december 0 Posted August 24, 2008 I never played 1 single player mission in ArmA, only online. I play on the same server (semi public) with basically the same group of guys. Never seen 1 instance of cheating just great coop game play and fun. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pathetic_berserker 4 Posted August 24, 2008 online play takes a lot of commitment and time. sp play is much less demanding. the sp market is often overlloked by devs in the last couple of years, with the mp hype. it has still alarger market share, particulary with grown up players who have enough competition and stress in their jobs. competing with others in online games is often too frustrating to them. sp players are much more silent however and ca easily overlooked. commitment and time are real factors for players. Especialy as we all get older and find we have so many RL commitments to deal with. I think this a good valid point. At the moment I spend most of my play time online, but thats only becuase I've got a couple of good servers in my region. Its worth finding a good place to go online, just for the experence That said, I liked Arma SP, but also hope that Arma2 has a deeper single player experience. Though there is a certain gratification from sharing an experience in mp or co-op there is also the enjoyment of seeing a well crafted story unfold without worring about all that comes with conecting online. I think that playing Arma online has matured into a fantastic experience, so it would certainly be nice if any mission makers out there considered helping the SP side of things to catch up. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Brendon 0 Posted August 24, 2008 I would play online more, but the UI for it is terrible. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CarlGustaffa 4 Posted August 24, 2008 Huh? The UI for online play is terrible? If anything I would say the UI for singleplayer games is terrible (commanding) which require far too many key and mouse clicks to be combat effective. Micromanaging just to get units to reload. Stupid AI that does everything else than what you intended. AI getting stuck for no apparent reason. I am a Domination player only regarding online public servers. That's my only game. Sure, many servers are now requiring signed addons, but haven't their playercount been reduced? Is it all for good to avoid "cheaters"? Especially for coop games, people tend to have their own addon desires. My clan uses customized/enhanced/changed addons. They govern anything from altered flare colors (pluss added sound), via modified trueview addon (restore back to 0.22 default zoom but still avoids the intermediate zoom on raised sights, adds missing entries), to a modified NWD_Scopefix (enforces G36 narrowfov, fixed 5x binoculars, and a highly zoomeable laser designator to make it double role as a spotter scope to suit our own custom Domination mission which has such a role). By definition, I guess these makes us all cheaters then? Other than zoomeable laser designator and ArmA default 0.22 zoom on sights, the rest of the changes are restrictions compared to the original addons. And I obviously can't release them, since that would be "theft". We also use ECS, which gives us an unrealistic benefit of being able to hear enemies talking giving away their positions. This one is signed, but isn't this even more "cheating" than my modified ones? Sure, there might be some people out there using modified addons that gives unrealistic benefits, but I think for the most part most such changes are quite subtle. In coop missions it shouldn't matter that much anyway because it is the collective objective that is important, not the number of kills. I just wish more (coop) servers had the scoreboard turned off to help score hunters stay away ("killing" an already mobility killed tank i.e.). Many clans today have both coop missions such as Domination, and team vs team missions such as Warfare going on on their servers. Unfortunately you can't setup anti cheating rules (equal or signed mods i.e.) depending on game mode afaik. To avoid cheating, anti cheat modes are being enforced (in its full right), but that means that those only playing coop missions will never be able to join that server because they may use unsigned addons. Multiplayer on public servers will never achieve the same level of teamplay as when you are playing in a clan. On some you might be kicked if you don't comply to orders (such as holding fire while getting into attack position), but usually only if it is admined by servers clan member. Team killers unfortunately exists (was one present yesternight on a Domination server, and maybe also hacked the server [?], so I just changed server, no big deal) that can ruin a game. Usually these are kicked rather quickly. Summary of my post: 1. Not all "cheaters" are "cheaters". Some clan specific addons may give drawbacks instead of benefits, to suit own clan desires. 2. Anti "cheat" measurements are enforced on too many public servers, since they are now not only hosting coop missions. 3. Using signed addons doesn't automatically mean they don't provide any "unrealistic" benefits (such as ECS) compared to those who doesn't use it. 4. Creating clan specific replacement mods (such as my own changed NWD_Scopefix) mean we as a clan can play our mission the way it is setup, but also allow other players to join even if that single role doesn't have the zoomeable laser designator without requiring downloading an addon (or getting error messages which can be bad for server[?]). Are we a "cheating" clan when we play coop on public servers? If so, please explain to me why. If not, where is the line and how do you define it? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ricoadf 0 Posted August 28, 2008 I usually play Warfare with a few mates and when I do go on a pub server its only OGN because it's fairly good at keeping the idiots out. Thats not to say accidents dont happen lol Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
desertjedi 3 Posted August 28, 2008 Quote[/b] ]There doesn't seem to be that much variety in the MP games, but I think there is room for more lower-player-count missions. Like 6-8 player missions that are heavily scripted with story lines, dialog, characters and objectives. You could practically make a playable movie with Arma, and I think the possibilities have not been fully utilized. I'm no ArmA expert but I have to agree wholeheartedly with the above. There's enough flexibility in the editor to, indeed, come up with your own mission that's as impressive as a movie. I'd love to see more "small-squad" missions. Hopefully, I will be able to make some of my own soon. There will always be the SP vs MP debate in any game simply due to "different strokes for different folks". Years ago, after seeing some really stupid TDM matches, I thought all MP-ers were nut jobs until I got involved with co-op playing on an actual team with a Team Leader. The experience was incredible and now I'm more of an MP player than an SP one. But I have to confess, I'll probably never play adverserial - unless it was part of gaming in a good, disciplined clan. If you can snag a few friends who are good team players, you can have a good co-op match. But going "public" to do PvP(TDM) is wishful thinking, IMHO. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
iceman77 19 Posted August 30, 2008 desertjedi Quote[/b] ]But I have to confess, I'll probably never play adverserial - unless it was part of gaming in a good, disciplined clan. If you can snag a few friends who are good team players, you can have a good co-op match. But  going "public" to do PvP(TDM) is wishful thinking, IMHO. IS THIS BECAUSE YOU ARE LAME AT PvP?? SO NOW U ATTACK THE PVP SIDE OF ARMA?? SURE IS EASY TO MOW DOWN A BUNCH OF IGNORANT BOTS THAN HAVING TO OUT THINK HUMAN OPPONENTS!! NOT ALL PUBLIC PVP IS LAME!! STOP ADVERTISING IT AS SUCH!!MABEY GO PLAY SOME STARWARS!! O..AND BY THE WAY...NOONE PLAYS TDM LOL As far as sp VS. mp might as well go play OFP SP...Arma SP is lame...OFp sp is GREAT...and i dont think there are "thousands" playing SP arma..that is a lie...basically your wasting your time arguing the SP side of things..if there was a bunch of people playing SP arma then that prolly means most of them are without internet..or they have never played a PC game in their life..LoOl I think the worst part about arma are the whiners...sure there are hakers and TKrs here and there...just like with any game...i think though that there are FAR more whiners and complainers than there are hackers and intentional TKrs..BY FAR...And alot of the time people are too quick to jump to the conclusion that someone is hacking..just because they are plain out a GOOD player...Just because a person can hit a target with an abrams WAY AWAY or go on rediculous 30 & 0 runs in PvP DOSENT mean he's hacking...It just might mean he's just flat out a phenominal player!!it's a diffrent story however when you see 100 GBUs coming down on you...obviously thats hacking...and that's just plain out hacking to ruin the server...but nowadays with sigs running or just playing on a server that will crack the whip is good's not hard to monitor hackers...just pay attention to who joins the server when and also when the hacking starts...this isnt full proof but if the admins pay attention then the hacks are quickly banned or kicked.. Regards,  ***1cem@n*** Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Yoshama 0 Posted August 30, 2008 IS THIS BECAUSE YOU ARE LAME AT PvP?? SO NOW U ATTACK THE PVP SIDE OF ARMA?? SURE IS EASY TO MOW DOWN A BUNCH OF IGNORANT BOTS THAN HAVING TO OUT THINK HUMAN OPPONENTS!! NOT ALL PUBLIC PVP IS LAME!! STOP ADVERTISING IT AS SUCH!!MABEY GO PLAY SOME STARWARS!!O..AND BY THE WAY...NOONE PLAYS TDM LOL As far as sp VS. mp might as well go play OFP SP...Arma SP is lame...OFp sp is GREAT...and i dont think there are "thousands" playing SP arma..that is a lie...basically your wasting your time arguing the SP side of things..if there was a bunch of people playing SP arma then that prolly means most of them are without internet..or they have never played a PC game in their life..LoOl "caps lock.... the cruse control for cool" I have 700 hours on arma, the first 500 being in sp. nothing is wrong with sp. if you are creative and you understand how the game works you can have alot of fun. I've also spent some time online and had alot of fun. ofp sp is good and arma sp is also good. If you want full fun of the game, play all sides of it, mp and sp, blufor and opfor, land and air. Don't just throw out a game because you never gave it a chance. a true n00b is one who gives up and blames the game for being lame. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stiletto 0 Posted August 31, 2008 You gotta be a cocktard to not play online.? Sp player is fine but online is where this game shines? hackers?? who gives a shit ..? there fighting bots! lol. This game compared to other online shooters have much less whiners or hackers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Yoshama 0 Posted August 31, 2008 when i talk about sp, i don't only mean the campaign only, or the premade missions only, i mean both with the whole editor also. the campaign had its moments and some of the sp missions were fun, but i had the most fun making a mission and playing it out for hours. online is also fun but you don't have the creativity as if you made your own mission. you are wasting your money if you never even touch the editor. sp is also good for training for mp if you want. when i first joined mp servers i did very well because i made missions of all sorts which gave me the experience of how to handle the game, so in mp i am usually on top of the scoreboards. I am not saying mp is bad, i am saying that sp can have just as much fun. i have never seen a game before have this kind of editor, you can create many different styles and have the flexibility to let your imagination run wild. you never see the offline ppl because they are having too much fun playing offline. just give the editor a chance, don't say sp is bad because you played a few missions in the campaign and one or two sp missions. its not only for the pros, i cant even script and i have fun in it. -you are a n00b if you only play sp or only play mp- Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rommel 2 Posted September 1, 2008 I've play about 85% MP and 15% SP, and the SP being only in the editor. Otherwise, what cheaters are you guys(edit: & girls) all rambling on about, before and after battleEye was introduced, I have only seen around 10 cheaters and that was on an American based Sahrani Life server, and they were uncommon at the most. I generally play on the GamingSA servers and I must say I've never experienced a real cheater. Sure you may have your idiots which occur everywhere (KFCers + Abusers), but either the mute button or #vote admin ... #kick works just fine . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
subs17 9 Posted September 1, 2008 Cheats I witnessed used a auto kill which allowed them to kill you without shooting you or anything. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites