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Disembarking ai when needed

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I'm doing a "duel" mission where two soldiers try to knock each other out. I have several vehicles to use all over the map and AI boards the closest one. Each soldier has a beacon sending a position info every 3 minutes and according to that position "SEEK AND DESTROY" waypoint is replaced. When other player is detected with "knowsAbout" -method AI soldier moves to Gunner -position, or if there is no gunner in vehicle he should disembark.

This is the problem: how do I make a check if current vehicle has a gunner position available? Any ideas?

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This condition is true when gunner position in vehicle is empty.

(isnull (gunner nameofvehicle))

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How about the command </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">canFire<span id='postcolor'>?

I wish I could remember if you could use that like

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">?(!canFire( my_bicycle ) ) <span id='postcolor'>

or something like that...

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Sorry for misleading question. I meant that how can I determine if the vehicle has a position for gunner in first place. For example:

?(is there a gunner pos in (vehicle AIplayer)):switch place from driver to gunner

for tank above would be true, for 5tTruck false etc...

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Thanks LauryThorn, I will try that "canFire" -method later!

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The "canFire" worked fine! If the vehicle is equipped with some weapon and gunner position canFire returns TRUE, otherwise FALSE. Thanks!

But now I encountered another problem:

How can I script AI soldier switch the place from driver to gunner position? I made a workaround for that by first disembarking the soldier and again assigning the solder as a gunner for that vehicle. That is not a clean solution though because it would be nice if soldier doesn't leave the vehicle at all. I tried already "moveInGunner" but nothing happened.

Again, any ideas?

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Yet again, I'm not sure but..

Have you tried to do something like

ai_gunner action[ something like "to gunners position" ]


ai_gunner assignasgunner the_vehicle

Do you have BTW the scripting reference thing?

You really like must to have that!

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I tried an action "toGunner", but I'm pretty sure that is not the right action string. Do you know where I can find the strings for actions in different situations? I have a comref but it doesn't tell anything about those...

Also, I have tried assignAsGunner but nothing happens. Propably because AI soldier is already assigned as driver and vehicle is moving.

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Thanks Bloodmixer! There is pretty complete list of actions in unofficial command reference guide!

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I still have problems with AIplayer (driver) to change to gunner seat inside a vehicle (not to jump off). I have tried several methods:

1. _AIunit assignAsGunner vehicle _AIUnit -> AI stops, jumps off the vehicle and boards it again

2. _AIunit action ["TO_GUNNER",vehicle _AIunit] -> does nothing

3. doStop _AIunit + above action -> AI stops the vehicle but doesn't change to gunner seat

4. _AIunit moveInGunner vehicle _AIunit -> does nothing

So, what's wrong? Any ideas?

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Oh yes, problem solved! biggrin.gif

Funny thing that directly switching a seat inside vehicle does not work for AI unit simply with moveInGunner -command. Instead first thing to do is remove AI unit from vehicle with setPos -command (_unit setPos [0,0,0]) and directly after that _unit moveInGunner _vehicle. Weird...

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