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Porting Warfare 1.0 missions to 1.1

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Hi Guys...

I've only been playing "official" warfare missions - the 1.0 from BIS, the 1.1beta that came afterwards (with team status and respawn AI functions), and now I've ported some 1.0s to other maps.

What I'm wondering - if I have a working 1.0 port of Warfare on a specific map, but want the features introduced in 1.1 beta (like the team status menu) - can I just unpack a 1.1 version, copy the mission.sqm from my 1.0 in there, and be done?

Or in other words: Between the "official" warfare releases 1.1 beta and 1.0, are there any differences in the mission.sqm structure?

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They removed about 2 files from the original that dealed with initializing the commander, DO NOT replace the mission file. The most tricky file to update is the Description.ext so be carefull. Sorry I didn't make a list of files to replace but check the dates. It's pretty easy I'm having problems with the team status window where the teams are supposed to show...

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