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Basic Readme.txt Generator for Addon Maker

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We've come across more and more addons that didn't include a readme.txt.

That's why we decided to offer the type-lazy addon makers a generator to create the Readme Content.

You can access the Readme Generator by visting ArmedAssault.info. The link is located on the left menu (scroll down).

However here is a direct link to the Readme Generator :


We do hope that this service will be used and if you have suggestions on how to improve this service (which isn't final), feel free to post it in here or over at our website.

On a sidenote we have implemented some other features/fixes. If you are interested check out this


@Mods/Admins, I wasn't sure where to post this topic. Because this service is intended to be used with Completed Addons I posted it here. If I'm wrong feel free to move it to the correct section.

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Quite nice system for the start!

Would you be interested to expand it?

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And yes of course, if you have suggestions post them. I can't assure you that they will get implemented immediately (might take some time) but I still consider it the script WIP and it will get updated.

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