you need minfov to be lower than maxfov

Edited by Sanctuary

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hi sanc i have a doubt i make a custom config and i like use the us army from FFUR 85 (2008 edition) but when remplace, all good but the head have only one face not see the faces of the others soldiers for example in mission editor put a 2 soldiers and the 2 soldiers have the same face how can fix?

Edited by Sgt. Elias Pinto

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hi sanc i have a doubt i make a custom config and i like use the us army from FFUR 85 (2008 edition) but when remplace, all good but the head have only one face not see the faces of the others soldiers for example in mission editor put a 2 soldiers and the 2 soldiers have the same face how can fix?

Sorry i have no idea how those soldier models are built.

have you given a look into the ffur config to see if those soldiers need some script to allocate the faces ?

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offtopic: face issue is connected with missing cfgModels section... search for it on those boards to see how to it.

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Hello, i fix the problem with the faces all good

but now i have other doubt in russian forces (Vdv 85 , FFUR 1985 [2008 edition]) not see the nvgoggles model when like use the spestnaz only itself see the green screen but not the model of the nvg goggles how can fix?:j:

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Are you talking about AI or about yourself as a player, because yourself as a player do not have the NVG model that appear in front of your face when you look in commander view and rotate to see yourself from front.

Unless there is some kind of script that make a hidden selection appearing with setobjecttexture.

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Show me a screenshot of the exact problem, and post what is wrote in your replacement of the spetsnaz class (and the CfgModel part corresponding of the model)

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all normal in the us soldiers and guerrillas forces


but the russian force not have the nvg model in the night

the problem is with all the types of russian soldiers(except pilot)

class ru_sol: Man


sections[] = {"head injury","body injury","l arm injury","r arm injury","p arm injury","l leg injury","r leg injury","p leg injury","hlava","krk","zasleh","medic","svetlo","_AKmags","_AKmags1","_Armpatch_left","_Armpatch_right","_Backpack","_Beret","_Bottle","_Cap","_Gasmask","_Gear","_Gpouch","_Helm","_Helmcamo","_HelmF","_Holster","_MAGpouch1","_MAGpouch2","_PKpouch1","_PKpouch2","_Radiogear","_Rpgpack","_Shovel","_SVDmags","_Tuch","_Mapcase","_Lamp","nv","shlem";"shlem2","armpatch","headgear"};



class ru_off: ru_sol



class ru_general: ru_sol



class ru_sf: ru_sol



class SoldierESaboteur:SoldierEB
























in the version 1.0 of ffur itself see the nvg model in the russian forces but the left hand of spetsnaz are missing

in the version 1.05 the problem of th hand are fixed but the nvg model itself not see in russian forces

and the face of guba are blurred (vdv 85 officer)

Edited by Sgt. Elias Pinto

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Open the ffur_ru PBO and in the subfolder "sl" , take the ru_sf.p3d model.

Download ODOLExplorer from THERE

(ODOLexplorer 2.0 and its patch 2.44)

Now with ODOLexplorer open the model ru_sf.p3d.

Don't need to select the texture folder, window telling you "can't find blablabla" will appear for each texture ODOLex can't then find, just leave the ENTER key pressed until each of them are closed and the model appear in the viewer.

If the model has a NVG proxy, you will see in front of the model head a big triangle , like this :


If for some reason the NVG proxy is not there, there will be no big triangle in front of the head of the model.

And that may be why the NVG does not appear - if you have given NVG to the soldiers -

In such case, it is the exact same feature as for the Safety Catch USMC that Adonis mention.

Other than adding yourself manually this proxy in the model in O2, no idea.

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If they have the triangle, it is then not normal at all, if you have given them a NVG.

Have you tried as Addonis pointed, to add the nvg in the weapons section ?


so it looks like :



If adding the NVG in the weapon section does nothing, let's see these 2 other possibilities :

In ODOLexplorer, you have a list of selections, click on "nvg_proxy" like in that screenshot :


If the big triangle in front of the head become red, that's good, if not it is a model fault

Now the second possibility i see is the hidden selection line in that soldier class, the hidden selection as its name suggest hide the part of the model that are included in the selection listed.

It is possible that one of those selection has the nvg_proxy included in them, and so hide the nv googles from view.

To test, in front of the line


add //

so it looks like :


Test now ingame, if you give a nvg to those soldier at night, does it finally appear on them ?

If yes, now you have to find which selection has the nvg_proxy included.

In ODOLex, click on each selection from the list , that are mentionned in that hiddenSelections line.

If one of them has the nvg_proxy big triangle turning red, that should be the problem, delete that selection from the hiddenSelections[]={"..... list and see ingame.

don't forget to remove the // in front of hiddenSelections[]={"..... before testing again

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Here are some more goodies :








Inside the archive you will find



Install them into ..\whatevermod\Addons\ folder.

Objects will be available under Empty -> NOCH Bastion or NOCH Bunkers

NOCH_bunker.pbo contains 2 small rock bunkers.

class names :


The difference is just the texture that more or less darker (so usable in desert or temperate environment. NOCH_Bunker2 being the one for more desertic tone.

For the AI, those bunkers contains 2 positions, one inside and one at the firing hole, so when you select an AI from your squad and put the cursor on the position you want the AI to go, it will go without a problem.

NOCH_hesc.pbo contains several wall tiles that are very inspired by the hesco bastion system.

The map icons are roughly at correct size, so placing each tiles can be done easily without having to guess/trial and error too much to make large walls.

class names :


for the grey/urban variant :


the number indicate how many sections are in this wall tile, the letter T mean this is the taller version, the letter d or g mean the desert or grey version.

smaller version allow soldiers to shoot over them.


of course as of any beta, things may change in official release, textures may differ a bit, etc...

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i test the 3 possibilities but no have the good result:(

Have you checked all LODs ?

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Not before i finish the ww4 modpack 2.0, in which there should be BIS tanks converted to WW4 values.

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