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Missing units in the editor

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I am missing Class MARINE3 *in the editor.

It is problery in the }; .....

#define TEast 0
#define TWest 1
#define TGuerrila 2
#define TCivilian 3
#define TSideUnknown 4
#define TEnemy 5
#define TFriendly 6
#define TLogic 7

#define true 1
#define false 0

#define private 0
#define protected 1
#define public 2

class CfgPatches
* *weapons[]={};
* *requiredVersion=1.96;
* *requiredAddons[]={};

class CfgModels
*class default {};
*class Man:default {};
*class SPETS2:man 
* *{
* *sections[]={"head injury","body injury","l arm injury","p arm injury","l leg injury","p leg injury","hlava","krk","osobnost"};
* *sectionsInherit=Head;

class CfgVehicles
*class All {};
*class AllVehicles:All {};
*class Land:AllVehicles {};
*class Man:Land {};
*class Soldier:Man {};
*class SoldierWB:Soldier {};
*class SoldierWMG:SoldierWB {};
*class SoldierWMedic:SoldierWB {};
*class MARINE1:SoldierWB
* *displayName="HL Marine MP5GL";
* *model="\HL_MARINES\SPETS2.p3d";
* *vehicleClass="Half-Life Marines";
* *side=1;
* *wounds[]={};
* *armor=3;
* *armorLegs=1.500000;
* *cost=400000;
* *nightVision=1;
* *camouflage=0.8;
* *audible=0.04;
* *accuracy=2.500000;
* *sensitivity=1.0;
* *sensitivityEar=0.15;
* *hitSounds[]={hitSound1,0.12,hitSound2,0.1,hitSound3,0.1,hitSound4,0.1};
* *weapons[]={"SANC_BISMP5M203","NVGoggles","Throw","Put"};
* *magazines[]={"HK","HK","HK","HK","GrenadeLauncher","GrenadeLauncher","GrenadeLauncher"};

   class EventHandlers 
* * * *     init = "[_this select 0] exec {\HL_MARINES\Script\noflee.sqs}";
* *displayName="HL Marine ShotGun";
* *model="\HL_MARINES\SPETS2.p3d";
* *vehicleClass="Half-Life Marines";
* *weapons[]={"DRG_SPAS12","NVGoggles","Throw","Put","Glock"};
* *magazines[]={"DRG_Spas12mag","DRG_Spas12mag","DRG_Spas12mag","DRG_Spas12mag","GlockMag","GlockMag","GlockMag"};

   class EventHandlers 
* * * *     init = "[_this select 0] exec {\HL_MARINES\Script\noflee.sqs}";
*class MARINE2:SoldierWMedic
* *displayName="HL Marine MP5";
* *model="\HL_MARINES\SPETS2.p3d";
* *vehicleClass="Half-Life Marines";
* *weapons[]={"HKMP5SD6","NVGoggles","Throw","Put"};
* *magazines[]={"HK","HK","HK","HK"};

   class EventHandlers 
* * * *     init = "[_this select 0] exec {\HL_MARINES\Script\noflee.sqs}";
* };
*class MARINEMG:SoldierWMG
* *displayName="HL Marine SAW";
* *model="\HL_MARINES\SPETS2.p3d";
* *vehicleClass="Half-Life Marines";
* *weapons[]={"LSR_M249saw","NVGoggles","Throw","Put"};
* *magazines[]={"LSR_m249mag","LSR_m249mag","LSR_m249mag","LSR_m249mag"};

   class EventHandlers 
* * * *     init = "[_this select 0] exec {\HL_MARINES\Script\noflee.sqs}";
* *};
* *displayName="HL Marine M4";
* *model="\HL_MARINES\SPETS2.p3d";
* *vehicleClass="Half-Life Marines";
* *weapons[]={"LSR_m4_m203_aim","NVGoggles","Throw","Put"};
* *magazines[]={"LSR_m4mag","LSR_m4mag","LSR_m4mag","LSR_m203vest","LSR_m4mag","LSR_m203vest","LSR_m203vest"};

   class EventHandlers 
* * * *     init = "[_this select 0] exec {\HL_MARINES\Script\noflee.sqs}";
* *};
* };


Edited by W0lle

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class MARINEMG:SoldierWMG
 displayName="HL Marine SAW";
 vehicleClass="Half-Life Marines";
class EventHandlers
   init = "[_this select 0] exec {\HL_MARINES\Script\noflee.sqs}";

At the end of that you need to add a };

Edited by W0lle

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