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EDIT: Yeah, the screenshots are the same, but they are hi-res.

Thanks for that, I was looking for a new wallpaper :D

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Any word of how big the Takistan map is going to be?

Honestly, we no more care about map size. The terrain is virtually INFINITE and try to imagine the possibilities with random town generator module for example ;)

Please wait for another previews coming as we prepared lot of detailed informations for press people. However, soon it will come to the website too.

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Honestly, we no more care about map size. The terrain is virtually INFINITE and try to imagine the possibilities with random town generator module for example ;)

Please wait for another previews coming as we prepared lot of detailed informations for press people. However, soon it will come to the website too.

Cool :cool:

With less object on the landscape, will it be possible to generate random objects (or even towns) on the out-of-map terrain, for single player at least? Maybe as an editor module? I'm sorry, I'm just too impatient :bounce3:

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Jennik and other BIS guyz, thank you for breaking info embargo) This is always wonderful)

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Honestly, we no more care about map size. The terrain is virtually INFINITE and try to imagine the possibilities with random town generator module for example ;)

Please wait for another previews coming as we prepared lot of detailed informations for press people. However, soon it will come to the website too.

This just gave me a dreamy burst of imagination about a mission like Cipher or Abandoned Armies, but with not only the locale and enemy troops being randomized, but the whole terrain, from the topography to the roads down to the last blade of grass and flower petal being randomly generated upon mission start.

Is this just dreamweaving, or is something like that -actually- within the realm of the possible now?

I am really getting excited about this expansion. It looks like it´ll reach Resistance levels of awesome, which means I´ll probably stick with the game for another 7 years like I did with OFP.

Thumbs up on this

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It is very impressive. Especially if you keep in mind that this is only an expansion. The amount of content in this for just an expansion... Wow.

I really, really cannot wait! :D

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devs) please)

any words about sounds/sound samples/sound engine??

still same (based on fps counter) / or any new feature??

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Honestly, we no more care about map size. The terrain is virtually INFINITE and try to imagine the possibilities with random town generator module for example ;)

I still care, unless AI now works when you move them into the infinite land. :p

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Honestly, we no more care about map size. The terrain is virtually INFINITE and try to imagine the possibilities with random town generator module for example ;)

Please wait for another previews coming as we prepared lot of detailed informations for press people. However, soon it will come to the website too.

Hands down amazing. Talk about out of the box thinking. Only concern is if all this awesomeness is 'clean', but from the few previews it seems to be few worries. BIS, you are truly innovators and masters of your art.... um. I ment that 'masters' thing in the natural form of the word that is actually a nice thing... wait same thing with nice... I should shut up now.

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This just gave me a dreamy burst of imagination about a mission like Cipher or Abandoned Armies, but with not only the locale and enemy troops being randomized, but the whole terrain, from the topography to the roads down to the last blade of grass and flower petal being randomly generated upon mission start.

Is this just dreamweaving, or is something like that -actually- within the realm of the possible now?

Yeah i guess this is just dreaming. I dont think everything is randomized. I know the editor have buildings, roads, bushes, trees but not grass(?). So it could perhaps generate all those things we can put out in the editor, but i have a feeling the town generator will put out houses only in random fashion. However that is pure speculation on my part. If roads were to be randomly placed within this random placement of buildings it also have to feel where roads come in to that town and connect them - i guess.

So i think you do this on a open terrain part where the buildings will randomize. This again - speculations. No matter what though where this will go with additional addons...... I think i can speculate positively here that the sharp minds in our community will take this thing to a new awesome place. And its all thanks to BIS ofcourse for giving us this in the first place. :)

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devs) please)

any words about sounds/sound samples/sound engine??

I hope there are better explosion/shot sounds in larger distance.

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That was posted already.

Ok I miss it.

Edited by BoboCZ

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The 5mins video showing that neat AH64 supported by the AHX UAV has finally arrived at PCGames.de. No new intel given and also no prejudgment or potshots there although they were the most anti-BIS page during the release of Arma2.

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The 5mins video showing that neat AH64 supported by the AHX UAV has finally arrived at PCGames.de. No new intel given and also no prejudgment or potshots there although they were the most anti-BIS page during the release of Arma2.

Yeah that was posted on another site two days ago. Good to see it getting around though.

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German Gamestar also published a preview @ http://www.gamestar.de/preview/action/taktik-shooter/2314394/arma_2_operation_arrowhead.html .

They've not found any serious bugs, but they are criticizing the AI a little, the robotic animations and accessibility. But it seems they find OA is in a pretty good shape so far.

Edit: OMG! 'KI' switched to the proper English term/abbreviation AI :D

Edited by Hoot

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And they say something about 3 new Maps!

May be a misunderstanding, but we'll see.

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In few moments I'll give you sth special. Take a breath and keep fingers crossed ;)

Edited by eJay

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Here :)

Arma2.pl produly presents Town Construction Set, a new module in Arrowhead - http://arma2.pl/news/73/tylko-na-arma2-pl-generator-miasteczek.html

At first, it's still not a final version, and second - I don't know any config options for this (like Civilian Module for example), so I played in deafult settings. It's freakin' awesome to fight with AI in dense areas.

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Very excited for this to come out.

Dammit, June, get here faster!

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