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bravo 6

Highway Roads & Fat Curves

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I finally understand how textures and materials work on BIS roads.

The problem here is not that, its another one. (Maybe more simple.. :\  but i need some enlighten, please)

While trying to recreate the real life highways in Iraq i got an angle issue on these new and larger/fatter curves that was created, they still have the 100, 75, 50, 25 m sizes, they are just fat with 3 way instead of 2.

There is a small open space on the outside of the curve and inside the curve the textures are above each other. As if the angles are wrong for that kinda road sizedon't match.

All is fine when the highway is in straight direction, the problem begins when curves starts to be added on the map.

The curves were edited and i made them larger in order to have 3 ways like this:

picture 1

picture 2

For these kinda highways im using similar textures like "P:\CA\roads\data\silnice3_mesto.paa"

I can not just edit BIS roads, enlarge them and put other texture and material, i also need to work one the angles so they can match when more curves are added.

Any good ideas?

edit: this is what happens: curve issue picture

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Are you sure you have the right angles at each the end of you custom bits?

Because it simply looks like its going to work, they are pivoting in the middle, except Visitor thinks the angle is greater than whats it defined as.

For example, are you sure your 20deg bits are actually defined as the next in the series, 25deg in the config.

Your 70deg bits are defined as 75 etc ?

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Gnat @ Jan. 06 2009,09:20)]Are you sure you have the right angles at each the end of you custom bits?

Because it simply looks like its going to work, they are pivoting in the middle, except Visitor thinks the angle is greater than whats it defined as.

Im sure the angles are exactly the same comparing to BIS roads. I used the exactly same BIS road model to obtain exactly the same angles, the only thing that i've done was to move both sides abit out, making the road fatter in order to fit my new texture.

Can you help me out about the config, because im not using any config for them, maybe thats the problem.

I couldn't find any specific road config with that kinda information, so i thought it was not needed.


Gnat @ Jan. 06 2009,09:20)]For example, are you sure your 20deg bits are actually defined as the next in the series, 25deg in the config.

Your 70deg bits are defined as 75 etc ?

Im not sure if i understand what you mean with this, ie, where and how can i check/change it?

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No, sorry I assumed there was a config, but seems there is not for roads.

I suggest the problem is a simple "projection" or scaling problem.

Something in your model is making ArmA think they are a different angle.

- What did you do with the Memory points LB, LE, PB, & PE? Leave as is, or "widen" those too ?

- Did you change the names of the sections inside? (ie "ces10 25_0.05")

Post some pics of yours (Resolution, Memory and Roadway LODs) compared to the Original of the same Length & Angle may help solve the problem.

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Lod 0.500, Memory LOD, RoadWay Lod

In memory log i also "fated" the dots in order to make them similar to BIS original roads.

I didn't change the names in the Lods. They are still asf.. blabla

What i did was selected all right dots in each lod and moved 1.7 in X value, did the same with the left dots moving them -1.7 X value to the left. Comparing they are exactly the same as BIS. only fatter. (using now 3 way for vehicles to roll)

Should i change the name values?

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What i did was selected all right dots in each lod and moved 1.7 in X value, did the same with the left dots moving them  -1.7 X value to the left.

That's the problem.

By only changing the X-position of all points you changed the angle of the road - so the angle of the road on your screenshots doesn't look like 10°.

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how can i transform into the correct angle?

I know i can not make them longer then they are, else they would have an issue and they would look like this:



How to figure and set up the correct angle?

In last resource ill have some try outs to make them fit and look normal, but is there any other and faster way of doing it?

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That's the problem.

By only changing the X-position of all points you changed the angle of the road - so the angle of the road on your screenshots doesn't look like 10°.

As I suspected and as he said ... thats your problem.

The Memory dots are how ArmA joins the road bits together, and if its a "10deg" bit and the dot angles are no longer at 10deg then Visitor/ArmA won't join them properly.


a) Keep the same angle on the dots at all times

b) Try leaving the dots where they are and just widening everything else.

The dot angles are likely all your problem.

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yes, in fact the angles are wrong. Thats why the faces do not match.

Though if i do what was told, ie, keep the roadway dots in same position will not solve the problem, not that ive tried but in theory make sense not to work.

So the roadway dots can have the amplitude that was given, but its important the angle is right to fit any other angle road.

I just found a way of making them work, at least in theory, i just need some testing..  wink_o.gif

edit1: Typo

edit2: by keeping the same angle BIs roads have it works.

For this to work and to keep the BIS roads angle i copied an original lod to my model to create a angle reference.

Then i selected the left and right dot by pairs and rotated them in order to follow BIS original lines, creating the exact same angle.

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