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Dynamic weather

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I have NIM dynamic weather and it works well, but does anyone know what weather script is used in Evolution? I would like to use the variable weather, and have the "rain" markers that scroll the screen like in Evo

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={USI}_Zombie;1214729]I have NIM dynamic weather and it works well, but does anyone know what weather script is used in Evolution? I would like to use the variable weather, and have the "rain" markers that scroll the screen like in Evo

The script is simple however the triggers, and markers a loccated in a few different places.

1) You will need the two scripts "FOG", and "RAIN" located in evo's data\scripts\rain and data\scripts\fog

2) You will need the following located in data\scripts\Main ThreadC

BIS_EVO_Cweath =


"rainmarkt" setMarkerPosLocal getmarkerPos "rainmark";

"rainmarkt2" setMarkerPosLocal getmarkerPos "rainmark2";

"rainmarkt3" setMarkerPosLocal getmarkerPos "rainmark3";

"fogmarkt" setMarkerPosLocal getmarkerPos "fogmark";




_Temp = compile BIS_EVO_gdate_packed;

_date = call _temp;

_hour = _date select 3;

if(_hour != _oldhour) then


if(_hour == 0) then


10 setOverCast 0.0

10 setRain 0.0;


_oldhour = _hour;

setDate _date;



for [{_loop=0}, {_loop<1}, {_loop = _loop}] do


//[] call BIS_EVO_Cweath

sleep 1.011;


Forgot to add this one on their!! in data\scripts\MainThread you'll need the following:

_oldhour = param2;

_fogmovetime = 900; // 15 mins

BIS_EVO_NoHumanLeader = [];

_EVO_Weath =



_randx = 0;

_randy = (random 14279);

if ((position rainy select 0) > 16753) then


rainy setpos [_randx,_randy,0];


if ((position rainy2 select 0) > 16753) then


rainy2 setpos [_randx,_randy,0];


if ((position rainy3 select 0) > 16753) then


rainy3 setpos [_randx,_randy,0];


if (_fogmovetime <= 0 and BIS_EVO_MissionProgress > 0) then


foggy setpos [random 12000,random 12000,0];

_fogmovetime = 900;


rainy setpos [(position rainy select 0)+10,(position rainy select 1),0];"rainmark" setMarkerPos position rainy;

rainy2 setpos [(position rainy2 select 0)+10,(position rainy2 select 1),0];"rainmark2" setMarkerPos position rainy2;

rainy3 setpos [(position rainy3 select 0)+10,(position rainy3 select 1),0];"rainmark3" setMarkerPos position rainy3;

foggy setpos [(position foggy select 0)+10,(position foggy select 1),0];"fogmark" setMarkerPos position foggy;


for [{_loop=0}, {_loop<1}, {_loop=_loop}] do


_time = time;

[] call _EVO_Weath;


3) In data\scripts\pinit you will need to copy the following

_rain = [] execVM "data\scripts\rain.sqf"

_fog = [] execVM "data\scripts\fog.sqf"

_cthread = [] execVM "data\scripts\MainThreadC.sqf" <<---- I *think* you only need this if your going to be using the Main TreadC.sqf in step 2.

4) In the data\scripts\spawn there is the following

0 setFog 0.0;

0 setOverCast 0.0;

0 setRain 0.0;

However I don't think you need. I'm new at this so I'm guessing the spawn.sqf is for respawning and keeping everything synced.

5) The last few things you should need is the triggers and markers that you can find in the mission using the editor.

I belive that's all you need. If it dosent work let me know. I hope this help's you, and eveyone out their looking to use Evo's weather scripts.

If anyone is also wanting the Evo repair script let me know I'll post that as well.

Edited by tuocs

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Post updated. Sorry I for got to add the MainThread. Once again I just want to add I'm not sure if every here is needed for the dynamic weather to work but that's everything on the weather script in Evo. I'll be making a post soon on Evo's repair script, and also how Evo does it city markers, the scripting for opfor in marker areas, the jet's/ helis with markers showing ect. If their is something your looking for let me know I'll try to pick evo apart to find it for you.

Edited by tuocs

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