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T-90 & T-72BM by Ike

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Hi. *100% Off Topic:

*Raedor, the OFP's T90 addon that im talking about was one released

by a single dude that i think that had access to pre-release RHS

models & textures and then the man released the addon as if were

from him without name RHS or something like that; there was some

complains about the IR light on the turret, that was on the wrong

side among other things, those T90's had also the slat armor and

that nice feature of spitt the main gun shells plus the DhSK ones


*Back on topic:

When you swtich/load the missiles booth on the T72's & T90's the

display info keeps the APDFS ammo names or the HEI-AT ammo

name too, also the missiles smoke trail it's too dense and obscures

many times the targets, and it's white instead black or darker. Let's C ya


Raedor, forget all that thrash; it was the: ORCS T80UM/T90 Addon.

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Some pics at T-72 drivers position (T-72 tank simulator)

T72 driver 1

T-72 driver 2

Mostly tank drivers open their hatches for better view.  wink_o.gif

Hmm in Leopard they use combustible cartridge case technology so no shell ejection is there. Imho other modern forces use similar cartridges.

Otherwise great tanks with nice features!

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Ike, are you going to try to make it work with NWD TankFCS addon?

I'll try but wont promise anything.

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Ike, are you going to try to make it work with NWD TankFCS addon?

I'll try but wont promise anything.

Well, I tried some time ago. You may notice NWD's modifications to the model, when comparing the FCS tanks with the BI-sample model. I was unable to reengineer the needed changes, so I removed the whole project from my rig.

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Includes T-90M(Shtora), T-90S(basic version) and T-72BM with slat armor.

All are based on BIS T-72 model.

My first work with Oxygen 2 so apologies if its not The Ultimate Realistic T-90.

Suggestions and bug reports are welcome.

Looks much better, than the badger's vehicle... Keep going!

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@binary: What about the alternative to have a driver hatch? It is already included in the BI-sample model and I have a T-72 WIP, where the needed config / proxy can simply be adapted to any other model?

I'm not really sure what you mean here - but let me give you an example of what i mean..


As you can see, as a driver - you have a MUCH better field of view with the first example smile_o.gif

Yesterday, I have checked the OFP addons, that include the 3-periscope view (BI's T-80, M1A1 etc.).

All those base on a complete interrior for the tanks. Because the ArmA MBT's do not include such interrior but optics only, someone should convert e.g. the stryker commander's place to be used as MBT drivers interrior (including addin the periscope a window definition). This way, we may provide a better view for the driver / gunner / commander of an ArmA MBT.



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Ike, are you going to try to make it work with NWD TankFCS addon?

That's gonna be very difficult since NWD's changes the model a little bit. I think that's basically the biggest bone of contention right now. Since NWD has supposedly left the community the project hasn't been updated in a while. There has been discussion on that thread about getting a hold of him to get permission to take over the project. Unfortunately, that's all it is. For months people have been asking for updates on that forum, instead of trying to PM or contact NWD by other means. Hopefully someone is in the process of contacting him right now>

Man how bad ass would that be to have his FCS on all the new armour?


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<span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'>T-90 & T-72BM pack v1</span>

v1 changelog:

- Added experimental T-90 with camo netting

- Added SLA green variants

- Added optional replacement (T-72->T-90S and T-72(racs)->T-72BM, model and name only)

- Fixed smoke launcher bug

- Changes in models and textures

- Changed gunner optics

- Adjusted gunner and driver FOV

Filefront download v1






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Thanks. This looks great.

Quick question:

Any idea if this has problems with XEH compatible AddOns? I'm not sure if this would have to be a worry anyway, I just wanted to make sure.


Jesus, I spoke to soon. I Dl'd it but only saw the replacement file. I see XEH is included.

Thank you very much for using XEH.


Could you please post the class names?

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Very cool addon, but the GPS reticule is incorrect for the T-90, the GPS sight 1G46 for T-90 looks like this:


What you're using looks like a variant of the TPD-K1 or TPD-2-49 I think.


Extensive data about the 1G46:



Use to translate into English.

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Very cool addon, but the GPS reticule is incorrect for the T-90, the GPS sight 1G46 for T-90 looks like this:


What you're using looks like a variant of the TPD-K1 or TPD-2-49 I think.


Extensive data about the 1G46:



Use to translate into English.

Thanks Opteryx, will change that.


<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">











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This is a super addon!!! notworthy.gif

I have only one small suggestion, can you make the main gun sound louder? More bang and more power. The MG is almost over powering the main gun in sound volume. Would be really nice with more power. smile_o.gif

EDIT: Another small thing i see after testing is the camo net. Very good work! But i think i know how you can make it better. Ive seen other camo nets and also DMarkwicks HIDE addon wich pretty much have the same camo pattern as yours but bigger pattern. I think that will hide the tank better. From a little distance, your camo net becomes too "clean-green" without any differences in the pattern (if that made any sense"?) smile_o.gif

Thanks for your work, highly appreciated! inlove.gif



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Have you considered adding random numbers?

Not sure, i personally don't care about em and I would have to add another evenhandler(already uses 3 different).

thats a shame. Custom markings add a load of realism.

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Quote[/b] ]thats a shame. Custom markings add a load of realism.

I think so too,and it's quite important in certain situations to be able to identify each enemy vehicle.Without numbering it is not possible.Especially then you can't see them all the time.I tried to do as modemmaik suggested,but couldn't make it work. sad_o.gif

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