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general mod related question

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If I have GRAA 3.0 installed for the GOTY version of OFP. Do the changes from the mod affect the Resistance and Red Hammer campaigns as well? I posted this in the GRAA thread but I fear that will fall on deaf ears. Thank you. confused_o.gif

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As far as I know ( I always had OFP GOTY, which includes Resistance and RedHammer ), The addons made for resistance and Red Hammer Have been changed by the GRAAModPack, For example :

The bison smg --> Ak74su silenced.

Engineer ans sappers ---> Modified models.

Res and Rh Models are also affected by the burn scripts.

Res and Rh soldiers are also affected by dispertion effects and squad spacing modifs.

etc ... etc ...

That means :

The Campaigns using those addons are also "Changed" ...

Nonetheless there is no change in the campaign missions as they are.



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"Nonetheless there is no change in the campaign missions as they are."

Thanks for the reply. Regarding the statement above: GRAA

doesn't change any of the missions anyway, right? Just the models and animations I thought

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The missions and the Addons are in a way related by gaming.

GRAA modifies addons and gaming:

- Squad spacing

- Ia view and Hearing

- Engagement distances

- Recoil, smoke, Los

( All customizable, that's the fun part ! )

Campaigns and Missions are modified by their gaming value.

For example :

Play mission "Bomberman" with vanilla OFP then with GRAA, the change will be obvious ( as an ak74 bullet right in the eye ! ) ...

Time to close ... and play smile_o.gif



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