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A.C.E. Advanced Combat Environment Public Release!

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Is the fitness performance governed by Character class because SF soldiers should be 25% fitter than an average infantry soldier.

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Is the fitness performance governed by Character class because SF soldiers should be 25% fitter than an average infantry soldier.

I think it might be actually, I'm sure that I've had to stop more often with a civilian carrying the same weight as a soldier.

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Hi all just a question ... does A.C.E. Mod change the A.I. skills and precisions value written in the ArmA Profile in game?

my value:





Beause i really find the game harder using the mod...if so is there a way to set the skills also using your FANTASTIC Mod?


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Since I got Arma 2 now I don't see me finishing up this ACE coop mission on Schmalfelden for 6 players. So here it is:


It comes in 2 versions, _i has instant respawn (with 90sec delay) and _r uses norrins revive script. The _r one is untested so far.

You play some spetznas and your objective is to kill an officer and destroy an artillery emplacement. DAC populates most of the land and there are quite a few different positions for officer/artillery so it's more dynamic.

What I would have liked to change:

- the available loadout is too much, a complete ACE_East crate, so limit yourself a bit

- guards in base not properly set up

- number of enemies, we didn't play enough/with enough people to properly balance it. But it should be pretty good and it fluctuates because of DAC.

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Great work. Any chance to tell me how to select UI features of your mod? I like the polished look of the menus and the background in sepia colors. But I would rather use the old loading screens without ACE logo and camo look. How do I do this?

Besides? Is there any complete list of changed classes? especially ammo classes for sounds? I can't find them but need it to use my personal soundmod with ACE.

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I recently put tried to Mando_Bombs(script version) in a mission I made with ACE. None of the features that require Mando_Missiles worked. The documentation says that Mand_Missiles needs to initialized for some of the those features, such as Armed_Recon, and Cruise_Missiles_Attack.

My question is, How do I utilize the Mando_Missiles present in ACE, to satisfy the requirements for Mando_Bombs?

Edited by Two Dogs

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;1303430']Mado Airsupport Console

I recently put tried to Mando_Bombs(script version) in a mission I made with ACE. None of the features that require Mando_Missiles worked. The documentation says that Mand_Missiles needs to initialized for some of the those features' date=' such as Armed_Recon, and Cruise_Missiles_Attack.

My question is, How do I utilize the Mando_Missiles present in ACE, to satisfy the requirements for Mando_Bombs?[/quote']

Hi Coyle, sorry for this incompatibility issue.

I'll check in with the guys who handle the Mandoble systems over at ACE and see if they can resolve the issue or otherwise support you.

Stay tuned!

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How would you go about scripting the placement of a claymore?

Putting a satchel like this works fine.

unit1 fire ["pipebombmuzzle","pipebombmuzzle","pipebomb"]

What would the array be for the claymore?

Edited by Two Dogs

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Is the DogTag feature working?

I set "ACE_DogTagOn=true" in the init and my dead friend was out of uniform. No tags.

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So I just played it in MP today - had a few problems.

The most annoying bit was that the medical system didn't work. We were to guys playing, and it was always my buddy who got examined, even when he was trying to examine me. That meant he couldn't treat me, so I would bleed out. He also couldn't use the NV auto adjust unless he was close to me.

What am I missing?

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What mission were you playing?

What addons besides ACE were you using?

If you have ACE, ACE Island Pack, and OPX afgan village / Avgan IRAQ addons, Head over to the 506th Server. Someone there will help you.

Just filter 506th on the server list.

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question again: any chance to get a whole list of ACE classes, for soundmodding? and where to have arma loading screen but keep those nice backgrounds?

another question: I don't get a proper GPS and radio model displayed on the map screen. it's only text and some background. but no casing. is this by default or is it an error. if so, how so solve it?

edit: tracers are aligned new? some opfor weapons fire red (for example shilka), some blufor fire green.

I don't get new models for AK74SU, not included yet? while AK74 seems to be the RHS model (confirmed by checking addon internals)

Edited by Makake

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I saw where you can get the PDM magazines with:

_mags =  _unit call ACE_Sys_Ruck_RuckMagazines

But I couldn't find anything for ACE_weapononback. Is this something thats checkable?

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Found some weird thing: when I start the game as tank commander and switch to gunner's position, after taking some dammage AI player is bailed out from tank (from commander's place) and then doesn't move. Also he can't engage any target.

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You just revived it, the community will be greatfull for all your work you have done to revive things.............thank you so much!!!

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Maybe I should just restate my questions here.


I saw where you can get the PDM magazines with:


_mags = _unit call ACE_Sys_Ruck_RuckMagazines

But I couldn't find anything for ACE_weapononback. Is this something thats checkable?



How would you go about scripting the placement of a claymore?

Putting a satchel like this works fine.


unit1 fire ["pipebombmuzzle","pipebombmuzzle","pipebomb"]

What would the array be for the claymore?

and finally..

Dog Tags

Is the DogTag feature working?

I set "ACE_DogTagOn=true" in the init and my dead friend was out of uniform. No tags.

I believe I put these int he Dev Hev ACE General Discussion thread as well.

I follow this thread as thoroughly as I can, because this MOD sparked new life into a game that was dying fast. I try to keep my guys engaged with new missions and MODs until we can all convert to A2 together. If these subjects have been covered earlier in this thread. I apologize, but I got no hits when searching my topics.

Loved it when it first came out and still do.

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Give me some time Coyle and I might be able to get some answers for you.

I can confirm dogtags work - I use them in a private clan mission. Did use a gamelogic for the activating that feature?

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;1306179']I saw where you can get the PDM magazines with:

_mags =  _unit call ACE_Sys_Ruck_RuckMagazines

But I couldn't find anything for ACE_weapononback. Is this something thats checkable?

Here you go:

_weapon = _unit getVariable "ACE_weapononback";

Remember to check this where the unit is local.

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Sorry for the akward pause. My system crashed and my HD with it. Now down to one and trying to recover mission data.

i'll edit this latter to respond.

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I'm trying to add a backpack with some medical supplies to the units in my mission from a .sqf, it's just that it won't equip the items, only the backpack itself.

s1 addWeapon "ACE_FAST_PackEDC";
s1 addMagazine "ACE_Bandage_PDM";
s1 addMagazine "ACE_Bandage_PDM";
s1 addMagazine "ACE_Morphine_PDM";
s1 addMagazine "ACE_Morphine_PDM";
s1 addMagazine "ACE_Epinephrine_PDM";

What am I missing?

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