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Anyone knows a dedicated server for map tests ?

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Some time ago, before one of the game patches, I was running a dedicated server and 2 game clients on my PC to test maps.

In 1.14 I can no longer connect with both clients on the dedicated server.

Anyone knows a server admin that accepts to upload maps in testing phase ? I already sent the map to some admins but it seems they don't have time or don't want to update their server or they take too long to put the new map on server (several days, weeks, eternity)

At the moment I finished a CTF map that I could only test in a dedicated server with a single client (and with one or 2 players that randomly connected but that couldn't stay long enough). I made all scripts in this map and they are different from the ones in most CTF maps. It's mostly a CTF template that I was planning to post on this forum once it's tested with lots of players to be sure everything works correctly. It's also a starting point for me to learn advanced scripting and shift toward making a PvP map (that I have in mind since before Warfare came out).

The solution of joining a clan doesn't work for me as I don't have enough time for clan activities.

Or does anyone know a way to use 2 clients and the dedicated server on same machine ?

Anyone wanting to help test the map ?

You can upload it test it when you have the time and report bugs. You win a ctf template that will work at the end yay.gif

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1) i think you can still do that setup in 1.14.

there are a few threads in the forum how to do that

2) ofpec might be a good place to check for MP tests

3) if you give ppl more details about your map, they will answer more likely

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If you guys ever need a dedi to test a mission,just add me to xfire!

It dont take 2 mins to upload a mission tbh.

And we have multiple shortcuts set up on our server for test purposes etc! smile_o.gif

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Send it me m8 and i'll pop it on server we still have it for a few weeks and it is a CTF server so allways somebody on there to try it out.

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I already sent it to you, it's the map called zdrobkessel rofl.gif .

I sent you the latest version (V04) with the bug fixes last Thursday. I just checked on your server where is the previous version (V03B) that still doesn't work (apart from a few  bugs) because of the dooacsconfig.sqf missing script error that I don't know where it comes from (I didn't put any call to that script in my map).


I used the server.cfg file that was on that link and it works. After a few tests it turns out that the problem is caused apparently by one line in server.cfg :

I put

ReportingIP = "<>";

instead of

ReportingIP = "armedass.master.gamespy.com";

and now the second client is not kicked

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OK I found the thread where Doolittle posted his anti cheat server addon :


From what I've read it's not up to the map maker (me) to put that script in the mission pbo.

dooacsconfig.sqf must be a server side script, something you set in server.cfg or other server config file.

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