twisted 128 Posted January 28, 2009 spent more time trying out GL3 (with ACE as well of course) this is good fighting. got my ass kicked. challenge is nice to have. a thought - imho Arma AI has 2 BIG weaknesses above all others. 1) they go prone in middle of road or field and worst of all 2) they attack on their own. GL3 has made leaps and strides. would it be possible to address the two above elements of Arma AI weakness. AI is just too easy to pick off one by one when they run by themselves towards me to attack - they should advance together as a team (or as fireteams fire and maneuver) but never one guy on his own. your take cover script has made a difference to AI but is there the chance that they could move (run fast) to other cover if they notice that they or their teammates are getting shot. Sort of like a new take cover order when taking casualties. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hamis 0 Posted January 28, 2009 Quote[/b] ] // GL3_Public set [0, False]; Well,i think this should disable everything else but church chor?Lighting works now with ECS too,but GL3 disables ECS fountain lighting.Also initializing at united sahrani takes over 30 seconds. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spangg 0 Posted January 28, 2009 SNKMAN, Is there a way to include ace weapons in your config to make sure those new supressed ones are not being heared by the ai. I know you dont want to touch other mods, but since many of us use ace and not all of us can deal with the script and personally me really appreciate it.Thank you very much. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snkman 351 Posted January 28, 2009 Hi all, first of all. Thanks for all the replays and interest in GL3. @Robalo Of course it's true what you say, but to me the perfect value of all my missions is "random 0.25" i use this value since OFP and it's always the best to me. Enemy A.I. is not that strong, but strong enough to challenge the players and to let you have fun while playing. I always play big missions where action is everything and with Group Link you get no chance to take breath. Of course this value must be set by everyone to fit his needs. I think over it again. Thanks for the hint. @Hadudy Quote[/b] ]Maybe make them avoid slopes from certain limit. May could you explain a bit exactlyer, what you mean by this? I don't get the point. I already had thinked about an Airstrike in another version why not. Yeah nice to hera you know it too. Art of Fighting and Samurai Shodown all the way!!! @Kryptonite @ANZACSAS Steve Well so far i had no time for playing/testing, working all day long... Okay but it sounds like the incomming D.S.A.I. isn't randomsized enough. I will check it as fast as possible. Thanks for the info. @the_shadow Nope this means CSLA do not support other AddOns/Mods, becouse they are using the default ArmA E.H. only. Only thing you could try is to load GL3 at last. So in your AddOn/Mod loading order of your ArmA shortcut but GL3 to the last position. @twisted Simply said: The ArmA A.I. isn't smart. And you can't give them behaviours like seen in many other games. ArmA A.I. do alway's make stuff which isn't good for them. All you can do is to improve the rough overall behaviour, but such fine things are simply impossible with the ArmA A.I. I hope we will see some better A.I. behaviours, tactics and a much more mod friendlyer A.I. in ArmA 2. @hamis If you disable this variable, the you will disable the whole GL3. I never looked into E.C.S. but i don't know why GL3 should disable the fountain light. It's really hard to tell what exactly is to do to only use the Church Light without anything else, becouse GL3 was scripted to be GL3 and i was thinking about many situations and making GL3 very customizable but i never thought about the situation, if someone only want's to use the Church Light. @spangg It's not in my mind to fix things which BIS made wrong. If i get you right, then you are talking about that A.I. can hear silence weapons even if 100m away. Right? So it's a bug and i simply don't have the time/will to fix it, i already wasted a looot of my time while coding GL3 to find out, that it's not me! It's a bug and i'm really sick of discovering bug's. So in my mind it's up to BIS, to fix the bug's. Sorry... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Robalo 465 Posted January 28, 2009 @RobaloOf course it's true what you say, but to me the perfect value of all my missions is "random 0.25" i use this value since OFP and it's always the best to me. Enemy A.I. is not that strong, but strong enough to challenge the players and to let you have fun while playing. I always play big missions where action is everything and with Group Link you get no chance to take breath. Of course this value must be set by everyone to fit his needs. I think over it again. Thanks for the hint. Of course, you could have in your setting min = 0 and max = 0.25 to fit your need... but it's up to you. And if setSkill array does nothing you could comment that code out and just use the 2 vars for min and max instead (public 26,27). Thanks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spangg 0 Posted January 28, 2009 Quote[/b] ]@spangg It's not in my mind to fix things which BIS made wrong. If i get you right, then you are talking about that A.I. can hear silence weapons even if 100m away. Right? So it's a bug and i simply don't have the time/will to fix it, i already wasted a looot of my time while coding GL3 to find out, that it's not me! It's a bug and i'm really sick of discovering bug's. So in my mind it's up to BIS, to fix the bug's. Sorry... No, Im talking about your settings.sqf Quote[/b] ]// GL3 A.I. Hearing Aid  // Enemy A.I. "hear" and "react" to gunfire. ( Even if not under direct fire )  // If a group detected gunfire ( Max. rang 600m ) then they may will  // advance towards to the position, where the gunfire came from.  // NOTE: Silence weapons will be detected only at a distance of 15m while not  // silence weapons will be detected up to 600m. Im not sure if I need to put ace classes here: Quote[/b] ]// GL3_WpnClass0: Weapons listed in this array can be heared by the enemy AI in a range of 15m  // GL3_WpnClass1: Weapons listed in this array can be heared by the enemy AI in a range of 50m  // GL3_WpnClass2: Weapons listed in this array can be heared by the enemy AI in a range of 300m or here: Quote[/b] ]// GL3_Public set [11, ["M4A1SD","MP5SD","M9SD","MakarovSD","Ska_Wal therMpl","Ska_Anaconda","RHS_AKS74PBS3","RHS_AKMPBS1"]] ;   // GL3_Public set [12, []];   // GL3_Public set [13, ["M136","JAVELIN","STINGER","RPG7V","STRELA&a mp;q uot;,"M9","Makarov"]]; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snkman 351 Posted January 28, 2009 @Robalo Yup ok. I do agree with you. I will make the skill some more customizable in the next release. @spangg Oh!! Okay now i get where you are talking about. Yeah that's ok for sure. You can change this in the "GL3_Settings.sqf" or simply copy and past that part in the "Init.sqf" of your mission and change it there. Which way you like to use is up to you, but it's really pretty easy. First of all remove the two "//" in front of the variables to activate them. Take a look at mine. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">  // GL3 A.I. Hearing Aid Weapons  // Weapons which are not listed here will be heard by enemy AI from max ( 600m ) distance.  // By default all ArmA weapons are added in this array do only update thouse  // arrays if you like to use custome weapons.  // GL3_WpnClass0: Weapons listed in this array can be heared by the enemy AI in a range of 15m  // GL3_WpnClass1: Weapons listed in this array can be heared by the enemy AI in a range of 50m  // GL3_WpnClass2: Weapons listed in this array can be heared by the enemy AI in a range of 300m  // All ArmA Weapon class names can be found at:   GL3_Public set [11, (GL3_Public select 11) + ["Weapon_Class_Name","Weapon_Class_Name"]];   GL3_Public set [12, (GL3_Public select 12) + ["Weapon_Class_Name","Weapon_Class_Name"]];   GL3_Public set [13, (GL3_Public select 13) + ["Weapon_Class_Name","Weapon_Class_Name"]]; Put the right weapon class name in the right class array. Note: Rifles like "M4A1" or "G36a" must not be listed in any array, becouse they are automatically detected as 600m weapons by GL3. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kryptonite 0 Posted January 28, 2009 snkman, all else runs fine did a double check on the enemy D.S.A.I.,still have the issue.major repeat chatter,also noticed a possible fire repeat with the issue also. besides the small issues great addon script snkman,nice work. Kryptonite! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snkman 351 Posted January 28, 2009 I already checked it, and it's becouse this D.S.A.I. part is not randomsized, which means the unit/player will always shout, after a shell/rocket impacts right/nearby the unit/player. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snkman 351 Posted January 28, 2009 <span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:red'>Group Link 3 v.1.3 D.S.A.I. Incoming Fix</span></span> Fix: This fix do slove the bug, where units/players did always shout after a rocket/shell impacts right beside/nearby their position. How to use: unRar Copy the "GL3_Core.pbo" from the "Group.Link.3.v.1.3.D.S.A.I.Incoming.Fix" folder to "@GL3\AddOns\". <span style='color:red'>Mirrors:</span> Group Link 3 v.1.3 D.S.A.I. Incoming Fix Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kryptonite 0 Posted January 28, 2009 snkman, thanks for the D.S.A.I. fix will check it and get back to you. Kryptonite! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kryptonite 0 Posted January 29, 2009 snkman, ok the repeat voice from the enemy D.S.A.I.,comes and goes ok for awhile then you here it for a good 1 to 2 mins then leaves,maybe make the incoming fix a little less sensitive for the AI,just a even with the new fix it happens, but not like it was before the fix. Kryptonite! Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snkman 351 Posted January 29, 2009 What kind of mission do you use? The chance to have a incoming scream is 30% there must be 20 Tanks and/or 20 RPG soldiers shooting at your position all the time, that it loops that much. B.t.w.: Enemy A.I. do not have a incoming scream only the player/player side units do scream, if a rocket/missile/shell impacts nearby them. Which kind of voices do loop? Can you give me some examples? Would make things easyer. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kryptonite 0 Posted January 29, 2009 snkman, on the server are all non addon missions coop,small and large.the voices are all enemy AI. "did you hear that",and all the rest of the quotes.we had to end the missions cause of does not matter what size of coop we play it still does it.there could be 3 to 6 enemy units stuck in the loop at the same time.then when you kill them another 3 to 6 start up,so it kind of never sure its something small within the parameters that needs some adjusting.everything else with the addon seems to be good. hope this helps. Kryptonite! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snkman 351 Posted January 29, 2009 Okay so the things they say is: "Did you hear that?" Righ? Sounds like another problem with the Advance/Detecting D.S.A.I. Well i will test/check some other things and see, what i can find. Thanks for the information on this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ADuke 1 Posted January 29, 2009 Here are some of the error messages that continuosly display while using GL3 in my mission....... <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> '...(GL3_Server select 20) - [_x]]; }; }; }|#|foreach (GL3_Server select 3); Error foreach: Type String, expected code File GL3_Core\GL3\Grouplink3.sqf, line 64 if (((GL...' _n = -1; GL3_Client set [0,...' <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> '...0 { sleep 1; if (GL3_Server select 24) |#|exitwith Error exit with: Type String, expeced code File GL3_core\GL3\GL3_Reacted\GL3_Take_Cover\GL3_Find_Cover.sqf, line 26 { if (vehicle (leader _a) == (l...' GL3_Client set [0, ...' This is what my init.sqf looks like... <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> [] execVM "Teleport.sqf"; GL3_Server set [0, True]; waitUntil {(GL3_Server select 1)}; GL3_Server set [3, []]; [] execVM (GL3_Path+"GL3\GroupLink3.sqf"); [] execVM "Teleport.sqf"; Anyone know hot to fix these and what scripts to edit? I am using UPS with respawning non-playable AI in my mission, I would like to play the mission with some friends but not while it is generating all of these error messages. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snkman 351 Posted January 29, 2009 Why have you enabled/removed the "//" in front of: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> GL3_Server set [3, []]; If you do this, then you create a empty group array, which means all units/groups initialized by GL3 will get lost. Do only use this, if you like to initialize the groups by your self. Remove or disable it by putting "//" in front of it, and your problem should be sloved. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ADuke 1 Posted January 29, 2009 I had added that line because (according to the read me) I need to add that in order for GL3 to not use ALL the units on the map, only the ones that I want. I did remove it and still these error messages are continuously generating, along with countless other errors, too many to post though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stavanger 0 Posted January 29, 2009 Mirror updated by Group Link 3 v1.3 inkl. DSAI Fix best Regards, Stavanger Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kryptonite 0 Posted January 29, 2009 snkman, is this the second fix for the D.S.A.I. by stavanger,or that fix has not been issued yet. thanks Kryptonite! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snkman 351 Posted January 29, 2009 @ADuke Well yes ok but if you use this array, then you need to initialize the group in the editor, by putting: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> grp1=group this In the initializing field of the group leader and then include this group in the "Init.sqf" group array: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> GL3_Server set [3, + [_grp1]]; And this you have to do with each group you like to use with GL3. How should GL3 know which groups you like to use, if you don't tell it GL3. If you like, then send me your mission and i will take a look at it, i can't exactly say what's wrong, becouse there must be something really wrong, if you get error messages. @Stavanger Thanks for the mirror. @Kryptonite Nope this isn't the next fix. I do need some more time, to make sure that in the next fix everything works like it should. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Uziyahu--IDF 0 Posted January 30, 2009 Can you make another improvement to the A.I.? A.I. don't seem to "hear" some events, like explosions. An explosion can happen right next to them, and they won't even flinch. They need to play a sort of "duck and cover" animation as they run away from the nearby explosion. Then, after the dust has settled, they can come back to investigate. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Robalo 465 Posted January 30, 2009 SNKMAN,Is there a way to include ace weapons in your config to make sure those new supressed ones are not being heared by the ai. I know you dont want to touch other mods, but since many of us use ace and not all of us can deal with the script and personally me really appreciate it.Thank you very much. To make GL3 + ACE compatible, perhaps someone good at it could make a script to check all weapons configs if ace_suppressed = 1 then add class name to GL3_Public 12 Quote[/b] ]Weapons listed in this array can be heared by the enemy AI in a range of 50m For now, I just have: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">GL3_Public set [11, ["M9SD", "MakarovSD", "MP5SD", "ACE_M9SD", "ACE_M1911SD", "ACE_MP5SD", "ACE_UMP45_SD"]]; GL3_Public set [12, ["M4A1SD", "AKS74UN", "ACE_AKS74SD", "ACE_AKS74USD", "ACE_AKS74USD_Cobra", "ACE_AKMS_PBS1", "ACE_AKMS_PBS1_Cobra", "ACE_Val", "ACE_Val_Cobra", "ACE_VSS", "ACE_M4A1AimPointSD", "ACE_M4CQB_SD", "ACE_Mk12SPR_SD", "ACE_HK416_SD", "ACE_HK416_gl_SD", "ACE_HK416_ACOG_SD_CQB", "ACE_HK416_ACOG_SD", "ACE_HK416_ACOG_GL_SD_cqb", "ACE_HK416_ACOG_GL_SD", "ACE_HK416_aim_SD", "ACE_HK416_aim_gl_SD", "ACE_HK416_eotech_SD", "ACE_HK416_eotech_gl_SD", "ACE_HK416_Leu_SD", "ACE_HK416_Leu_gl_SD", "ACE_SCAR_L_ACOG_SD", "ACE_SCAR_L_ACOG_SD_CQB", "ACE_SCAR_L_ACOG_EGLM_SD", "ACE_SCAR_L_ACOG_EGLM_SD_CQB", "ACE_SCAR_L_CQB_SD", "ACE_SCAR_L_CQB_EOtech_SD", "ACE_SCAR_L_CQB_Aim_SD", "ACE_SCAR_L_Marksman_SD", "ACE_SCAR_L_Marksman_Leu_SD", "ACE_M110_SD", "ACE_SCAR_H_CQB_EOtech_SD", "ACE_SCAR_H_CQB_Aim_SD", "ACE_SCAR_H_CQB_EOtech_EGLM_SD", "ACE_SCAR_H_CQB_SPECTER_SD", "ACE_SCAR_H_CQB_SPECTER_SD_CQB", "ACE_SCAR_H_ACOG_SD", "ACE_SCAR_H_ACOG_SD_CQB", "ACE_SCAR_H_Sniper_SD", "ACE_SCAR_H_Sniper_SD_CQB", "ACE_M14_sopS", "ACE_M14_sop_acogS_cqb", "ACE_M14_sop_acogS", "ACE_M14_sop_elcanS_cqb", "ACE_M14_sop_elcanS", "ACE_M14_sop_dmrS", "ACE_M14_sop_cmoreS", "ACE_M14_sop_eotechS", "ACE_M14_sop_aimS", "ACE_M21_dmrS", "ACE_HK417C_SD", "ACE_HK417C_ACOG_SD_CQB", "ACE_HK417C_ACOG_SD", "ACE_HK417C_EOTECH_SD", "ACE_HK417C_M68_SD", "ACE_HK417L_SD", "ACE_HK417L_ACOG_SD_CQB", "ACE_HK417L_ACOG_SD", "ACE_HK417L_EOTECH_SD", "ACE_HK417L_M68_SD", "ACE_HK417L_Leu_SD"]]; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snkman 351 Posted February 2, 2009 @Uziyahu--IDF Enemy A.I. do react to explosions since GL3 v.1.3 if for example a car explodes nearby a enemy A.I. they will go to the position, where the explosion came from and invastigate the area. @Robalo Well i don't know you this could be done, but... You have added SD weapons in the wrong array, they have to be listed in the "GL3_Public 11" array. Another thing what's wrong, but that's my fault, becouse i did not made it is that you have to add the weapon classes to the array. The way you use do overwrite the BIS default weapon classes, which are used by GL3. So the right way should be: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> GL3_Public set [11, (GL3_Public select 11) + ["M9SD", "MakarovSD", "MP5SD", "ACE_M9SD", "ACE_M1911SD", "ACE_MP5SD", "ACE_UMP45_SD","M4A1SD", "AKS74UN", "ACE_AKS74SD", "ACE_AKS74USD", "ACE_AKS74USD_Cobra", "ACE_AKMS_PBS1", "ACE_AKMS_PBS1_Cobra", "ACE_Val", "ACE_Val_Cobra", "ACE_VSS", "ACE_M4A1AimPointSD", "ACE_M4CQB_SD", "ACE_Mk12SPR_SD", "ACE_HK416_SD", "ACE_HK416_gl_SD", "ACE_HK416_ACOG_SD_CQB", "ACE_HK416_ACOG_SD", "ACE_HK416_ACOG_GL_SD_cqb", "ACE_HK416_ACOG_GL_SD", "ACE_HK416_aim_SD", "ACE_HK416_aim_gl_SD", "ACE_HK416_eotech_SD", "ACE_HK416_eotech_gl_SD", "ACE_HK416_Leu_SD", "ACE_HK416_Leu_gl_SD", "ACE_SCAR_L_ACOG_SD", "ACE_SCAR_L_ACOG_SD_CQB", "ACE_SCAR_L_ACOG_EGLM_SD", "ACE_SCAR_L_ACOG_EGLM_SD_CQB", "ACE_SCAR_L_CQB_SD", "ACE_SCAR_L_CQB_EOtech_SD", "ACE_SCAR_L_CQB_Aim_SD", "ACE_SCAR_L_Marksman_SD", "ACE_SCAR_L_Marksman_Leu_SD", "ACE_M110_SD", "ACE_SCAR_H_CQB_EOtech_SD", "ACE_SCAR_H_CQB_Aim_SD", "ACE_SCAR_H_CQB_EOtech_EGLM_SD", "ACE_SCAR_H_CQB_SPECTER_SD", "ACE_SCAR_H_CQB_SPECTER_SD_CQB", "ACE_SCAR_H_ACOG_SD", "ACE_SCAR_H_ACOG_SD_CQB", "ACE_SCAR_H_Sniper_SD", "ACE_SCAR_H_Sniper_SD_CQB", "ACE_M14_sopS", "ACE_M14_sop_acogS_cqb", "ACE_M14_sop_acogS", "ACE_M14_sop_elcanS_cqb", "ACE_M14_sop_elcanS", "ACE_M14_sop_dmrS", "ACE_M14_sop_cmoreS", "ACE_M14_sop_eotechS", "ACE_M14_sop_aimS", "ACE_M21_dmrS", "ACE_HK417C_SD", "ACE_HK417C_ACOG_SD_CQB", "ACE_HK417C_ACOG_SD", "ACE_HK417C_EOTECH_SD", "ACE_HK417C_M68_SD", "ACE_HK417L_SD", "ACE_HK417L_ACOG_SD_CQB", "ACE_HK417L_ACOG_SD", "ACE_HK417L_EOTECH_SD", "ACE_HK417L_M68_SD", "ACE_HK417L_Leu_SD"]]; With: GL3_Public set [11, (GL3_Public select 11) + []]; You are adding classes to the array instead of overwriting/creating a new array. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spangg 0 Posted February 2, 2009 SNKMAN, but if we add it to the public set 12, how Robalo did, doesnt it mean that the ai can hear it from 50m? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites