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I find that the aircraft in ArmA don't feel very realistic at all. Helicopters are too easy to fly, and the damage doesn't seem to make sense, for instance, when I'm landing a helicopter in any other game, I tend to make it quick, by having some forward momentum when I touch down. In ArmA, though, the helicopter takes damage as soon as it contacts the ground, even if it has skids, so this means that a vertical landing is pretty much mandatory.

When the health of the helicopter reaches a certain level, the helicopter's engine just decides to turn its self off, no matter where the helicopter's being hit. Instead, I think damage should be 'modular'. If you've played SLX, I'm thinking of something alot like that. If it's hit near a fuel tank, it starts to leak fuel. If it's hit in the engine, it becomes inoperable or is at least damaged. Basically, the frame of the aircraft is just the frame of the aircraft, it's the components that matter. Maybe the whole tail could be blown off, too?

Anyway, it's the whole health thing that I don't like. In ArmA, if a helicopter is at 25% health, there's no way it can survive a contact with the ground unless it's a very soft one. But if you've seen Blackhawk Down (It's questionable how realistic that film is), the blackhawk gets hit with an RPG and goes into a tailspin, and it crashes into the ground. Alot of whipping and smashing is heard, then the helicopter is at rest. But guess what? The helicopter hasn't exploded and it's not burning.

That brings me onto another thing. In ArmA, vehicle deaths are never survivable. It's just 'Health reaches 0%, vehicle goes boom, you go boom', but catastrophic kills aren't very common, especially with modern armoured vehicles. What I think should happen, at the very least, is 'Health reaches 0%, vehicle is completely inoperable', and maybe the crew are injured, or have a few seconds to get out before the ammo stores blow up. Same with helicopters, referring back to BHD, the second crash was survived by one of the aircrew, however violent it seemed. The helicopter didn't go boom.

Back onto planes again. I don't play many modern flight sims, but I do play IL-2 very often, and from what I can tell, the A-10 and Harrier fly nothing like a real plane, except that they can't move backwards :P I know that ArmA's not supposed to be a super-accurate simulation of everything in one, but I'd just prefer to have more realistic flight physics for the planes.

Also, I know there's a (million) thread(s) about this, but passengers firing from vehicles. If you're being shot at in an open topped truck, you're not gonna be sitting there calmly tossing your weapon from one hand to another. You're gonna be ducked down, or in the case of a littlebird, firing in the direction of whoever's firing at you.

Again, this leads on to another annoyance that I have with ArmA. The AI seem to enjoy taking their time dismounting from a vehicle, one by one, while they get mown down by some machineguns. Instead, they should be all out within 10 seconds or so. If you think about how long (or not) it takes for a guy to get out of a Blackhawk, that's still a generous amount of time. With the 5t truck, they could just hop over the sides if it were necessary.

EDIT: Something else I forgot too. Once more, I don't doubt there's already a thread or two about this, but reload animations and moving reloads. SLX almost had it with their reload animations, but it's still very weird looking. All that really needs to be done it have the magazine move with the hand. The pistols need animated slides, too, and if possible, a better animated belt for the MGs. At the moment, it's 'If more than 0 rounds, belt is present, if 0 rounds, belt is not present'. Instead, the visible rounds should correspond with how many are actually left. If the roundcount is more than there are visible, then it doesn't matter, but if there are 8 or 9 visible (Including the 1/2 in the gun), once the roundcount reaches 9, the number of visible rounds should start decreasing. Rainbow six 3 raven shield, if I remember correctly, had this, and so did HL: Firearms.

As I said before, moving reloads, too. I'm sure it's faster to reload while stood still, but it's still possible to do so on the move. All those times I've accidentally pressed R and been shot to bits as a result could be avoided with this feature.


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For the airs sake - add Dynamic View Distance (as an option). BIS should (if they dont have already) test Myke's Dynamic View Distance addon and see that computers that can not handle 8000VD on the ground, can in fact handle it 2000 meters up in the air. I play with around 1500VD on the ground and when i climb with a plane it smoothly expand VD til im at 2000m where i add the VD limit to 8000VD. I have smooth gameplay and i can SEE! biggrin_o.gif Its not just white around me.

Have a look at it BIS. wink_o.gif

And im sure A/C's will feel better in ArmA2.

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Dynamic viewdistance has many problems you are not taking into


Fair situation in PvP for all sides.

Abusive gameplay.

Mission logic bound to a specific VD.

To name a few important ones.

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About dynamic viewdistance: I have mentioned it already somewhere else - could the view distance sphere be replaced with a hourglass shaped rendering, occluded by clouds - so we'll be able to see objects at higher altitude (aircrafts, mountain peaks etc.) and straight below.

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-AT weapons should have backblast effects (Quick flash, smoke and dust/clutter blown about). It should be lethal within few meters behind the weapon.

-All optics should be made 3D, zooming ones in particular. Scope view should resemble this:


-Binoculars should be treated as a regular weapon. Once selected they should be held at shoulder level, and raised with the regular button for looking through irons/optics. One should be able to move and look around as with any other weapon.

-Night vision goggles should have a fixed field of view. Video shows what I mean: http://fr.youtube.com/watch?v=GoC-BfZZCpg

-There should be a function added to cycle weapon optics mode. For example an ACOG sight has the regular scope, and crude ironsights on top for close quarters fighting. The function would be used to switch between these views.

-Fluid or semi-fluid posture: There are many ways to implement this. The simplest I can think of is having an up and a down key. Holding up or down gradually shifts the players posture in that direction, double-tapping the key shifts the posture to absolute up or prone.

-Saving: An optional autosave system would be nice for single player. For example every 5 or 10 minutes. I find a game to be much more immersive when I don't have to worry about saving

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Single player missions should have the same possibilities as MP ones: changeable mission parameters (more than 2 this time please), ability to choose your "slot" if there are many, and of course respawning if the mission maker wants it to be available. Those things would make SP missions much more versatile without über scripting skills.

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From what I seen in the latest ArmA2 videos showing the F-35B JSF, I have the following suggestion:

- The F-35B variant don't have an internal cannon. They can only carry cannons when fitted thru external cannon pods.

So the F-35B in ArmA2 should have it's internal cannon removed and only if a cannon pod is mounted is when this aircraft should have a cannon available. BTW each F-35 cannon pod carries 220 rounds of ammo.

Only the F-35A (the conventional Air Force variant) carries an internal cannon with 180 rounds!

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i'll add an old request - deployable bipod for increased accuracy while lying down but that limits how many degrees a person can turn while the bipod is deployed while prone. I hate the AI spinning on their stomachs (or is it on something else) while prone - not very realistic or advanced simulation.

also the ability to stabilise or rest your weapon on a support like sandbag or fence to better accuracy.

other games have it - but Arma would benefit from it - no more mad instaprone accuracy especially for machine guns.

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Can we get streaming media capabilities in ArmA2 so we can listen to Sahrani Radio while going over the meadows in our tanks and flying our helos? Would be friggin awesome, at least while being stationed to guard somethin. biggrin_o.gif

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actually to make Arma2 the very best see here http://dslyecxi.com/bestoftactical3.html

these suggestions would make arma2 the absolute top military fps choice for me.

Glad you like that. It actually starts here:


And there's a followup to it here:


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This is exactly the guide ArmAII should use! Dslyecxi really did a good job, providing tons of refrence and worded it well, I think the majority of players would really appriciate it if most of the tips and suggestions got implemented, and I bet if pulled off right it'd be just the step forward ArmA2 needs.

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That guide would be cool if parts of it got implemented but im not a big fan of post processing tons of blur and black outs / whiteouts on my screen even if i had a close encounter with a grenade  tounge2.gif

Don't take me wrong I like immersion as much as anybody else but people have to play the game without getting epileptic seisures  wink_o.gif

My ex could get stuff like that and thats from just by sitting with the computer for to long  confused_o.gif

Games these days have all kinds of restrictions and parenting stuff and what ever that checks if the game can explode your kid or your computer and  other consumer safety stuff.  biggrin_o.gif

I think the carrying of wounded will be in Arma 2 for an example and that was part of the guide, I dunno I like some of the realism stuff like jaming weapons but i don't like the whole change barrel on machinegun or it will get destroyed , sure it would be cool for players but how would A.i handle situations like that?

But I like 90% of the stuff said in the guide! xmas_o.gif

Would be awesome to see in a game but its a crap ton of features and not sure if any game can handle that much. tounge2.gif

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This is exactly the guide ArmAII should use! Dslyecxi really did a good job, providing tons of refrence and worded it well, I think the majority of players would really appriciate it if most of the tips and suggestions got implemented, and I bet if pulled off right it'd be just the step forward ArmA2 needs.

I agree 200% but sadly i dont think it will happen with ArmA 2.

I dont think they will be taking much more suggestions at this point in time. Especially to core gameplay aspects.

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Just got to think about something.

Would be sweet if there was an option in the AAA vehicles (Shilka/Tunguska/Vulcan) where we can set "altitude detonation". So the bullets detonate at a certain altitude. Like real life. Just thaught it would look sweet with AAA going off around you as you pass through a valley at high speed.

Since the ammo is explode on impact, its also fused in some of these AAA (im not sure if all the named ones have this though). So the gunner can set an altitude where the ammo will explode and send out fragments.

Maybe it becomes too hard in ArmA though and more suitable for flight sims?



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Clunky movement! Like using a broken gearbox while submersed in honey!

- The solution. Make it possible to fire (innacurately) when running (not sprinting) and also when straffing and walking diagonally. This would fix that horrible feel you get when moving, and also make the game more realistic.

I made a thread but it's like a ghost town.

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Cant BIS make a mod-installer this time? Like Lockon's MODMAN.

The mods are packed as today in RAR's and all you need to do is download to dektop, then click ADD in the "mod-installer" prog, then click "install". It will move a copy of the RAR to a folder under the mod-installer prog's own folder system called "addons" for keeping. So it can be installed and uninstalled without loosing the mod.

The mods you install with the "install" button will be seen from top to bottom. So if you install more than one mod, it will show the first at top (with info on the side of it like "installed"). And when you install the next one it comes up undernieth the first one (hence mod order). And so on and so forth.

This works awesome for Lockon to handle all mods and easy to learn for everyone. Its also fast. However, i dont know if such a program can add to the command line (if even needed, if arma2 gets a new system).

As it is done in MODMAN, The addon maker can also pack in a little JPG so when adding it to the mod-programs list, you also see a picture plus ofcourse info (text). When you have ADD:ed them they show up in the list as "uninstalled", until you click "install".

It works great for Lockon and anyone undersands how to do it. Fast and simple. Easy to see what mods are on/off.


-DMSmokeEffects - DMarkwick - UNINSTALLED

So it has sections to the right (bar) where some info can go in, plus showing if its installed or not.

Sorry for a bt messy explanation, it is late smile_o.gif Hopefully it explains it though. i think its a good idea. So many i have to help with mods all the time its not even fun. Would be nice to get this kind of (or similar) addon installer right out the box.



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ingame addon management (activation - deactivation) wont work.

you had to restart the game for each change..

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ingame addon management (activation - deactivation) wont work.

you had to restart the game for each change..

You could use the exact same technique used by some other games, which don't even allow video settings to be changed without restarting the game.

Eg: Press "Apply" button to restart game and activate selected add-ons.

ArmA restarts very quickly when used with an 'empty' world.

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I didnt mean an in-game addon program. Sorry for not explaining clearer.

I said a mod-installer program. So i meant a stand alone, when arma is closed. Works million times better than arma's way. The Lockon version also has a "start game" button so you dont have to close it and then start arma. Just install/uninstall some mods and GO. Cant be simpler. And easier for more people to use. And wont make you fuck up (when tired) and forget to add to command line for example.

Once again i mention something I dont need. This is a request and something for BIS to read. I have seen people drop off arma because of how mods are handled. And still today people dont know how to use mods, where to install etc etc.

I think the idea of giving out an official mod installer is a very smart thing to do. If other games can have it, so can arma. And more people will find arma fun. The more people that have fun in arma, the more the word spread that its a "good" game, and the more sales.



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actually to make Arma2 the very best see here http://dslyecxi.com/bestoftactical3.html

these suggestions would make arma2 the absolute top military fps choice for me.

Glad you like that. It actually starts here:


And there's a followup to it here:


Yep, you pretty much hit the nail on the head, no matter how out-dated that article is. Really makes me want VBS2, too. Also, for vehicle mounting/dismounting, Halo 3 has great animations. There was another game that did too, but I can't think of it right now.

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i totally agree with the suggestion of an official mod installer. i realise that installing mods is actually quite easy but remember that the majority of gamers don't want to be faffing about moving files and changing shortcut addresses etc.

another area i'd like to see an improvement, tho i fear it's far too late, is with the 3rd person camera.

It's an effect seen in GTA4 to a degree, tho maybe rather over done, whereby there's a small amount wobble. I know it doesn't sound like much but, for me, it'd give the game a far more organic feel.

What prompted me to suggest it is the footage of the hind flying around the new arma2 map. Like the previous games the camera stays completely fixed in relation to the characters location and thus looks like a user controlled camera rotating around CG geometry in 3D computer space (which it is!wink_o.gif. it should feel like we want it to feel: we're 100m up in the air, trailing an attack chopper at 90mph in a warzone! i realise the movement would potentially require more processing but it could easily be tweaked or switched off in the settings.

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Dynamic viewdistance has many problems you are not taking into


Fair situation in PvP for all sides.

Abusive gameplay.

Mission logic bound to a specific VD.

To name a few important ones.

So this cant be made an option? Ofcourse it can.

Also for MP it can be set to a roof. So that people in planes also can see the ground. As it is now, jets cant see the ground when flying. THAT is unfair wink_o.gif

Just seem so more modern to me.

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