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Problems while importing map data into visitor

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Hi folks,

my current problem is, that the imported terrain doesn't fit to the mapsize itself.

That's what I did until now:

1. loaded terrain data from SRTM1 NASA data into VTP.

2. cut out the appropriate part of the map and saved it as a *.bt file (terrain size is 5,12km x 5,12km)

3. loaded file into wilbur, greyscaled it, looked for min and max height.


4. made a nice pbl file for visitor

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class cfg









5. New Project in Visitor with the following details:


6. Import via png-picture into Visitor

And that's what I got: The map size (looking at the rulers on the map's edge) seems to be ok: 512 x 512 x 10m (per cell) equals 5120m x 5120m

But why is the map stuck in the lower left corner?  sad_o.gif


Well, any help is appreciated !!


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make sure the size of the map in wilbur is the right one you are using in visitor:

i mean, if your wilbur image is 512x512, then the island in visitor must be 5120x5120 in terrain size(meters)

also change parameters to 25 grid size and change pbl squaresize to 25 and try

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yes, that might solve the problem.

Another important thing: you did not mentioned the size of the texture layers you used.

In texture Layer ( (base (active)) chose edit, don't know what you have chosen, I feel that the maps are more fluid if you use 40.0x40.0m option, its up to you.

edit: Don't worry, you can fix that minor "problem" fast..



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Ok, thanks a lot guys. I'm already advanced a few steps. Map is now correct in editor and I even managed to get the background image working.:)


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