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mod help

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ive been workin through the "Add On Compilation for more Realism and Immersion" thread and addin as many mods as possible using the arma launcher mod.

the process seems pretty straighforward , u just unzip the mod, copy the mod folder to the arma main folder then add them to the launcher (hopefully this is the correct way) but ive run into a couple of probs.

Maddmatt's "Effects Mod"

this mod simply contains two files. one is a large PBO file and the other is a small BISIGN file. what do i do with these files?

VictorFarbau's "VFAI - AI Extension"

when i install this mod i get an error about event handlers. what am i doin wrong?

What does VFAI_ControlPanel do?


If you throw this addon into your addons folder each group leader (in single player mode: the player) will be given an action menu entry "VFAI Control". By using this control panel you can enable/disable some global settings for the other VFAI addons.

this is from the readme. how exactly is this mod installed?

thanks in advance

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Hi, the .bisign file (aka addon signature) it's the addon maker or mod

personal signature and serves for give an "extra security" safety to

the user or server manager... that that certain addon (.pbo) it's

right; which means that's not a cheat or hack that may risk your

ArmA's or PC's health. But, everything in this life it's hackable, so

if the NSA and the CIA & the damn 4th reich SA or cops (aka Home

Land Security Dept.) can suffer hacker attacks... imagine how easy

it must be to hack somehow booth the addon and the .bisign file.

Anyways, it mainly servers for certify the autenticity and safety of

that certain addon/mod that you've installed allowing you to use 'em

in a more friendly way in MP games and even on dedicated servers.

That file goes in the same folder where you've installed

the addon/mod that owns it (the .bising) i.e: "\Arma\Whatever\Addons\"

that's all what i can tell you about the .bisign files, i can't help

with that VFAI whatever; i don't use it. Let's C ya

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Clicky Here

This will give you a detailed view on how to setup mods/mod folders,with/without mod launchers. smile_o.gif

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