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Modular unit/weapons

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Just a small thing, but how easy would it be for BIS to incorporate some kind of modular attachment type thing for the units and weapons? The whole system of having a hundred individual weapons just so you can have the option to put a silencer, aimpoint, ACOG or M203 on an M4... well. It just seems a bit archaic when games have had a 'select gun then select attachments' system going on forever. Same goes with units, their uniforms, weapon platforms on vehicles... It'd be nice to be able to simply 'attach' slat armour to a vehicle as a modular thing in exchange for, say, a small loss in speed. Even if the engine treats it the same way it ever did (ie swapping an entire 3d model for another), implementing it in the actual *interface* as a modular thing instead of having hundreds of weapons and vehicles and people in the editor would be cool.

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would be a intresting feature, but i dunno what i would like a mission to have a special apc with the special weapons it has at a special place, then i prefer the way the apc comes preloaded with its weapons and crew. at least in the mission editor. smile_o.gif

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This is a feature that was talked about years ago when the first "game2" info surfaced... is it still in the game? Anybodies guess, but would def be a great addition.

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If BIS failed to have proper reload animations even in arma I wouldn't bet on seeing customisable weapons...

The basic tech is till there and it has been way behind modern 3d engines for the last 4 years.

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Gotta Bump the Modular weapons Idea. Its all I have wanted in a FPS since AA. Silencers can be taken off, overheated barrels changed (on MGs), broken optics removed, stocks folded and extended! I could go on but im preaching to the choir here smile_o.gif

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Something like proxies for weapons is a long overdue feature.

I dont even need it on the BIS stuff but at least make it possible for modders so in future we dont need to trick around with loading different models to simulate taking of or mounting silencers and stuff like this.

And the best thing would be you dont need a dozen of models with the same weap that has different attachements, instead just a main weapon model and the attachments as extra models that just need to defined as where they should show up on the model.

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Spooner, over at OFPEC, released a simple attachment script.


It's via the action menu, but it could probably be modified to be done through the gear menu instead.

While it's not necessarily proper for soldiers to be attaching and detaching bits from their weapons midbattle, this feature is nice when you want to use both the ACOG and iron sights on the same rifle: as is, if you have an ACOG you can't use the back up sights, and a simple script like this allows for both.

Some kind of weapon attach/detach system in arma 2 would be nice.

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Saddly this also just uses the workaround i mentioned.

Load another model via script and swap players weapon with it.

Always looks bit jerky ( at least in OFP it did ) and you have to have models of all possible variants again.

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I think weapon proxies would be unlikely, isn't that kind of a core engine thing? The way they do all their animations, weapons models etc would have to change.. But at least if this sort of system was integrated into the editor and loadout screens (you could take it as far as changing tank and uniform textures while you're at it) then it would add a much needed element of polish to the game. I think everyone can agree that if BIS want to compete with other games they need to spend a bit of time working such things into the first release.

And who knows, maybe it will inspire people to believe said proxies will show up in a patch/addon/Arma3. smile_o.gif

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Well my hopes for it being in ArmA2 are below zero but youll never know.

Not a extreme important feature but a pretty intresting one at least.

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well, you can kinda do the math already. This is an extreme example, but not 'unreasonable'...

Take your 'basic' M4/16, the only thing basic about it would be the lower receiver. The following parts would be changeable :

* stock

* mag

* upper

* scope 1

* scope 2 (scope 1 plus TI/II combo)

* 4x front rail parts

* bipod

That's up to 10 proxies on the receiver, supposing that they're each a 'section', that's 11 sections instead of 1.

Doesn't bode well for scalability.

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The only way i see this feature being worth it would be if the atachments worked..

Tac light - Even if it worked would you use it in a Arma type of environment?

AN/PEQ2 - If there were no crosshairs and if we couldnt use NVG's with irons it would be usefull.

Bipod - If it was usefull, yeah.

If the functional stuff are just the GL, supressor and diferent optics having a good amount of combos (ala ADW 1.2) will do fine.

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