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Mr Groch

UserActions not visible, and disabling explosion

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I am interested in fixing RAS Parachute addon...

I have something like this in vehicle class:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class UserActions


class OpenChute


displayName = "Open Chute";

position = zamerny;

radius = 1;


condition = "dump = player getVariable ""ChuteOpen""; (gunner this == player) && isNil(""dump"")";

statement = "player setVariable [""ChuteOpen"",1]";

onlyForPlayer = 1;


class CutChute


displayName = "Cut Chute";

position = zamerny;

radius = 1;


condition = "dump = player getVariable ""ChuteOpen""; (gunner this == player) && !isNil(""dump"")";

statement = "player setVariable [""ChuteOpen"",2]";

onlyForPlayer = 1;



But after moving player into parachut (player moveingunner parachut),

player don't have those action visible. Those action will apeear

only after switching to 3rd Person View. Next when I switch bakc to 1st person view - it will be ok. Why? How to make this

actions visible all the time from the beginning?

Next thing is - when parachute will be destroyed - it will explode...

I have

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">destrType=DestructNo;

in vehicle class, but it will explode anyway...

I just want to destroy parachute and kill player in it, but without

making an explosion...


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Don't have the RAS addon, but a couple of things to try out.

Quote[/b] ]Those action will apeear only after switching to 3rd Person View. Next when I switch bakc to 1st person view - it will be ok. Why?

If you don't have the zamerny selection in the view-gunners LOD of the p3d, then try copying it in there.

Quote[/b] ]Next thing is - when parachute will be destroyed - it will explode...

Try experimenting with some of the other destruction types. Or, if the parachute has ammo and fuel, then try removing all of those with a script from the killed event.

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Quote[/b] ]Next thing is - when parachute will be destroyed - it will explode...

To remove the smoke/fire destruction particle effects:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class DestructionEffects {};

To remove the secondary (fuel/ammo) explosion:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">secondaryExplosion=false;

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Quote[/b] ]Next thing is - when parachute will be destroyed - it will explode...

To remove the smoke/fire destruction particle effects:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class DestructionEffects {};

To remove the secondary (fuel/ammo) explosion:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">secondaryExplosion=false;

Hmm.. Don't work.. Chute is still exploding when

it hit the ground...

driverOpticsModel = "\ca\weapons\optika_empty";

UnitInfoType = "UnitInfoCar";

selectionClan = "";

selectionDashboard = "";

selectionShowDamage = "";

selectionBackLights = "";

bounding = "doplnovani";

scope = 1;



mapSize = 5;

nameSound = "parachute";

accuracy = 0.5;



hasGunner = 1;

fuelCapacity = 0;

picture = "\ca\air\data\ico\Para_CA.paa";








gunnerCanSee = CanSeeEye+CanSeeEar+CanSeePeripheral;

secondaryExplosion = false;



maxSpeed = 200;

envelope[] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};

class DestructionEffects {};

class ViewPilot: ViewPilot


initFov=0.7; minFov=0.4; maxFov=0.95;

initAngleX=0; minAngleX=-70; maxAngleX=+70;

initAngleY=0; minAngleY=-110; maxAngleY=+110;


class Turrets


class MainTurret : NewTurret


body = "";

gun = "";

commanding = -1;

memoryPointsGetInGunner = "pos gunner";

memoryPointsGetInGunnerDir = "pos gunner dir";

weapons[] = {};

magazines[] = {};

castGunnerShadow = 1;

viewGunnerShadow = 1;

gunnerAction = "Para_Pilot";

gunnerInAction = "Para_Pilot";

showgunneroptics = 0;

gunnerForceOptics = 0;

gunnerOpticsShowCursor = 0;

class ViewGunner


initFov=0.7; minFov=0.4; maxFov=0.95;

initAngleX=0; minAngleX=-70; maxAngleX=+70;

initAngleY=0; minAngleY=-110; maxAngleY=+110;


class ViewOptics


initFov=0.7; minFov=0.4; maxFov=0.95;

initAngleX=0; minAngleX=-70; maxAngleX=+70;

initAngleY=0; minAngleY=-110; maxAngleY=+110;




occludeSoundsWhenIn = db-0;

obstructSoundsWhenIn = db-0;


class Reflectors {};

enableGPS = 0;

class AnimationSources


class hide_chute


source = "user";

animPeriod = 0;





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Quote[/b] ]Hmm.. Don't work.. Chute is still exploding when

it hit the ground...

I happened to be looking through the definition for class All in Bin.cfg. And noticed SecondaryExplosion was defined as:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">secondaryExplosion = -1;

Perhaps it's not supposed to be a true\false value?


Yep, spotted it in the wiki to:


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