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Battlefield: 1943

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Battlefield 1943, OBVIOUSLY an update of Battlefield 1942, but check out the comments... the kids don't even recognize the maps.


If they don't recognize BF1942's "Wake Island", they sure as heck aren't going to remember Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis.

No wonder we never get smarter as a race. Our collective memories are too short.

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That trailer, especially the start of it, reminded me an awful lot of the original Farcry.

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From what I've read the game is going to be even bigger arcade then the previous ones.

Apparently the classes were brought down to 3 and every single one has the means to take down a tank, 24 players limit cap, 3 maps, the good old autohealing and unlimited ammo.

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I think that this one doesn't look any different except some other colours, than the original BF 1942....But I guess there are enough idiots out there to be this recycled s....tuff.


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Apparently the classes were brought down to 3 and every single one has the means to take down a tank, 24 players limit cap, 3 maps, the good old autohealing and unlimited ammo.

Surely even the Battlefield community would laugh at that? crazy_o.gif

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Damnit EA ruins f***ing everything it touches. Everything after Battlefield 1942 is pure crap because EA wants money.

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2 words.. Cash Cow..

You make a crappy pair of shoes and put the Nike symbol on the side and it will max out its pre-orders by the next morning. Just like what EA is doing here with the Battlefield Series. I'd like to go off on DICE, who are making this game because they are getting a little too ambitious and I'm getting a little sick and tired of it. They obviously know everyone wants to see BF3, and they're just milking the cow as long as they can while everyone is sitting around salivating for it.

DICE has a decent sized work force. However, they are: Creating "Battlefield Heroes", "Bad Company 2", and continuing support for the "Bad Company" and just finished help produce "Mirrors Edge". If that isn't enough, just throw in Battlefield 1943.

The Battlefield 19## Series has been the cornerstone of DICE... Just the name itself says to the fans, "this is going to be big". But now it appears that the money is NOT in the QUALITY, but the QUANTITY/NUMBER of sales. My guess is EA sent the order down, forcing DICE to overwork on creating more games they can handle and forcing release dates down their throats. Probably part of the reason DICE is deciding to use the same game-engine from "Bad Company" to make Battlefield 1943.

With these small 24 player maps, the level sizes will obviously be smaller to make up for the 'players per square meter' idea and they will have to appeal to the people just walking off of Call of Duty.. The BF series has its own vibe, so comparing it to a game like Call of Duty isn't fair, but with the almost certain small level sizes of 1943, it will seem as if its trying to be CoD and it will fail miserably.

Now to the level of size... The game will only be 350MB for Consoles... 350MB, now that's pretty pathetic by any standard. I could imagine this game becoming some DLC that people could buy for $10-15 bucks in a month or two while waiting for their beloved "Bad Company 2" while us PC players are left in the wind.

I have been all over websites and forums online and the feedback is pretty straight forward, most players don't like it. At least that's my take on the whole thing. I personally hope (and believe they will) that DICE & EA get an unimaginative amount of bad press & publicity out of this so they can start thinking about their business model and treating the BF series not like some Nike Sign on a crappy pair of shoes.

My confidence in DICE is gone.

Edit: Apparently EA is 100% fused with DICE and they are one company.. Wellp, go figure. All is lost.

Edit2: Now is probably the best window of opportunity for BIS. When the market is craving for something new and exciting, its the perfect time to strike! But don't rush it.. nono! Its hard to strike that balance.

Edit3: Watch this and laugh: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/45234.html

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Judging by the number of sales these games are generating I doubt the market is looking for something new and exciting...it seems to be profitable to resell the same game again.

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Judging by the number of sales these games are generating I doubt the market is looking for something new and exciting...it seems to be profitable to resell the same game again.

Yeah... people just are dumb to buy and support this crap.

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Now to the level of size... The game will only be 350MB for Consoles... 350MB, now that's pretty pathetic by any standard. I could imagine this game becoming some DLC that people could buy for $10-15 bucks in a month or two while waiting for their beloved "Bad Company 2" while us PC players are left in the wind.

Holy crap. This game must be on a very low budget. Clearly a quick money maker.

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Yea EA ruins the series and makes them cash cows for them

good for shareholders

bad for gamers

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Damnit EA ruins f***ing everything it touches. Everything after Battlefield 1942 is pure crap because EA wants money.

Welcome to the tyranny of the lowest common denominator.

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Quote[/b] ]: something of small intellectual content designed to appeal to a lowbrow audience

Thank god for online dictionaries.

We shouldn't be hanging our heads though. We have both OFP 2 and Arma 2 arriving this year.

Its quite frankly a fantastic year for fans of realistic shooters. smile_o.gif

EA can keep their Battlefield.

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wait, what are the japs saying?

Those aint japeness from the start!

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oh dude thats very low budget, like all the models and maps are reused and textures are enhanced though, Im pretty sure there are alot of Bf fans and others who really like to see BF 42 or vietnam or Bf 3 in the frostbite engine wich is pretty cool smile_o.gif

but this product will be sold at half the price than a game but I still think if feels a bit desperate like lets just throw it out quickly so that we can make a quick buck with less content, lesser quality multiplayer and no new content and almost no gameplay changes. nener.gif But hey I guess there are people out there that will buy it.

Feels like the amount of content they will have in the game could have been a mod project done by a couple of guys for fun, only exeption being the high end game engine. biggrin_o.gif

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It looks AWESOME!111


12 players on each side, half of both teams will be camping for planes/flying them, while the other half will wander around the map shooting at trees and buildings with bazookas while the planes will be picking them off.

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It looks AWESOME!111


12 players on each side, half of both teams will be camping for planes/flying them, while the other half will wander around the map shooting at trees and buildings with bazookas while the planes will be picking them off.

thats quite a good description of BF games biggrin_o.gif

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