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Start funds

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I must have had a bang on head cos i cannot locate where you can change the starting funds for each side. I have changed them before but cannot remember, must be my age, touch of demensia setting in icon_rolleyes.gif can anybody just point me in the right direction, just spent an hour looking through forum....

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Hey mate.

Look in:- Common/Init/Init_common scroll half way down ish.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">//Player starting funds.

Call Compile Format["if (IsNil ""EastPlayer%1Funds"") then {EastPlayer%1Funds = 800};",_count + 1];

Call Compile Format["if (IsNil ""WestPlayer%1Funds"") then {WestPlayer%1Funds = 800};",_count + 1];

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haha I did exactly the same thing yesterday. Coudln't find them then I forgot that I had PRgrep which searches for strings within files and found the place.

If only i had remembered about Prgrep before I forgot about where it was in the first place then I would have saved a lot of time:-)



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I think we all as bad as each other lol

Thanks CK seen it now cheers.

I was looking in that folder but at commander funds did not see that line biggrin_o.gif

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