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Making civilan car indestructible ?

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how do I make any civilian car indestructible in the editor?

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To make it truly invincible is not possible (in the editor).

You can try using eventhandlers - make simple script which will set the Damage to zero, and attach a "damaged" or "hit" event handler, which will be running this script, on the vehicle.

That way, if the vehicle gets damaged, it will be immediately repaired, but i think you can expect some problems in MP, where once the vehicle is destroyed (and then repaired by the script), some players might see the vehicle still as destroyed - or maybe it was "fixed" and is not a problem anymore, but i don't know.

Edit: forgot to mention, that if you put some units in the vehicle, and it gets damaged, then depending on the type of damage, the units in the vehicle can still be wounded or killed (a hit with RPG, or anything with "area damage" or powerful enough to destroy the vehicle in one shot.)

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How, I really have no idea how to make script. I doesnt matter if not totally descrutable just very strong.

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Hi rikabi

Why do you want a strong vehicle?

Sometimes problems can be simply finessed or avoided. Also it may be the problem you are having has already been solved or is being worked on.

There are several solutions to making an object "stronger" but each has its advantages and drawbacks telling us why you want to do it enables people to decide whether to approach this from addon lods, whether that be: hit point lods, geometry lods, fire geometry OR config side OR from the scripting side or a combination of all three.

Once that is done the thread can be moved to the most appropriate forum section. And the appropriate experts can help you or point you in the right direction.

In order to do this you are going to have to learn how to do certain activities whether that be scripting, addon making, config editing or most probably all three; unless what you propose is very very: scientifically or fun wise interesting, no body is likely to do it for you.

Kind Regards walker

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Cant I just add something to the 'init' to make it stronger? Am just doing this out of curiosity if involves to much work, then forget it! rofl.gif

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Hi rikabi

Well The simplest solution would be to setpos the vehicle 10,000 feet in the air while the violence is happening then setpos it back in position afterwards. If the vehicle is not at the point of impact it cannot be affected by it.

Problem solved. Next.

Kind Regards walker

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Hello Walker, its me BoneBoys xmas_o.gif

Next = how do I stop the civilian getting out of his car to check that the coast is clear?

I've nearly done it by setting the way-point speed to "full" and behavior to "safe" while adding "this allowFleeing 0;"

The effect that I was after was that when I get in the car the driver puts his foot down and gets the heck out of there.

Is there a 'trick' to get that to work?

The mission is done already but I would just like to know if its possible, for future reference.

Thank you.

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Hi BoneBoys

This is a far more interesting question.

The proper solution is to alter the FSM reaction to danger. Or even better to rebuild the AI and train it to achieve a more diverse set of human reactions but building such neural nets is a very long term solution and outside the scope of your question.

The simple solution is to instead of the civilian man use the:

Side = Independent

Class = Men

Unit = Spy

Of course if you dammage the car enough the driver will get out; but that is a different problem.

Problem solved. Next.

Kind Regards walker

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Walker, thank you.

Next =

The personage entering the car(not the civilian driver) is in fact a spy.

He (the spy) likes to be taken to the next "meeting".

Absence of enemy's is the key.

This is not a question by the way.



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