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Noob totally lost

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trying to play the old British SP Campaign, I have all the addons as far as I know. Oh, using 1.14.

No entry 'bin'\config.bin/CfgWorlds.1c

Does anybody have any idea what this means and

how to fix it? I have very little experience in this



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As long as the campaign can be played I wouldn't care about the error. It could be caused by an unimportant syntax error in one of the addons.

Otherwise you'll probably be missing a required addon. Maybe another addon is required by an addon you've installed and which isn't mentioned in the campaign readme.

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As long as the campaign can be played I wouldn't care about the error. It could be caused by an  unimportant syntax error in one of the addons.

Otherwise you'll probably be missing a required addon. Maybe another addon is required by an addon you've installed and which isn't mentioned in the campaign readme.

Well, that's the problem. I can't play it.

I could at one time, but not since a


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try deleting any island addons u have one by one

The only island I have installed is South Sahraini which is required.

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Could you paste dl link so we could check it?

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Quote[/b] ]Required Addons: British Desert Land Rover & Troops; Air Pack, Map misc & South Sahrani; RHS Hind, Basic addon, Cold war & Desert packs; SCUD-Nuclear Explosion

I would check for presence of those addon-addons first.

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