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PzKpfw VI Tiger, Crew, Werhmacht infantry [WW2]

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SMERSH & SofD are working on German heavy tank addon PzKpfw VI Tiger, Crew, Werhmacht infantry squad .

The tank has 4 variants of camo:

- Desert

- Gray

- Camouflage

- Winter


Crew - 4 men:

- Commander

- Artillery gunlayer ( 88-mm cannon KwK 36 L/56 cannon & MG-34 )

- Radist artillerist ( MG-34 )

- Driver


- 88-mm cannon KwK 36 L/56 cannon

- Turret machinegun MG-34

- Course machinegun MG-34

Engine work:

- double exhaust


- Based on real


- Based on real

Viev from the commaner, driver, artillerist:

- Based on real

Suspension bracket:

- Workable

New sounds:

- Engine

- Turret rotation

- Cannon shoot

- MG shot

- Track sounds


- Random (For any camo)


- Gun tube recoiling when shoot

Textures and damage model:

- Yes


- Yes

Geometry LOD's:

- All


- Commander

- Gunlayer

- Radist

- Driver


- Special created addon Crew


- Special created Werhmacht infantry squad

Release date:

Soon smile_o.gif



-=SARMAT Studios=-

Translate by VulF

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Great work smile_o.gif tanks beautiful. I lack only one,

good nohq and smdi in model soldiers. How do you want, I can help with that. PM to let me know when you choose - greets - Yac

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Just a question who will they fight? Would be nice having some t-34s throwed against those tigers....

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The uniform is off. What year are they supposed to be? The colour is too dark. It should be more green-grey:


These are m36 tunics. The m40 tunic had the collar colour changed to the rest of the uniform. The M43 tunic had the flat edged pockets, no middle stitching and was simplified.

The back of the uniform was also stitched.

It needs normal maps and specular maps, along with definite refinement. The pockets are too small for example. The buttons are too low. Five of them with the last one at the neck.

The belt needs to be positioned higher, above the lower pockets(a bit useless to have them covered). Also it needs to be a bit thicker.

The Y straps are off, there are double straps coming down from the shoulders to the belt, one connects to the belt, the other connects to the pouches. The part at the shoulder needs to be wider.


They also need to be put more together. The back seems to be missing the connecting circle:


Next up are the mp40 pouches.


There cell pouches were far more common. Two sets of three cells with a maintainance pouch.

They also sit higher and a bigger angle.

The grenade is just hanging in the air it seems, if it were there it'd be behind the belt so it wouldn't fall off.

For some reason the soldiers are carrying k98 bayonets even though they have mp40s and mp40 pouches. Also, they have it very near their pecker, which is another oddity, instead of strapped to their shovel.

The shovel should be lower and attached with straps.

The gas mask canister is too short and the grooves should be longer. It's also positioned wrong and is hanging in the air.


This shows the missing breadbag and the water bottle is a bit too big.

The other equipment also needs to be attached via an A-frame, not just hanging in the air:


There's tons to fix here, you can find a lot of info on the gear here.

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Good job! Great to see your own topic dedicated to this particular work!

The uniforms of the Panzercrewmen may need to be re-tooled a bit to resemble the famous panzer wrap pattern.

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All thanks for advices and attention to our work.

I will try to make all using your help better.

YacieK - thanks, I will be prepared and I will write you the personal message.

Skrin - art:


I have changed colour of the form nohq and smdi, it became seems a kind is better...

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The sizes of the tank correspond to the real:

Length of the case, 6316mm

Length with a gun forward, 8450mm

Width of the case, 3705mm

Height, 3000mm

Certainly worthy opponents are necessary to this tank and we already do them:





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Indeed! It is good to see that a Soviet pack is already underway. Models for those two tanks look excellent so far!

The Tiger does sound amazing from the video posted in armedassault.info forums. It adds to the quality of this addon!

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Yes, we will release: PzKpfw VI Tiger, Crew, Werhmacht infantry

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Incredible work on the Tiger guys,looking great and good luck with your project.Well impressed wink_o.gif

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Day of Defeat source?? Not Day of Defeat invented the Tiger 1, It was Germany during the second world war, but yes, the Tiger is in the game from day of defeat too, because it was the most frightend tank in the war next to the Kingtiger!

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Im sure he knows who invented the Tiger tank... what he asked was if they are ported over from DoD

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