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WIP - New BIS-Forum widget.

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Hello folx!

Are you having problems with 'presenting' your addons or wip info on the BIS forums?

Why not say it all with a video!? with youtube as the major video service, wouldnt it be nice to embed that in the forum?

well.... Now you CAN!

i have been busy with a few projects lately, and some of you have seen this banner-exchange signature under my- and other people's posts.

When i was working on that flash-signature i started to check if i could play youtube movies inside this forum.

Today i can present you a fully working youtube embedded video.

<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" WIDTH=450 HEIGHT=332><PARAM NAME=MOVIE VALUE=http://www.armedassault.eu/Television/index_remote.swf?vquality=hq&youtubeID1=seFAn2EvF7k&linkID1=http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=seFAn2EvF7k&youtubeID2=x2Ed8RLkfPg&linkID2=http://www.arma2.com&youtubeID3=83tZq_4beic&linkID3=http://dslyecxi.com/shacktac.html&youtubeID4=mWpgtxHGh3k&linkID4=http://www.naturalpoint.com/trackir/promo/promo_landing.html?promoname=dslyecxi&><PARAM NAME=PLAY VALUE=TRUE><PARAM NAME=LOOP VALUE=TRUE><PARAM NAME=QUALITY VALUE=HIGH><EMBED SRC=http://www.armedassault.eu/Television/index_remote.swf?vquality=hq&youtubeID1=seFAn2EvF7k&linkID1=http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=seFAn2EvF7k&youtubeID2=x2Ed8RLkfPg&linkID2=http://www.arma2.com&youtubeID3=83tZq_4beic&linkID3=http://dslyecxi.com/shacktac.html&youtubeID4=mWpgtxHGh3k&linkID4=http://www.naturalpoint.com/trackir/promo/promo_landing.html?promoname=dslyecxi& WIDTH=450 HEIGHT=332 PLAY=TRUE LOOP=TRUE QUALITY=HIGH></EMBED></OBJECT>

Use the channel-switch knob to switch movies.

this example displays in channel 1-4 a preselected videos.

1. Snowballfight, links to youtubeurl

2. ArmA2 highlights, links to arma2.com

3. ingame footage, links to shacktactical

4. TrackCLip Pro, links to naturalpoint

Channel 5 & up will randomly pick out a movie from a list of 30 movies.

This is a proof of concept for a website-widget.

the videos are clickable and (should) link back to the ArmedZone.tv website + movie.

Due to forum-rules, audio is not allowed without user interaction.

many things are possible :

 - Play a predefined playlist.

 - Play random videos.

 - overlay any kind of information.

 - simple movieplayer for inside BIS forums.

 - website widget for websites.

For now, it only plays Youtube videos, both high and low quality.

next stop..... Vimeo video's?

Zero knowledge ( ~IQ of 10+) required to embed your movie. smile_o.gif


Using the video widget only requires:

- A BIS forum account.

- A Youtube VideoID  ( youtube.com/watch?v=IRh1PGkJx6I )

Example usage:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">[FLASH=450,332]http://www.armedassault.eu/Television/BISvideo.swf?vquality=hq&youtubeID1=OynVZhTGLqI&linkID1=http://www.ofpec.com/&youtubeID2=&linkID2=&youtubeID3=&linkID3=&youtubeID4=&linkID4=&[/FLASH]

Lets break down that code to understand it better.

Quote[/b] ]

http://www.armedassault.eu/Television/BISvideo.swf { flash movieplayer location }

?vquality=hq { this is the playback quality }

&youtubeID1=OynVZhTGLqI { youtube videoID }

&linkID1=http://www.ofpec.com/  { link target for the first video }

&youtubeID2= { repetition of the above. }







If you have any ideas or suggestions, plz let me know.

<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" WIDTH=600 HEIGHT=400><PARAM NAME=MOVIE VALUE=http://video.armedassault.eu/player.swf?skin=http://video.armedassault.eu/snel.swf&overstretch=true&file=http://video.armedassault.eu/jerrymod/_vimeo/2362022.flv&plugin=rateit-1><PARAM NAME=PLAY VALUE=TRUE><PARAM NAME=LOOP VALUE=TRUE><PARAM NAME=QUALITY VALUE=HIGH><EMBED SRC=http://video.armedassault.eu/player.swf?skin=http://video.armedassault.eu/snel.swf&overstretch=true&file=http://video.armedassault.eu/jerrymod/_vimeo/2362022.flv&plugin=rateit-1 WIDTH=600 HEIGHT=400 PLAY=TRUE LOOP=TRUE QUALITY=HIGH></EMBED></OBJECT>

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I liked it untill I read the " an IQ of no more than 10 is required". You people obviously never think about users like me then, thanks buddy! mad_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

Good simple project, and those are generally the best ones! Cheers and good luck, I am sure I will be able to use it in the future.

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Nice smile_o.gif

A few questions:<ul>

[*]Are there different designs for that tv? You know that plasma and lcd tvs exists? And even the classic tvs look different wink_o.gif

[*]What is with full screen? Or at least a way to jump to the video file direct?

[*]Subtitles? Ok, I don't think that they are common, but youtube has them smile_o.gif

[*]More than 4 channels possible? I need 5  whistle.gif

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Is there anyway to tell how much time is left on the video or how much it has gone through?

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Quote[/b] ]A few questions:<ul>

[*]Are there different designs for that tv? You know that plasma and lcd tvs exists? And even the classic tvs look different wink_o.gif

[*]What is with full screen? Or at least a way to jump to the video file direct?

[*]Subtitles? Ok, I don't think that they are common, but youtube has them smile_o.gif

[*]More than 4 channels possible? I need 5  whistle.gif

1. i want to make the people aware that there were tv's without a remote control. ( seriously now, more designs will be available soon.)

2. Fullscreen isnt possible in forums, as it doesnt allow javascript. size limit is due to forum settings. - also, you can click the movie and you will be send to the given link ( that could be video-source url )

3. Subtitles? WTF?? it is possible i think, as this info is stored in the meta-data of the flv. - will look into it.

4. there are 10 channels.... just repeat the querystring youtubeID1 to 10

Quote[/b] ]Is there anyway to tell how much time is left on the video or how much it has gone through?

Yes there is, but its not implemented yet.

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next stop..... Vimeo video's?

maybe BlipTV

Converts your videos to flash after you upload them, just like youtube. It allows you to watch the videos in original format that uploader sent.

After upload, you also get embed code.

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