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Government internet filtering in Australia

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No, no it is not a matter of "it has to be done as long as its someone else".

Since we're talking about a federal law, i figured we wouldnt talk about a small scale.

This wouldnt happen to specific people but to a corporation which gets support from the government or which is maybe owned partly by the government.

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No, no it is not a matter of "it has to be done as long as its someone else".

Since we're talking about a federal law, i figured we wouldnt talk about a small scale.

This wouldnt happen to specific people but to a corporation which gets support from the government or which is maybe owned partly by the government.

A corporation is specific people.

And even federal laws have small-scale impacts on specific people.

That's the problem: when you force people to do your bidding for you via a distant, massive organization like the federal government, it is psychologically easy to separate yourself from any hurt you (the voter) cause.

Often voters are willing to inflict suffering on other people that they would never inflict on themselves. They want someone else to pay for X program (internet filtering, medicine, etc), but they wouldn't want to pay for it themselves.

"Someone else" is usually termed "the rich", which is conveniently defined as "someone who has more money than me" (no matter how rich I am compared to other people in the world).

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My point is, that where i grew up i can go to a doctor and he will make a diagnostis, propose a treatment and give me a prescription so i can go and get me that meds regardless of my current monetary situation.

There is one health insurance corporation which is forced to take everybody. Ideally, no one falls through the net and every worker pays for this insurance. If now i was insured at a private health insurance i would pay more, get better/easier treatment but they would be allowed to kick me out as soon as i am not a profit anymore.

But to be honest, positive discrimination doesn't have anything to do with the internet filter. In my opinion the money spent on the internet filter should be used for a better funding of the police anti-child molester unit who would then be able to screen the internet more efficiently rather than making an useless filter with which they can filter god knows what they find unpleasing.

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Scary stuff man.

I don't think any of us should be suprised by any of this. I think we should be ready to stand up to it.

Ever since governments have been around throughout the world there is always a back and forth battle for rights between the people and the government.

We are lucky to have freedoms like we do, but rest assured there are very wealthy people who have socialist plans for the Western world, and censoring the public's ability to protest them will be the first step towards stopping resistance.

The Internet is the ultimate system for dispersing information to the masses, rest assured they will make their best efforts to "get control" of it. Just remember that there is always an element of truth in the control campagins governments use. Yes, that filtering system might limit child porn, piracy etc. BUT you know as well as I do, it has the potential to censor ANYTHING they want. That's too much power over Australian citizen's free speech and you shouldn't trust the government to "honor" that freedom. Because they probably won't.

Vote smart, protest when you can, write your representatives, watch politics and stay informed guys. Most importantly, spread awareness to your neighbor (coworker, friend, classmates etc). Thats the only way we'll be able to fight this.

The downfall of the Western civilization as we know it will be if the majority of the common man populace becomes totally apathetic of political issues, and being involved in public matters. Don't be a part of that group! Better to do the right thing, than join the apathetic masses. Live by principle guys!

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well. this is australia. its only going to take 5 minutes before some teenager breaks the filter hahahahahaha

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well. this is australia. its only going to take 5 minutes before some teenager breaks the filter hahahahahaha

Ah you mean this kid? Turns out the little bugger is now offering his wisdom to the government.

I reckon Conroy got sat down in his new shiny office, swivelled back and forth a few times in him comfortable leather chair and then thought to himself "Well, I'm not getting much attention now that the election is over... hmmm... I know... I'll ruin the internet!"

The whole idea from principle to practicality is absurd.

Never thought I'd say it, but I'm p...pp pp fuck it, pleased the Liberals will block the necessary legislation in the senate.

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This is the bastard responsible:


Please e-mail the below address pictures depicting graphic man on man love with the above face photoshopped on it to:


If you send it with the subject line: Today's Prayer, it's guaranteed he'll read it personally.

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Fielding is fuckwit of the highest order.

"Family First"

And who's family would that be exactly? Oh right.... your family and their "values".

"Family First"

As if orphans have for too long been the ruin of this country.

He's a disgrace and we've got Labor to thank for it as they did a preference deal so as to limit the chances of another Greens Senator.

He should fuck off back to church, the gap-toothed retard.

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It does indeed seem that this absurd plot to destroy my electronic interwebs is dying a slow slow death.

Sadly, Conroy seems too stubborn to back down and will waste time and money on the test before declaring that he's given it careful and considered thought and decided against it. banghead.gif


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Sadly, this is not an isolated incident. Danish ISP's have started blocking several websites, The Pirate Bay being one of them.

It started with ISP's being ordered to block access to websites suspected of being used by people with pedophile tendencies, and has now spread to other "unwanted uses of the internet".


(Almost every danish ISP is now blocking "unwanted sites".)

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