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Warfare v1.0

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Please check my first post on page one, which I've continually updated with all the great suggestions.

Good effort smile_o.gif

Could you please add: titleText[..,"PLAIN"] to titleText[..,"PLAIN DOWN"]


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would be cool if they had a airlift script to move the mhq to other islands smile_o.gif

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would be cool if they had a airlift script to move the mhq to other islands  smile_o.gif

Including an airlift script for the constant flow of supply trucks? Hmm, that's reminds me of a certain setting for an interesting mod wink_o.gif


*Worm sign!* wow_o.gifcrazy_o.gif

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would be cool if they had a airlift script to move the mhq to other islands smile_o.gif

Including an airlift script for the constant flow of supply trucks? Hmm, that's reminds me of a certain setting for an interesting mod wink_o.gif


*Worm sign!* wow_o.gifcrazy_o.gif

That game was the first I ever played. It was great.

We need a Dune Mod :P

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Can I suggest a new option at setup to play without Hellfire/Vikhr missiles (like on the old Battlefield 1985 mission for OFP)?

It's good that we can turn of artillery, but at the moment these weapons dominate the battlefield too much (especially KA50 with its unbalanced AA capapbility).

Fantastic mission otherwise thumbs-up.gif

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would be cool if they had a airlift script to move the mhq to other islands smile_o.gif

Including an airlift script for the constant flow of supply trucks? Hmm, that's reminds me of a certain setting for an interesting mod wink_o.gif


*Worm sign!* wow_o.gifcrazy_o.gif

That game was the first I ever played. It was great.

We need a Dune Mod :P

Kul Wahad! The spice must flow!

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Both MHQ's can swim... wink_o.gif

I think on our home server we had fun for a bit deploying the MHQ underwater for a super secret Aquatic fortress lol, Megatron would have been proud.

I was thinking about a suggestion;

Squad Builder Menu Tab. You know how you have the "Gear" Tab and your can assemble a loadout with the cost being calculated and then you click "buy" which only then outfits your soldier with the appropriate gear?

What if a similar menu was designed, but instead of equipment, you pick and choose your squad, their roles, their vehicles and team assignments before clicking the "Spawn/Buy" button. That way you could setup your squad quickly and organize it more efficiently with less time wasted chasing after your bots, assigning them colors and putting them in vehicles and placing them into a brevet using the Spacebar and command menu.

The menu would have a list of slots (F1-F12 ect), each slot can be assigned a color (Team Red, Team Green ect) and you double click a list of roles (riflemen, sniper, medic, bmp2 ect) to fill out the slots. A cost is calculated and you click "Buy" and all of your Squad bots spawn in with their vehicles and in their team assignments in one shot.

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Is there any way I can save progress while playing this mission by myself?

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There is a bug (or a design flaw) with the MHQ that can cause a mountain of Supply Trucks to pile up in a circle around the deployed MHQ if the area is left undisturbed for long enough periods of time.

This generally occurs when the MHQ is placed in such a way that the trucks do not find a path that leads them away, and so they stay in place and pile up. I've returned to my server after awhile only to find almost 100 Supply trucks stacked up around the MHQ. This can kill system performance.

One solution might be to spawn the Supply Trucks from the Light Vehicle Factory instead of the deployed MHQ itself. That way the MHQ can be placed in a area that is fairly secured without worry of the Supply Trucks being unable to pathfind a required route. The commander simply needs to place the Light Vehicle Factory in an accessible area more suited to the trucks needs.

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Can I suggest a new option at setup to play without Hellfire/Vikhr missiles (like on the old Battlefield 1985 mission for OFP)?


A well fought map can end way too DISAPPOINTING because someone with the HQ in the mobile state attempted to move it but a helicopter 5000m away [meaning- out of range of Shilka/Vulcan and out of range of manned AA rockets] can fire one rocket and the entire map is over.

Did they REALLY win?

It also kills the game to spam all the rockets, land at a city to rearm, take off, spam more rockets, killing any vehicle on the opposing side, making a huge mess.

That's why I don't USE the combat helicopters, I hate harming gameplay...

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Well, 5km is not a guaranteed kill with Ka50, tbh.

If I find time (too much playing, not enough editing lately, which says a lot about how I like current ArmA smile_o.gif ), The things I'd like to add for completeness :

- pseudo chaff/flares system on all aircrafts. Doable as is. Maybe Mando missile implementation, but this would be quite tough (I've yet to get how all this work)

- big up of AT missile-equipped choppers prices, with Ka-50 costing more than Cobra

- availability of CAS version of attack choppers for lower price, without AT missiles

- perhaps making a AA version of the AT ground vehicles (Strela BRDM, I think it's very similar to an already existing vehicle, and Stinger equipped Stryker, not fond of it cause it doesn't exist AFAIK)

- up of M1A1 price a bit to compensate for better quality over T72 (well, I 1st need to check it is still the case in 1.14)

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To start, many thanks to Mike Melvin and BIS for this brilliant addon!! It's great stuff.

There's might be a problem however. Yesterday I played 1 vs. 1 on the internet. Both of us were Commanding. My opponent's first chopper came unreasonably fast, considering by then I controlled most of the towns and then he kept coming to my base in cobras, even as I was struggling to buy a KA50. I thought something was amiss. I could not understand where his income was coming from considering he controlled only 3 towns.

Then last night I joined a server and some dude was trying to show us a 'trick' which allowed him to obtain $$. Something about local use memory scanner which locks the amount to ended up leaving. I didn't stick around to 'learn' his trick, perhaps I should have.

It's unfortunate that some people can't play by the rules and are always looking to cheat. There's no point in playing the game if it's un-balanced due to a 'trick' which allows for unlimited funds.

Does anyone else know what I'm talking about?

Cheers- notworthy.gif

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No idea about that cheat...

The only one I knew of was that you could exploit placing the HQ very near to a supply depot in a town, so that as soon as the supply truck spawns it supplies the supply depot, gets reloaded, supplies the supply depot, gets reloaded and so on.

That's why Matt Rochelle's 1.5 edit added something to prevent HQ from being placed too close to a supply depot.

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We installed a script on the 31stwc server that allowed us to view the specific status of all AI groups. It allowed us to see that the AI controlled convoys often bottlekneck because they run out of gas and there is no way for the AI to refuel... so they just sit there and pile up into a traffic jam. All AI controlled groups eventually run out of gas because none of them refuel .

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My only gripes are as follow:

1. View Distance... make a server-wide setting or at least let the players config their own view distance. It's impossible to perform any sort of CAS roles when you can only see 800 to 1200 meters. For example, The A-10 alone needs 2-3 nautical miles at least to acquire, line up, fire on a target, and then egress. It's impossible to do this with such a short view distance. I realize this is in place to prohibit long range forward observers from calling down a fist of the heavens onto their enemy's base from across the island, but I feel it reduces gameplay.

2. If the commander has AI crewman in an artillery piece, that artillery piece should be available to the entire team. Compensation for kills by those guns should go to the commander for providing such service, the compensation for the team that called it in, should be not dying/being overrun/etc by whatever they just pummelled with artillery.

3. Select the amount of guns that are firing in an artillery barage. Give info like, "6 guns available" and have a slider that selects how many are to fire.

4. Select the amount of "shots" performed in an artillery barage. I realize that it can be cancelled at any time, but saying, "I want each gun to fire 3x and 3x only" is a nice way to prep a team to move into an area immediately after a barrage is complete instead of waiting for the off-chance that maybe it wasn't cancelled in time and there could be a second, unwanted, salvo of shells on their way.

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I suggested 2 minutes minimum time to reload supplies on a supply truck, and 500m minimum distance from a MHQ to the Town Supply depot.

Viewdistance suggestion was to set default to 1250m. upgrade option to add 250m each upgrade cost. And separate the AT missile vs AA missile upgrade option, so the commander actually can influence the arm's race.

Artillery suggestion was to add ammo blocks of 30 rounds at $1500, and make volleys of 2, separated by 6 minutes. Mortars at $300 for 30 rounds and volleys of 3, separated by 90 sec. Ammo blocks must be delivered to the artillery piece by supply truck. Maximum 5 artillery pieces built by commander only. Artillery upgrades for range, damage radius, damage amount. Nuke and chemical rounds avail thru upgrade.


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We installed a script on the 31stwc server that allowed us to view the specific status of all AI groups. It allowed us to see that the AI controlled convoys often bottlekneck because they run out of gas and there is no way for the AI to refuel... so they just sit there and pile up into a traffic jam. All AI controlled groups eventually run out of gas because none of them refuel .

Nice find!

Have you been able to determine why some soldiers ON FOOT will just stand in one place, not moving?

I've had to hop into my UAZ, go out, and run over the traitors for not responding to my orders, to force them to respawn and actually go out in the vehicles I order them to use.

[Not talking about my bought AI, but the AI in slots that a human player is not in, where I can order them to Defend Base/Capture Town/Move/Patrol]

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Nothing new to add, just want to say I'm really enjoying solo warfare and looking forward to some fixes for AI troops and vehicles getting jammed.

Even if they are moved back to HQ when they get stuck, self destruct, or there is a stalinist "purge non-moving troops" button or something.

In my games if an HQ is near a town with a bridge, that side will lose because vehicles will endlessly jam on the bridge.

Anyway, it's great fun still.

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they should make a trigger that refuels a.i supply trucks automatically when they go near the bases. So the a.i wont get stuck on low fuel.. tounge2.gif

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Ive only played SP so far but for some reason the AI on my team seem to be completely lost. If I spawn a pilot or an AI operated chopper and tell him to move somewhere he only gets about 500m from base and crashes everytime.

With tanks and such they usually get stuck in the base, it seems they are totally unable to see the Warfare buildings and just keep ramming them.

And it would be nice if I could get the other 7 squads to use vehicles, rearm, refuel, or repair.

Now on the other hand the AI controlled enemy is a force to be reckoned with..lol. especially with the True View mod. I have yet to see them use any Air power but the endless barrage of tanks, bmps, bdrms, and uazs is sometimes.

Oh yeah! for some reason the arty seems very bugged, I can't seem to get them to fire unless I put one of my AI squad in as either gunner or pass. and usually they just either kill there selves or blow up half my base.

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Ive only played SP so far but for some reason the AI on my team seem to be completely lost. If I spawn a pilot or an AI operated chopper and tell him to move somewhere he only gets about 500m from base and crashes everytime.

With tanks and such they usually get stuck in the base, it seems they are totally unable to see the Warfare buildings and just keep ramming them.

And it would be nice if I could get the other 7 squads to use vehicles, rearm, refuel, or repair.

Now on the other hand the AI controlled enemy is a force to be reckoned with..lol. especially with the True View mod. I have yet to see them use any Air power but the endless barrage of tanks, bmps, bdrms, and uazs is sometimes.

Oh yeah! for some reason the arty seems very bugged, I can't seem to get them to fire unless I put one of my AI squad in as either gunner or pass. and usually they just either kill there selves or blow up half my base.

Try removing any and all add-ons that would or could possibly affect the behavior of the AI.

A while back some guy on my Evo server kept complaining that his squad members were complete idiots. Turns out he had some Add-on that worked great for every other mission but Evo.

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Thx, havent tried yet but I happened to realize that after I posted.

Ive been playing with a mod folder that Ive been using for experimenting and didnt think nothing of it. I'll try with vanilla later on today.

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Our server (=31stwc.com=), cranked the AI skill levels to 1.0 (Experts) and the view distance is increased to match. These guys don't mess around. The RACS will give both teams a run for their money during the early game. We also increased the initial number of Resistance groups that begin defending the towns. The end result is a good fight, no more blitzing up to the depots in a UAZ and capping.

As for the AI pathfinding problems, it seems that AI sometimes get stuck and can't plot a path... I think sometimes the Path node they wish to travel too is blocked by an obstruction, like a commander placed building and they don't see it as blocked, but they also can't figure out how to reach it or plot a path around it. Another way to imagine the problem is to think of it like the AI want to move to a certain Path Node, but they can't find a link to it from their current Path Node. Pathfinding is like playing a game of connect the dots, except the AI sometimes finds itself unable to draw a line between the 2 dots it sees as its choices. So they stand there, willing to move, but unable.  My own squad AI sometimes become confused and they won't move from their current spot. I therefore avoid giving them commands to move inside Warfare structures like Depots and Camps.

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Well playing SP still with vanilla arma didnt help my AI. Now the enemy is extremely good at using vehicles and such but my friendly AI no matter what will not use vehicles. (besides the few that are in my squad). I even let the AI be commander and still no tanks or anything.

Something else I noticed; While trying to take a town I was engaged with several RACs soldiers, when an SLA uaz came screaming up and took me out. I spawned at a nearby camp and started making my way back to the depot to try again. When I arrived the town had already been claimed by the SLA, now the RACs guys that I where fighting where standing next to the SLA uaz along with a squad of SLA. I watched for a few minutes as they walked around and did nothing to one another. When they finally spotted me they all opened fire. (on me)

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Well playing SP still with vanilla arma didnt help my AI. Now the enemy is extremely good at using vehicles and such but my friendly AI no matter what will not use vehicles. (besides the few that are in my squad). I even let the AI be commander and still no tanks or anything.

Something else I noticed; While trying to take a town I was engaged with several RACs soldiers, when an SLA uaz came screaming up and took me out. I spawned at a nearby camp and started making my way back to the depot to try again. When I arrived the town had already been claimed by the SLA, now the RACs guys that I where fighting where standing next to the SLA uaz along with a squad of SLA. I watched for a few minutes as they walked around and did nothing to one another. When they finally spotted me they all opened fire. (on me)

Pssst.... the AI is a double agent, he controls the bad guys and the good guys... at the same time.... it's a conspira-*crack*

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