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Raven's FormPatrol 1.0 Script

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So I wanted to have patrolling squads moving on my mission, and I decided yo use this script

from here:


After pondering how to use this script,I think I solved where everything needs to be placed, but my problem is in the patrol itself, which just doesn't spawn. At all.

This here, is my INIT.sqf

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

handCreateAll = compile preprocessFile "CreateAll.sqf";

handFormPatrol = compile preprocessFile "FormPatrol.sqf";

_handler = [Uralcar1, West, East, [10, 30, 10], [2, 5], "Man", [3, 3],

0.5, ["ACE_OfficerE","ACE_SoldierEB","ACE_SoldierEB"], "aware", "normal", "C"]

spawn handFormPatrol;

Also in the map editor I have made an object named Uralcar1.

Am I missing something?  banghead.gif

Thanks in advance!  whistle.gif

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Remember CreateAll.sqf need to define the relationship between the sides before the creation of groups or FormPatrol.sqf wait indefinitely.

Then should invoke CreateAll.sqf with the parameter SETSIDES previously.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">handCreateAll  = compile preprocessFile "CreateAll.sqf";

handFormPatrol = compile preprocessFile "FormPatrol.sqf";

_handler = ["setsides",[west],[east]] spawn handCreateAll;

waituntil {scriptdone _handler};

_handler = [Uralcar1, West, East, [10, 30, 10], [2, 5], "Man", [3, 3], 0.5, "ACE_OfficerE","ACE_SoldierEB","ACE_SoldierEB"], "aware", "normal", "C"] spawn handFormPatrol;

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Oddly enought it works now, thank you, BUT the patrol seems to ignore their enemies, they just pass them, like the enemies aren't actually present.

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will someone help me understand this better the translation is all retarded and not much is explained. ive been patiently waiting for like a week now to play this mission in between work and more work but no one will respond to help. im pretty sure i understand the parameters and ive been trying trial and error all week. i need an outside source of explanation thanks/

Edited by hitcorp

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