AWA-Delta 0 Posted July 21, 2008 I was wondering how to use the backup ironsight on the m16gl with acog. I did a search but came up empty handed. Also is there a way to put down the GL sight on the weapon too ? Thanks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
monty67t 0 Posted July 21, 2008 There is no way to use backup iron sights with default BIS weapons. There is also no way to flip down the 203 sight. The only weapons that I know have backup sights are the ones released by 6th Sense, should be version .2 beta I believe. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AWA-Delta 0 Posted July 21, 2008 Hey thanks for the information. Too bad the backup sights are not avaliable by default. Playing in servers where the floating crosshair is disabled is pretty hard without the ability to use the backup sights. Will have to check out 6th Sense and take a look. Thanks! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lee_h._oswald 0 Posted July 21, 2008 Same with the BIS HK G36. The G36 has Scope and Reddot(HKV-Hauptkampfvisier), but you can use only the scope. Makes it useless for CQB. MfG Lee Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SaBrE_UK 0 Posted July 21, 2008 The problem with the 6th Sense weapons is when you use a backup ironsight, the magazine magically replenishes itself, then when you finish that mag and change back to scope, you have bullets again. I reckon it could be scripted to work realistically. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Daniel 0 Posted July 24, 2008 Check out the AAW Steyrs too. Very nice backups and UGL sights. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ArmedAnarkie 0 Posted July 27, 2008 It IS possible, as long as user edits the code. I have downloaded the Spanish mode that has a G36 with an Eotech scope. Look at this code. If a gun has 2 muzzles[], you can use a backup iron site and ACOG. I test this code in any gun. This works fine. But!!! the default Arma weapons are lack of real iron site in Acog model. So you may see a weird iron site if the 3D model doesn't have it. class FFAA_Armas_HKG36K_eo : FFAA_Armas_HKG36E_opt { displayName = "H&K G36K (Eotech)"; model = "\FFAA_Armas\G36\FFAA_Armas_HKG36K_eo"; muzzles[] = {"FFAA_Armas_G36_3XMuzzle", "FFAA_Armas_G36_CEPMuzzle"}; class FFAA_Armas_G36_3XMuzzle : FFAA_Armas_HKG36E { modelOptics = "\FFAA_Armas\G36\FFAA_Armas_HKG36E_opt.p3d"; // this is a Spanish mod G36 scope. You can use default G36 or Acog... opticsZoomMin = 0.138; opticsZoomMax = 0.138; opticsZoomInit = 0.138; distanceZoomMin = 200; distanceZoomMax = 200; }; class FFAA_Armas_G36_CEPMuzzle : FFAA_Armas_HKG36E_opt { modelOptics = "-"; // none, now game engine will assign it to M4 aim class. modes[] = {"FFAA_disparo_G36SingleCEP", "FFAA_disparo_G36FullAutoCEP"}; opticsZoomMin = 0.4; opticsZoomMax = 0.95; opticsZoomInit = 0.667; distanceZoomMin = 200; distanceZoomMax = 200; }; class Library { libTextDesc = "Modelo usado por las fuerzas especiales del ejercito español dotado con un visor eotech 552"; }; }; If the 3D model doesn't have any physical iron site, you will see the cross hair is blocked by some part of 3D model. This is happening with Spanish mod G36 gun w/o Eotech optic. So if you want to add 2 different optic mod in a gun, 3D model must have a secondary optic/iron site. If it has, open its code and add one more muzzle[] like that code. The modeling and texture of the Spanish mod is awesome. I may change entire German units with their G36 w/ Eotech. Â Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jackal326 1182 Posted July 29, 2008 It IS possible, as long as user edits the code.I have downloaded the Spanish mode that has a G36 with an Eotech scope. Look at this code. If a gun has 2 muzzles[], you can use a backup iron site and ACOG. I test this code in any gun. This works fine. But!!! the default Arma weapons are lack of real iron site in Acog model. So you may see a weird iron site if the 3D model doesn't have it. class FFAA_Armas_HKG36K_eo : FFAA_Armas_HKG36E_opt { displayName = "H&K G36K (Eotech)"; model = "\FFAA_Armas\G36\FFAA_Armas_HKG36K_eo"; muzzles[] = {"FFAA_Armas_G36_3XMuzzle", "FFAA_Armas_G36_CEPMuzzle"}; class FFAA_Armas_G36_3XMuzzle : FFAA_Armas_HKG36E { modelOptics = "\FFAA_Armas\G36\FFAA_Armas_HKG36E_opt.p3d"; // this is a Spanish mod G36 scope. You can use default G36 or Acog... opticsZoomMin = 0.138; opticsZoomMax = 0.138; opticsZoomInit = 0.138; distanceZoomMin = 200; distanceZoomMax = 200; }; class FFAA_Armas_G36_CEPMuzzle : FFAA_Armas_HKG36E_opt { modelOptics = "-"; // none, now game engine will assign it to M4 aim class. modes[] = {"FFAA_disparo_G36SingleCEP", "FFAA_disparo_G36FullAutoCEP"}; opticsZoomMin = 0.4; opticsZoomMax = 0.95; opticsZoomInit = 0.667; distanceZoomMin = 200; distanceZoomMax = 200; }; class Library { libTextDesc = "Modelo usado por las fuerzas especiales del ejercito español dotado con un visor eotech 552"; }; }; If the 3D model doesn't have any physical iron site, you will see the cross hair is blocked by some part of 3D model. This is happening with Spanish mod G36 gun w/o Eotech optic. So if you want to add 2 different optic mod in a gun, 3D model must have a secondary optic/iron site. If it has, open its code and add one more muzzle[] like that code. The modeling and texture of the Spanish mod is awesome. I may change entire German units with their G36 w/ Eotech. Â No-one was saying it isn't possible, they were simply saying that each "muzzle" loads its own version of the same magazine, so using your example of the G36, each muzzkle loads its own version of the same same 30 round magazine, so 30rnds x 2 (the number of muzzles) means each 30 round magazine effectively carries 30 rounds 9if you use one muzzle, fire all 30 rounds, then switch muzzles). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites